Rotary District 5500 Grant Management Webinar
Overview & General Information PDG Teree Bergman, Grants Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 3 Seminar Purpose Learn the types of Rotary Foundation grants Learn how grants are funded Learn how to prepare a successful application Learn how to apply for and manage grants Learn stewardship expectations
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 4 Two Types of Foundation Grants 1.District Grants – Small Projects – District sets rules within Rotary Foundation Guidelines – Available funding dependent upon district giving to the Foundation 3 years previous 2.Global Grants – Large Projects – Rotary Foundation sets rules – District Grants Committee must review applications – District Governor and Foundation Chair must approve application
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 5 Areas of Focus Peace and conflict prevention/resolution Disease prevention and treatment Water and sanitation Maternal and child health Basic education and literacy Economic and community development
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 6 Needs Assessments Conduct thorough assessment of community needs and strengths Talk to community members directly Start with needs assessment rather than project plan
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 7 Detailed Project Plan Provide detailed project implementation plan Involve beneficiaries in project design
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 8 Rotarian Involvement Provide detailed list of tasks for host and international Rotarians
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 9 Communication Is Critical Before starting the application: Talk to the appropriate person in D5500 Global Grants: Ellie Patterson in , Sally Montagne in District Grants: Bob White For global grants, you also may want to talk to TRF staff During the application & Implementation: Continue the dialog
District Grants Bob White, District Grants Subcommittee Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 11 Today’s Discussion Understand how to successfully Apply for and Manage a D5500 District Grant Understand the importance of detailed Record Keeping and timely submission of Final Report
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 12 Two Types District Grants Small ($2000 max) New, Short-term projects Club must be Qualified Align with a Rotary Area of Focus Sustainability preferred Must have Club and Rotarian participation Large (>$ $8000) New, Short-term projects Club must be Qualified Align with a Rotary Area of Focus Must be Sustainable Must have Club and Rotarian participation
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 13 District 5500 Grant Rules Up to $56K available in Clubs limited to one District Grant at a time (unless an exception is granted if funding is available after 1 Dec) Project may be international or local Must be Rotarian planned and executed Club matching funds must be cash May not be used to fund Vocational Training Teams, Microcredit, or Scholarships Preference to projects that can be completed within the current Rotary year
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 14 District 5500 Grant Rules, Cont. Applications accepted between 1 Jul-1 Sep and must be finalized NLT 15 Oct Clubs finalizing Applications after 1 Sep must submit a “Request for Funds” prior to 1 Oct in order to be considered in the District’s Spending Plan Applications submitted after 15 Oct will be considered on a case-by-case basis, provided funding is still available All international air travel must be booked through Rotary International Travel Services (RITS) International projects must include a local Rotary club partner
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 15 Project Selection Steps 1.Conduct a Needs Assessment Start with a Needs Assessment, not a project Consider whether you can complete project within the Rotary year 2.Review Areas of Focus Identify the most appropriate AoF Design your project based on the AoF selected 3.Budget – Cash Counts Remember: Major purchase = Competitive bids 4.Rotary Club Involvement Member participation is a major consideration and discriminator during application review/approval 5.Sustainability Plan for local ownership after you have gone Measurable outcomes will better sell your project
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 16 Applying for a Grant: Method 1 (do-it-yourself) Download the District Grant Application from the D5500 website and read it carefully Fill in all of the information required on the document (it is an MS WORD formatted document) Submit a signed copy, along with all supporting documentation to the District Grants Subcommittee Chair before 1 Sep
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 17 Method 2 (Team Approach), Part 1 Download the District Grant Application from the D5500 website and read it carefully Fill in all of the information required on the document (it is an MS WORD formatted document) Do not sign it (yet) but a copy, along with all supporting documentation, to the District Grants Subcommittee Chair Chair will review it and offer constructive recommendations
