Introduction References Methods - Model Goals Results Conclusions Methods - Session Emergency Medicine (EM) physicians are expected to successfully reduce priapism, paraphimosis and phimosis. These are rare procedures, as a result residents may have difficulty developing clinical competency. We hypothesize that simulation with realistic models will develop these skills and improve procedural comfort. No male genitourinary models are commercially available for these procedures. A few examples have been presented, which were reusable silicone cylinders with a central space for imitation blood. We further developed this concept in a number of ways to create a novel model used during a PGY-2 EM resident skills session. Click headings to further view content Novel Priapism Model for Use in Resident Procedural Education Stapleton S 1, Fralliciardi A 1,2, Lotterman S 1,2 Develop a standardized reusable novel male GU model Training emergency medicine residents Interventions for priapism, phimosis and paraphimosis Increase EM resident comfort Increase EM resident competency Performing a penile block at the 10:00 and 2:00 position Correct needle transverse and longitudinal axis locations for priapism drainage Reducing a phimosis and paraphimosis EM PGY-2 GU skill session Pre and post session survey 6 and 12 m surveys pending Annual sessions Silicone – based with replaceable tubing Alginate - based mold of a false male phallus Silicone poured into mold Central pair of greased dowels as corpus cavernosa Phallus demolded and rods were removed Glans was coated in petroleum jelly Model re-coated in silicone 5 mm cut at silicone layer tip Capped latex tubing placed inside the ‘cavernosa’ Standardized reusable novel male GU models can be made quickly from widely available products. Creating and using a novel procedure model during a simulation session improves EM residents’ comfort and competence. We found EM residents benefited from a realistic simulation model; they developed the procedural skills that can lead to clinical success. Batra S, et al. An Innovative Approach to Simulating Genitourinary Procedures” Poster presentation, CORD Academic Assembly, March Moschella P, et al. Resident Driven Creation of a Novel Low-Cost but High-Fidelity Simulation Model of Ischemic Priapism. Poster Presentation, SAEM May University of Connecticut. Farmington, CT 2. Hartford Hospital. Hartford, CT Emergency Medicine physicians are expected to successfully reduce priapism, paraphimosis and phimosis. These are rare procedures, as a result residents may have difficulty developing clinical competency. We created a standardized novel male GU model as none are commercially available. It is low cost, reproducible and easily made from readily available items. These models were used in the PGY-2 skill session, with a pre and post survey containing both subjective and objective questions. EM residents’ comfort levels increased 2 points on the Likert scale. We found EM residents benefited from a realistic simulation model; they developed the procedural skills that can lead to clinical success. Abstract QuestionScalePrePost Current comfort level with draining a priapism How many priapisms have you drained#<1 - What are the indications for priapism drainage%100 Where do you perform a penile nerve block%88100 What medication may you inject into the penis%100 Where do you drain blood%94100 When do you stop draining blood%88 Do you feel you have the knowledge to perform this procedure % yes-93.3 Was this a valuable experience% yes Do you think this will help you clinically% yes-100.0