Stewardship 101
So as we come to the first Sunday of January we are now afforded fresh opportunities to learn and grow. –There will be a focus on the many areas addressed in Scripture to which we are to be stewards. –It is my hope that all of us will experience growth as we examine this topic over the course of the next few weeks and the years to come.
GOAL: To get each of us (no matter where we are in our understanding of biblical stewardship) THINKING about the subject and consider ways we need to CHANGE to please God in this very important area of our Christian lives!
The Greek word for steward (oikonomenos) is literally “a housing one.” –One who is entrusted with his master’s household and was to consistently manage it in the master’s absence A good example today would be a manager of a business. »Often times the business owner is not around but he trusts a manager to oversee the day-to-day operations…
Main Point: You (as a Christian) are a steward! A concise definition would be: “God- given responsibility with accountability!” –it is not your choice… –Adult, married, or single, teen, or child… »The question is, are you a good one or a poor one?
Let’s be clear about this. –Stewardship is not just about money! Most of you when you heard stewardship the emphasis was probably on money and that is a part of stewardship… but I believe the Scriptures tell us that stewardship applies to all areas of life…
1.God owns everything – you own nothing! – James 1:17 All things are from God –Every act of giving and every good gift is from God…from the air that you breath to the clothes that you wear to the house you live in, the $ that you possess and your gifts and abilities, your wife/husband, kids, job, car, boat, toys…all is from the Lord! »He is unchangeable
2.God entrusts you with everything that you have – Matt. 7:11 God gives good things! God has entrusted you with everything that you have! You name it, He entrusted it to you!…and you are to manage it…It is better said that He entrusted you with what is His because “gave it” sounds like you own it.
3.You are responsible to increase what God has entrusted to you – Matt. 25:14-30 You either increase what God has entrusted to you or you diminish it! Why didn’t the one talent person increase his talent? –He was lazy!!
How do you diminish? –Neglect! How do you increase? –Give attention to what has been entrusted to you!
4.God can call you into account at any time – Luke 12:16-21 Why wasn’t this man a better steward of the opportunities that God gave him? –v. 21 – He stored up for himself!! –This leads to complacency…a self focus… Solution? v. 21 – Be rich toward God …This is your MOTIVATION
Lesson for Life What kind of steward are you? –a faithful steward or do you have the mentality of the ‘one talent’ person? What evidence is there in your lifestyle and habits that demonstrates that you understand that Christ could call you into account at any time? –Are you living for God? Or are you living for self? »How could you do better?
Final Thought Let’s be stewards who are willing to work hard and take a risk to advance the cause of Christ and bring glory to God in this community and around the world.