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 18 Method 2 (Team Approach), Part 2 Accept those recommendations that you agree with and produce a final Application Submit a signed copy, along with any additional supporting documentation that you have gathered, to the District Grants Subcommittee before1 Sep Assuming timely Rotary Foundation approval of the District’s Spending Plan, grant checks for approved projects should be available by mid-Nov
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 19 Record Keeping and Retention Records to gather and keep: Club Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Project Needs Assessment and Budget Beneficiary documents and letters of agreement Vendor quotes and agreements (especially all competitive bids) Income and expense account ledgers Bank statements Record of funds transfer (i.e., to International Rotary Partner Club)
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 20 More Record Keeping and Retention Receipts and invoices WARNING: Without receipts to document expenditures you may be required to return some or all of your District Grant matching funds Correspondence Especially with any Cooperating Organization and/or an International Rotary Club Photos Retain all records for a minimum of 5 years after project completion
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 21 District Grant Final Report To Whom: Timetable: District Grants Subcommittee Chair Final Report due by May 1 or within 60 days of project completion NOTE: If the project is not completed by the 1 May deadline then a Progress Report must be submitted including all information as of that data and the anticipated project completion date
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 22 District Grant Final Report Format Section I. Project Description If nothing has changed since project approval then this is simply a repeat of the Application Section II. Financial Report A table listing all funding received by the club A table listing all expenditures with copies of receipts provided for expenditures in excess of $50 Section III. Club Leadership Signatures
Global Grants Ellie Patterson, District 5500 Global Grants Subcommittee Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 24 Global Grant Basics Large, long-term projects Sustainable, measurable outcomes Alignment with areas of focus International partnership World Fund match
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 25 Global Grant Applications Applications submitted online: No application deadlines Submit applications at least 90 days prior to travel
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 26 Areas of Focus Review areas of focus policy statements Identify most appropriate area of focus based on needs assessment Design project based on identified area of focus Ensure that all project activities relate to the area of focus goals
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 27 Budget Provide detailed budget Include vendor information and explain how vendors were selected
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 28 Training Information Include detailed information for each training opportunity Frequency Curricula Target audience (specific beneficiaries, adults vs. children, etc.) Trainer
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 29 Cooperating Organization MOU Include MOUs for each cooperating organization
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 30 Measurement and Evaluation Include specific information related to measurement and evaluation
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 31 Complete the Application Complete the entire application!
District Designated Funds PDG Ernie Montagne, District Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 3333 The Rotary Foundation Supports YOUR Club Projects Invest funds 3 yrs – earnings support operations D5500 Account $ Rotary World Fund Account $ $111K Up to $200K per grant Apply for District Grant Apply for Global Grant Up to $50K per grant Up to $8K per Timeline Clubs In D5500 D5500 Rotary Intl Contribute $222K To AF- SHARE $222K Up to $55.5K District Grant Account $ Apply for (block) District Grant Note: Up to $11K (5%) earmarked Timeline
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 34 District 5500 Global Grant Funding Model TRF World Fund supports global grants One to one match for DDF.5 to one for cash (note: 5% admin fee) D5500 relies primarily on DDF Clubs contribute cash to Annual Fund D5500 provides DDF (up to $55K) 150% on first $20, % on next $20,000 $0 match after that
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 35 Example: $65,500 Project DDFCashWorld FundTotal Amount D9100-Africa D9100 Club D5500 D5500 Club#1 D5500Club#2 Total
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 36 Example: $65,500 Project DDFCashWorld FundTotal Amount D9100-Africa $2000 $4000 D9100 Club $1050$500$1500 D5500 D5500 Club#1 D5500Club#2 Total $5500
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 37 Example: $65,500 Project DDFCashWorld FundTotal Amount D9100-Africa $2000 $4000 D9100 Club $1050$500$1500 D5500 $30,000 $60,000 *D5500 Club#1 *D5500Club# 2 Total $65,500 Note. D5500 Clubs contribute $20,000 to Annual Fund.
