Presented by Dr. Choong-Koo Park Methodist Theological Seminary in Seoul Human Cloning viewed from a Christian deep ecological perspective
Dr. Choong-Koo Paul Park Professor of christian ethics at MTS since 1991; Visiting Professor at Emory, Drew, Cambridge University The graduate school of Drew University Ph.D 1991 Promotionsstudium, Bonn Universitaet Germany Vice-Pastor of Kwang-Lim Church Chairperson of the Association of Korean Christian Ethicists
Definitions Cloning denotes an asexual procreation of life through nuclear transfer technology Ecology is a study of ecosystem Deep Ecology deals with ecological issues on the level of beyond the phenomena of ecological crisis, from a theological and philosophical perspective
A Brief History of Cloning 1990 HGP was initiated 1993 Researchers cloned human embryos 1994 the first GMO tomato appeared 1996(7) Dolly, the first cloned mammal came out 1997 Polly, the first nuclear trasferred sheep bearing human gene appeared 1998 debate on the issue of embryonic stem cell research intensified
2001 The first human embryo was cloned 2001 USA, UK have approved therapeutic human embryonic research 2002 CNN reported that adult stem cell won’t work 2002 the first UK licenses for human embryonic stem cell research granted 2002 the first human clone will possibly appear in 7 months
Recent Issues in Human Cloning Human embryonic stem-cell research for healing of (degenerative) diseases Gene test for pre-diagnosis Gene transplant therapy Cloned Human organtransplant therapy Enhencement of human capabilities
What kinds of human embryonic stem cell researches are going on? Using Stem Cell for healing Using Stem Cell for enhancement Using Germ line Cell for healing Using Germ line Cell for enhancement
Pros for Human Cloning “The Development of human cloning is inevitable.” In the Congress Testimony by Panayiotis Zaos The procreative right of infertile parents Scientists’ right for attaining knowledge through embryological researches Life saving therapies Prevention of diseases by pre-diagnosis Enhencing human capabilities
Against Cloning Defective Child objections Guinia Pig objections Slavery and Spare Parts objections Potential Discrimination Religious objections Identity and sanctity objections Economical objections Ecological objections
Ecological Objections Cloning is too ego-centric Cloning is too homo-centric Cloning disorders the gene diversity of humankind Cloning for enhencement of human capabilities may tear down the natural equilibrium, and the interdependence of lives Cloning denies human destiny and nature Cloning denies the limits of the earth
Why Cloning is an Issue of Ecology? Because it is motivated by too homocentric motives Because it disorders the order of nature by enforcing mutations designed by homocentric ideas Because it may harm to the order of nature Because it is related to direct manipulation of life Because it may done without considering the impact of it in the future Because scientists are sinful human who are not fully responsible what they do
Why Cloning is an Issue of Deep Ecology? Egocentric world view: individualistic view of human life Capitalistic view of life Homocentric world view: communalistic view of human life communist view of life Ecocentric world view: symbiotic view of life in general deep ecological view of life
What can we do in the era of Genetic Engineering? Seek for the meanings beyond physical values Seek for the ways of living out the biocratic life style Teaching the limits of human nature Share the human suffering Have belief in peace with other creatures
Conclusion 1 False dualistic view of biotechnology is not sound Biotechnology for healing diseases is acceptable Biotechnology for enhencement of human capabilities should be banned, for it denies theological understanding of human nature Biotechnology should not harm the natural equilibrium Education for bio-centric life style should be focused from a deep ecological view of life Biosafty or bio-responsibility should be added to the lists of virtue
Conclusion 2 God, the creator, has entrusted us with care of the earth and its creatures toward healing and restoring creation Human beings have been made in the image of God and As a child of God, every human life is a gift of God. The efforts to get rid of genetic abnomalities should be respected beyond the genetic lottery. Thus, ethical standards are required to value biomedical research and treatment: “do not palying God.” Life, unformed and formed human life should be distinguisged (Jerome, Augustine, Cyril) By using the left-over embryos, somatic stem-cell transfer theraphy is tolerable, yet changing germ-line stem cell theraphy and cloning a new life should not be tolerated.
We need a deeper ecological faith and consciousness…. “A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated.” - From world scientists’ warning to humanity in