1 Advanced Biochemistry 高等生化學 Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids 陳威戎
2 1. Some Basics 2. Nucleic Acid Structure 3. Nucleic Acid Chemistry 4. Other Functions of Nucleotides Outline
Structure of nucleotides
Major purine bases of nucleic acids
Major pyrimidine bases of nucleic acids
Conformations of ribose
Deoxyribonucleotides of nucleic acids
Ribonucleotides of nucleic acids
Nucleotide and nucleic acid nomenclature
Some minor purine and pyrimidine bases
Some adenosine monophosphates
Phosphodiester linkages in the covalent backbone of DNA and RNA
Hydrolysis of RNA under alkaline conditions
Tautomeric forms of uracil
Schematic representation of nucleotide sequence
Absorption spectra of common nucleotides
Hydrogen-bonding patterns in the base pairs defined by Watson and Crick
The Avery-Macleod-McCarty experiment
The Hershey-Chase experiment
X-ray diffraction pattern of DNA
Watson-Crick model for the structure of DNA
Complementarity of strands in the DNA double helix
Replication of DNA as suggested by Watson and Crick
Structural variation in DNA
Comparison of A, B, and Z forms of DNA
Palindromes and mirror repeats
Hairpins and cruciforms
DNA structures containing three of four DNA strands- Hoogsteen pairing Hoogsteen pairing
DNA structures containing three of four DNA strands- Guanosine tetraplex
DNA structures containing three of four DNA strands- H-DNA
Prokaryotic mRNA
Typical right-handed stacking pattern of single-stranded RNA
Secondary structure of RNAs
Base-paired helical structures in an RNA
Three-dimensional structure in RNA
Reversible denaturation and annealing (renaturation) of DNA
Heat denaturation of DNA
Partially denatured DNA
DNA hybridization
Some well-characterized nonenzymatic reactions of nucleotides
Formation of pyrimidine dimers induced by UV light
Chemical agents that cause DNA damage
Alkylating agents- dimethylsulfate
DNA sequencing by the Sanger method
Strategy for automating DNA sequencing reactions
Chemical synthesis of DNA
Nucleoside phosphates
The phosphate ester and phosphoanhydride bonds of ATP
Some coenzymes containing adenosine
Three regulatory nucleotides