Community Needs Assessments & Sustainability PDG Sally Montagne, Annual Giving Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 39 Needs Assessment Basics Required for all Global Grants Global Grants must be Community Driven – i.e. Designed by the host community – Based on needs They have identified Example: Visit village and see no books or school supplies Apply for grant to get supplies vs. Meet with Village members and learn few can afford school fees and they want way to pay school fees so all can go to school
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 40 Needs Assessment Methods Ask community leaders and residents Bring in other community groups, govt. officials, NGOs, religious leaders Determine the greatest need for the most needy residents Determine assets & community strengths
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 41 Community Input Sources Community forums or meetings Surveys: face-to-face, survey forms Observations through fieldwork Key informant interviews – do several Work through schools to reach parent groups Utilize Peace Corps Volunteers if available – Including returned volunteers Previous Assessments and Trends over time Input from Service Providers
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 42 Needs Assessment Sources: Other Groups Governmental Agencies – Health, Education, Water Local Community Health Workers Teachers Religious Leaders NGOs in the area Partnerships Can Magnify Impact and lead to Sustainability
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 43 Needs Assessments: Other Sources Rotary Action Groups Internet research – general overview – Guide to Country Profiles Rotary Clubs in area or have done projects in area Returned Peace Corps Volunteers – especially country- focused returned groups
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 44 Consider Project Impact Determine the greatest need for the most needy residents What program would have the most impact on the community? Are computers for an elementary school appropriate if there is no middle school or there is no clean water and many in the community are sick?
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 45 Evaluate Community Resources Are electricity and other utilities available? Are there shipping and customs concerns? Is start-up training needed? Can equipment be maintained in the future? Are parts available in country? University nearby or interested in area? Businesses with volunteers or resources? Peace Corps Volunteers in the area? Compatible NGOs in the area? Is internet available?
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 46 Sustainability Insure Impact Continues Train local doctors, as well as treat patients Start local business to help pay expenses Enable community to continue on its own Teach water harvesting Locally available parts, native plants
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 47 Include Sustainability in Grant Application Clearly explain specific sustainability components
Oversight, Records, Qualification Jim Nook, Stewardship Chair
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 49 Financial Management Plan Written plan (search “Club Qualification Memorandum of Understanding Worksheet” at Bank account District Grant: May use existing club account BUT… Global Grant: Separate account for each grant, two signatories Maintain standard set of accounts for income and expense for each grant Excel, QuickBooks, hard copy ledger book
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 50 Accountability Disbursement of funds Who authorizes? Pay by check Inventory of equipment and other assets Monthly bank reconciliation Plan for transferring custody of bank account
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 51 Record Keeping Records to keep: Club Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Project Needs Assessment and Budget Beneficiary documents and letters of agreement Vendor quotes and agreements Income and expense account ledgers Bank statements Record of funds transfer (International Rotary Partner Club) Receipts Correspondence
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 52 Club Qualification Clubs must be qualified to receive funds Qualification must be renewed annually Provides current information on grant procedures Leads to proper financial controls and good project management
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 53 Qualification Requirements Attend a grant management seminar (2 club members must attend a seminar in 15-16) Submit club MOU, read, understood, and signed by: Club president Club president Be in good standing as defined by district bylaws Contribute to Annual Fund in
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 54 Good Standing Club must be current on District dues Club must be current on RI dues Club president-elect must attend PETS (Presidents- Elect Training Seminar)
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 55 Memorandum of Understanding Three pages, covering: 1.Terms of qualification 2.Club leadership responsibilities for qualification 3.Financial management plan 4.Bank account requirements 5.Report on use of grant funds 6.Document retention 7.Reporting misuse of grant funds
Thank You! Sheryl Christensen, District Governor Elect
Resources RI & District
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 58 TRF & RI RESOURCES Guide to Global Grants Online application process aide Learning Center Rotary Support Center Grants staff
10 WAYS TO IMPROVE YOUR GLOBAL GRANT APPLICATION | 59 District Resources Teree Bergman – Ernie Montagne - Sally Montagne - Jim Nook - Ellie Patterson - Bob White -