2011 Access and Equity Service Models Justin Brown (ACER) Michele Lonsdale (ACER) Stephanie Armstrong (ACER) Allie Clemans (Monash University) John Pardy (Monash University) May 2012
Project objectives Identify and examine common features and models Provide an assessment of what elements constitute an effective service delivery model Identify good practice for service delivery models for disadvantaged learners 2
Methodology 3 Action-learning research Four phases –Planning and review –Program connection –Program engagement –Reporting Two site visits Project forums (each site every six weeks)
Site visits (1st round) Design of information collection instruments Baseline information collection Scheduling of consultations Phase 1 Planning and review Phase 2 Program connection Phase 3 Program engagement Phase 4 Reporting Project initiation and Project Plan Review of current practice Data analysis Literature review Design of interview questionnaires Site visits (2nd round) Review case studies with program managers Review draft framework with program managers Draft Good Practice Framework Final Good Practice Framework Review questionnaires with program managers Review baseline information with program managers
Final products A Good Practice Resource Kit to support development of effective programs and service models Case studies with documented project outcomes, including examples of good practice Access and Equity Service Models for publication and presentation A Final Report, with evaluation framework, to provide an evidence base for the development of service models and strategies to engage the disadvantaged cohort 5
CLIENT Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : The client Educational disengagement Housing / accommodation Physical and mental health Finances Social disengagement Legal issues Drug and Alcohol Access to transport Settlement issues Prior learning Work experience Study readiness Work readiness Self-confidence Aspirations Interests
CLIENT Commonwealth Government State Government Registered Training Organisation Employment Services Provider Community Service Organisation Partnership brokers Referring agencies Employers Local Government National Partnerships Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : The partnership Educational disengagement Housing / accommodation Physical and mental health Finances Social disengagement Legal issues Drug and Alcohol Access to transport Settlement issues Prior learning Work experience Study readiness Work readiness Self-confidence Aspirations Interests
CLIENT Commonwealth Government State Government Registered Training Organisation Employment Services Provider Community Service Organisation Partnership brokers Referring agencies Employers Local Government National Partnerships Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : The supports Educational disengagement Housing / accommodation Physical and mental health Finances Social disengagement Legal issues Drug and Alcohol Access to transport Settlement issues Prior learning Work experience Study readiness Work readiness Self-confidence Aspirations Interests Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
CLIENT Commonwealth Government State Government Registered Training Organisation Employment Services Provider Community Service Organisation Partnership brokers Referring agencies Employers Local Government National Partnerships Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : The resources Seed funding Access and Equity Grants Victorian Training Guarantee DHS Springboard/Innovation Programs WELL, LLNP, DAWS, AAAP STEP, STEP ERS, Local and community programs Commonwealth-State Funding NP Youth Attainment NP Homelessness NP Indigenous Individual supports DSP, Newstart, Youth Allowance, AUSTUDY, ABSTUDY, TAFE concessions, scholarships Educational disengagement Housing / accommodation Physical and mental health Finances Social disengagement Legal issues Drug and Alcohol Access to transport Settlement issues Prior learning Work experience Study readiness Work readiness Self-confidence Aspirations Interests Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : The process PARTNERSHIP PROJECT Targeted projects delivering tailored services to disadvantaged learners from diverse backgrounds including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Refugees and asylum seekers Young people at-risk of homelessness Young people living in out-of-home care People experiencing homelessness Learners in regional, rural and remote areas PARTNERSHIP PROJECT Targeted projects delivering tailored services to disadvantaged learners from diverse backgrounds including: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Refugees and asylum seekers Young people at-risk of homelessness Young people living in out-of-home care People experiencing homelessness Learners in regional, rural and remote areas IMPLEMENTATION Attraction Recruitment Engagement Assessment Enrolment Design of training plan Delivery of training Referral and placement EVALUATION Outcomes Impact Partnership Process Sustainability PREPARATION Project inception Partnership formation Planning and design Resourcing Staff recruitment Mobilisation Communications strategy Guiding Principles Organisational Philosophies Monitoring and review
