State Courts Chapter 24 Section4
2 Functions of State Courts 1. Settle Dispute (People Vs People/People Vs Government) 2. Exercise Judicial Review (Checking the conduct of all state and local governments)
5 Categories of State Law 1. Constitution Law 1. Highest form of law in this country 2. Law based on the interpretation of the U.S. and State Constitutions
5 Categories of State Law 2. Statutory Law 1. Law dealing with written statutes (laws) passed by any legislative body (Congress, State Leg., City Council, Etc)
5 Categories of State Law 3. Administrative Law 1. Law dealing with federal, state, or local regulations
5 Categories of State Law 4. Common Law 1. Common Law is unwritten, on precedents (guide to be followed in future cases of a similar nature) 2. Most legal disputes in American courts are fought out largely over the applicator of precedents 1. Statutory law overrides common law but most written laws are based on common law.
5 Categories of State Law 5. Equity Law 1. Similar to common law except in the fact that common law is remedial while equity law is preventative (common law seeks to remedy matters after they have taken place, equity law seeks to stop wrongs before they occur)