Whale Done Approach By Shruti Gupta
A Story about Wes Kingsley ……..
Steps in Training the Killer Whale Build trust Reward positive behaviour Re-direct the behaviour whenever there is a mistake Never punish!!
Training to improve Killer Whale’s performance First the SeaWorld trainers would place the rope down in the water where the killer Whale could swim either under it or over it. Next the SeaWorld trainers raise the rope a little bit at a time. Ofcourse this is easy for a killer whale –killer whales jump naturally while they are in the wild. So actually a killer whale doesn’t really need to be trained in How to jump Finally, the SeaWorld trainers raise the rope so high that the killer whale is making spectacular leaps in the training pool. Trick accomplished…even so the killer whale will still get a nice reward every time he performs the trick.
Key Learning’s Build trust Accentuate the positive and not the negative When mistake happens, redirect energy.
Real Life Situation Now if we put this in our real life situation, we will see that when we deal with people we don’t like, we look at their mistakes, errors and shortcomings more. Whereas in a situation when are near and dear ones are involved, we look for only the positive qualities. This is because then our goal is to keep them motivated and to sustain the relationship. This holds good for the work environment as well.
Types of Responses in Organisation No response: most popular one, people are accustomed to being ignored. Negative response: The response people really pay attention to this. Which comes in the form of angry look, verbal criticism or a penalty. Redirection: Most effective way to address the undesirable behaviour. Redirect their energy and attention either back to what they are suppose to do or onto something else. Redirect to another task and observe their performance and catch them doing something right. Best way to turn countless low morale situations around. them Positive Response: least used and very powerful.
Solution of these responses Describe the error or problem as soon as possible, clearly without blame Show its negative impact If appropriate, take the blame for not making the task clear Go over the task in detail and make sure it is clearly understood Express your continuing trust and confidence in the person
A whale done response Praise immediately Be specific Share positive feelings Encourage them to keep up the good work Therefore in Organisations: Catching people doing things wrong is the motto Whereas in Whale done: Catching people doing things right is the motto
What’s in there for: Us: Reduce stress Get more done Just plain feel better Organisations Increase retention of top performers Increase creativity and innovation Improve service to team members and stakeholders Inspire passion and boost performance
Conclusion People, very much like whales, will not do anything for you until they trust you To build trust, you must accentuate the positive and not the negative Do not accentuate the negative behaviour. When negative behaviour occurs, redirect the energy Do not expect them to do something just because you want something done
In everyday situations, notice the good and you feel fine and attract more good. If you notice the bad, you feel awful and you attract more bad. So why not notice the good? Thankyou