PELAGIC BIRDS -birds that nest on land but feed entirely or partially at sea
Bird Groups Associated with the Ocean Loons Grebes Shearwaters Storm-Petrels Pelicans Frigatebirds Gannets Albatross Boobies Tropicbirds Cormorants Anhingas Herons and Egrets Flamingoes Geese and Ducks Osprey Plovers and Sandpipers Gulls Jaegers and Skuas Terns Skimmers Auks (Murres, Black Skimmer,Puffin, etc) Oystercatchers Penguins
BIRD CHARACTERISTICS Most have hollow bones Specialized beaks Specialized feet Most use wings for locomotion FEATHERS-variety Contour feathers=flight Down feathers=trap warmth close to skin
WATER PROOF Feathers Down feather-close to skin/trap warmth Contour or body feathers Specialized feathers called powder feathers grow continuously and help in waterproofing. KERATIN Pigeal gland on rump secretes an oil that the bird spreads on itself
SODIUM CHLORIDE Salty diet Many drink the ocean water Salt gland collects salt in the body “Sneeze” and/or drips out excess
BUOYANCY Squeeze the air out of their feathers BIG exhale (get all air out of their lungs) Use the momentum of the dive to counteract buoyancy Cormorants actually get ‘wet’ so they don’t have air trapped in their feathers.
SPECIALIZED BILLS Surface feeders Flyers/Dippers/Skimmers Feed on fish, squid, krill Hooked bill/filtering bill Pursuit divers Wings and feet provide propulsion underwater This increased ability underwater has limited abilities on land Heavier/streamlined bill
SPECIALIZED BILLS Plunge divers Momentum of dive (70’) Restricted hunting grounds- clear waters Depend of dolphins etc. to push shoals of fish to surface Kleptos Stealing food/eggs from other birds Scavengers Eat carrion
SPECIALIZED FEET Semi palmate Partial webbing Occasional swimming but walking on soft surfaces Palmate Partially webbing (3 toes) Totipalmate Totally webbing Efficient swimming Lobate Lobed toes Webbing opens when pushed backwards through water Ie.. Gulls, ducks Ie.. Cormorants, boobies Ie.. Grebes Ie.. Plovers, shore birds
COUNTERCURRENT EXCHANGE Warm blood in arteries are in close proximity of cool blood in veins Move in opposite directions Warm blood exchanges it heat with cool blood (heats is up)
PENGUINS 17 species Only found on southern hemisphere Highly specialize marine birds 75% life in water All 17 species are protected from hunting and egg collecting
WHAT MAKES PENGUINS SPECIAL? Flightless birds Wings are modified paddle shaped flippers Propel themselves through water by flapping their wings Fusiform shaped body Tapered at both ends Counter shading Dorsal dark/ventral white
WHAT MAKES PENGUINS SPECIAL? Bones not very hollow More dense Act as a diver’s weight belt Highly specialized feathers Short, broad and closely spaced 100 feathers / square inch Complete molters
WHAT MAKES PENGUINS SPECIAL? Legs and totipalmate feet set far back on body Short For efficient swimming Tail Short and wedge shaped Used as prop on land Eyes Near sighted on land Nictitating membrane
BEHAVIOR HUDDLING -warmth COURTSHIP-mating TOBBAGONING- getting somewhere fast on land
THREAT POSTURES-defending nests and/or mate VOCALIZATIONS- mates recognition, parent/chick recognition, territorial PREENING- waterproofing themselves
SLEEPING THERMOREGUALATI ON-air conditioning PORPOSING-getting somewhere fast in water
Longevity and Mortality Average life span: years in wild High mortality in young 50% King penguin chicks die of starvation 90% Emperor chicks experience mortality in 1 st year of life Predators Aquatic: Seals, sharks or killer whales Terrestrial: Foxes, snakes, stoats, birds Gulls and ibises eat 40% of African penguin eggs Humans
HUMAN IMPACT Early explorers found them easy pickin’s for a source of fresh meat and eggs 300,000 eggs taken in annual harvests of African penguins Fishing practices Overharvesting of fish that are main staple of their diets Introduction of mammals (rats, dogs, pigs, and ferrets) prey on chicks and eggs Building activities and road construction Trash in ocean Oil spills Reduces their waterproofing and insulating properties Hypothermia Ingesting from preening Pesticides-DDT
CONSERVATION All 17 species are legally protected from hunting and egg collecting Antarctic Treaty-signed by 12 nations to protect Antarctic and its resources CITES –Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species IUCN/ World Conservation Union ESA-Endangered Species Act LEGAL PROTECTION REFUGES Wildlife areas- islands being proclaimed sanctuaries Zoos- opportunities to see penguins educate public Breeding programs –SSP’s