Contact details Justin Brown Senior Research Fellow Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) 19 Prospect Hill Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 t: f: e: w: 11
Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : Features of good practice Principles 1.Client-centred model - To provide continuous wrap-around support that places the leaner at the centre of the service delivery model. This approach recognises a unique starting point for each individual, listens to their voice and provides a pathway(s) for achievement. 2.Partnership approach - To deliver support through a co-ordinated network of partnering organisations which have access to complementary services and resources. The partnership approach includes the learner as a partner. The partner members (and its wider network) reflect the diverse nature of the client to ensure the necessary supports and structures can be provided. 3.Community support - To build, maintain and sustain strong community engagement, trust and ownership 4.Industry linkages - To build, maintain and sustain strong industry linkages, awareness and understanding of diverse learner needs 5.Staff recruitment and development - To ensure staff have the necessary knowledge, training and information required to support the learner 6.Monitoring and evaluation - To continuously improve systems, processes and outcomes through a robust monitoring and evaluation process Preparation 1.Project inception Memoranda of Understanding Agreement on goals, principles Support from senior leadership 2.Planning and design Alignment with research, evidence-based Built on strong understanding of target cohort in the local area Understanding of tension points and where support is needed 3.Resourcing Leveraging seed funding from multiple sources Ensure there are sufficient trained staff and facilities to deliver the support needed 4.Staff recruitment and training Diverse, knowledgeable staff Complementary skills across partners 5.Community engagement Targeted communications strategies for learners, employers and wider community 6.Employer linkages Identification of employers for referral and placement Implementation 1.Attraction and recruitment Understanding tension points in the Safe and welcoming physical environment (learning and non- learning) 2. Engagement 3. Assessment Education and training addressed alongside other needs 4. Enrolment 5. Design of training plan / delivery Learner-paced process Flexible Integrated skills development Contextualised Multiple entry and exit points 6. Referral 7. Placement Evaluation 1.Outcomes 2. Impact 3. Partnership 4. Process 5. Sustainability
Project NameASRCHanoverE36 Steps to Employment UBTECRMIT Target cohortRefugeesHomelessnessYoung people at- risk homelessness People with a disability Out-of-home careIndigenous Guiding Principles Partnership formation Lead partnersASRCHanoverAnchorCEBUBTECRMIT Supporting PartnersNMITCAEMorrisonsRadius Worktrainers Lisa LodgeFitzroy Stars MOU signed200? ? ? MOU prior to projectYes Yes?No Partnership maturity Formed ~2 years before preparation of grant submission Formed ~1-2 years before preparation of grant submission Formed in preparation of grant submission Continued to form during implementation of project Previous experience in similar projects High levels of collaboration prior to this project Some collaboration prior to this project Limited collaboration prior to this project No collaboration prior to this project Funds additional worker NoYes (Regina)Yes (Emily)Yes (Helen)No Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May : Characterising the partnerships
Learner with a disability Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May Steps to Employment Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
Learner with a disability Continuing Education Bendigo Worktrainers Bendigo Radius Disability Services Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May Steps to Employment Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
Learner with a disability Continuing Education Bendigo Worktrainers Bendigo Radius Disability Services Partnership brokers Referring agencies Employers Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May Steps to Employment Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
Learner with a disability Commonwealth Government State Government Continuing Education Bendigo Worktrainers Bendigo Radius Disability Services Partnership brokers Referring agencies Employers Local Government National Partnerships Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May Steps to Employment Seed funding Access and Equity Grants Other sources? Programs Funded programs? Commonwealth-State Funding Examples? Individual supports Disability Support Pension Centtrelink Other sources? Educational support Personal support Employment support Financial support
Good Practice Framework Outline DRAFT – not for distribution 10 May Steps to Employment Six Steps to Employment IMPLEMENTATION EVALUATION PREPARATION Guiding Principles Organisational Philosophies Monitoring and review