Office of the Vice President and Dean CALS Spring Faculty/Staff Meeting March 28, 2016
Being the most sought-after place to be a part of Outcomes to Date Presentations on best practices for recruitment and hiringReview of the merit awarding process for faculty Informal Reviews/Formal Investigations: reinforcing stewardship, ethical behavior and adherence to organizational standards Promoting opportunities for learning and developmentPromoting life balance
Being the most sought-after place to be a part of Future Plans Create an onboarding experience to acclimate new employees into CALS’ culture and prepare them to contribute as quickly as possible Analysis of market and equity issuesProposal for an Annual Performance Based ComponentAlign reward and recognition program with CALS’ goalsCreate a leadership newsletter and/or blogSchedule regular open forums with leadershipEstablish cross-functional teams to enhance problem solving and collaboration
CALS Staff Council Bernadette Capossela, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Malisa Grantham, Cooperative Extension Robert Lanza, Family & Consumer Sciences Adriana Prado, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences Kevin Teres, CALS Business Services Elaine Mattes, Dean’s Office (ex officio)
CALS Appointed Professionals Council Susan McGinley, CALS Administration Brian Berrellez, CALS Business Services Susanna Eden, Water Resources Research Center Maria Marzinsky, CALS Business Services Mohammad Pessarakli, Plant Sciences Jeffrey Ratje, CALS Adminstration (ex officio)
CALS Faculty Council Joel Cuello, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering Peder Cuneo, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences Roger Dahlgran, Agricultural & Resource Economics Phil Guertin, Natural Resources & the Environment Sabrina Helm, Family & Consumer Sciences Matthew Mars, Agricultural Education Dave Moore, Natural Resources & the Environment Marc Orbach, Plant Sciences Ravi Palanivelu, Plant Sciences Donato Romagnolo, Nutritional Sciences Steve Smith, Natural Resources & the Environment Patricia Stock, Entomology Gayatri Vedantam, Animal & Comparative Biomedical Sciences Jim Walworth, Soil, Water & Environmental Science Muluneh Yitayew, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering
UA Faculty Senate Joel Cuello, Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering (CALS representative) Roger Dahlgran, Agricultural & Resource Economics (CALS representative) Phil Guertin, Natural Resources & the Environment (CALS representative) Ed Martin, Maricopa County Cooperative Extension (Senator-at-Large) Jean McLain, Soil, Water & Environmental Science (Senator-at-Large) Dennis Ray, Plant Sciences (ex officio, Undergraduate Council chair)