*I am the owner and director of a “Helping Hands” after school program for youth. *I am preparing this presentation for the principal, parents of students identified as “at- risk”, and teachers who listed students who they have a concern for. *The purpose of my presentation is to introduce to the parents, principal, and teachers our out reach program for helping youths at risk. *This will be an after school program that will assist children with education, services, counseling,and providing healthy snacks. Tonikua Archangel INTRODUCTION
YOUTH-AT-RISK YOUTH-AT-RISK 1. running away 2. drinking under age 3. committing acts of vandalism 4. engaging in sexual behavior 5. skipping school 6. displaying disruptive behavior 7. bullying/harassment 8. disability students National Center for School Engagement :: New Pathways for Youth:
Effects and Implications 1. dropping out of school 2. acquiring low paying jobs 3. adult dementia behavior 4.unemployment 5. suspension 6. mental health needs 7. truant behavior Short term and long term implications of these behaviors on a student’s ability to achieve academic success: ◦ 1. focus on core academic skills ◦ 2. smaller teacher to student ratio ◦ 3. tutoring and computer programs benefit academic skills ◦ * National Center for School Engagement :: ◦ *The National Mentoring Partnership:: ◦
SOLUTIONS: CREATING A FRAMEWORK 1. anger management groups 2. family/individual therapy 3. drug/alcohol treatment * * National Center for School Engagement :: *The Four Keys to Helping At-Risk Kids ::
SOLUTIONS: INTEGRATING A FRAMEWORK SOLUTIONS: INTEGRATING A FRAMEWORK 1. Schools need to encourage parents to get involved with their child’s school life 2. Families need help to get re-engaged in the schooling of their child 3. For students with serious attendance problems, mandatory parent/family rights on a weekly basis, help ensure that parents stay involved ◦ * * National Center for School Engagement :: *Changing Service Systems for High-Risk Youth Using State-Level Strategies:
PARTICIPANT ACTIVITY PARTICIPANT ACTIVITY I will have the audience fill out a survey online in regards to: ◦ 1. What does a student at-risk look like? ◦ 2. What are some of the factors that identify a child is at-risk? ◦ * I would list some of the things that helps identify a child at-risk ◦ *I would also list the services that we offer and some of the websites and resources that are available for further reading
SURVEY SURVEYLIST OF WARNING SIGNS SOLUTIONS WHAT DID YOU ENJOY ABOUT THE PRESENTATION? List some of the factors that indicate a student at risk AttendanceGroup Sessions Disruptive Behavior (Bullying/Fighting) Counseling WithdrawalEducation Mentoring
REFERENCES **Changing Service Systems for High-Risk Youth Using State-Level Strategies: * National Center for School Engagement :: * New Pathways for Youth: *The Four Keys to Helping At-Risk Kids :: *The National Mentoring Partnership::