Stress Stress – response of the body to any demand made upon it. 2 types Acute – short-term response to danger or a situation Chronic – continuous response to danger or a situation (takes a long time to recover)
Stress Eustress – Good stress Distress – Bad stress
Stress Response (3 stages) #1 - Fight or Flight response (acute stress)
Stress Response Fight or Flight Abrupt physical change on the body Increase Heart rate Increase Respiration Eyes dilate Digestion Stops (slows) Increase Sweating Muscular Tension Increase blood pressure
Stress Response (3 stages) #2 Stage of Resistance Not acute-- Dealing with stress over time. Body is always “on guard” Stress that reappears often Financial stress Relationship Bullying This is when learning how to deal with STRESS is important.
Stress Response (3 stages) #3 – Stage of Exhaustion The body can no longer physically deal with chronic stress. Types of Exhaustion Physical Pathogen Mental Physical Problems Created high blood pressure, ulcers, heart damage
When facing a stressor… Ask yourself… #1. “Does a threat really exist? #2. “Is the issue important to me?” #3. “Can I make a difference?” If you answer no to any of these, do not waste your energy!!!!
Kicking stress in the you know where! #1. Recognize the stress causers #2. Make healthy lifestyle changes #3. Get organized #4. Learn to say “no”! #5. Relaxation