1. You should use a personal organizer to get an overview. 2. Spend your time on the right and important things. 3. Be concentrated! 4. Just do as much as you can do. Never do too much. 5. Don´t do things half-heartedly. 5 golden house rules of time management
Partner work Qais about Sebastian I think he would enjoy the rest of his life. He wouldn't give up his hobbies like playing tennis or playing football. I don't think he would travel around, he would just keep on things he do at the moment like listen to music or watch TV. I don't think he would cry the rest of the time, he would just take things how it is and maybe drink and make parties as much as he can. He would throw away the rest of his money for drinking and having fun. Sebastian about himself First I would be sad but then I would enjoy the last days of my life and try to have a lot of fun. I would try to do as much activities as possible with my friends like making very crazy things for example bungee jumping. Also I would spend a lot of time with my family and travel around the world and visite a lot of places. Of course I would try to fight against the death. Result: It would be hard for the person within such a short time. Some aspects were fitting but the most issues were wrong concerning the other person.
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