Breeds of Poultry Mr. Chudej
Parts of a Chicken
Asiatic Class Used to develop breed in American and English Classes Characterized as large bodies, heavy bones, and feathered shanks All breeds have yellow skin, Red ear lobes and lays brown eggs Asiatic Class
Asiatic Class Brahma Originated in India Colors vary from light to buff to dark Mature birds weight 9 ½ to 12lbs Asiatic Class
Asiatic Class Cochin Feathering is extremely long and abundant Mature bird weights 8 ½ to 11 lbs Colors are Black, buff, partridge, white Asiatic Class
Asiatic Class Langshan Originated in China Mature bird weights 8 to 10 lbs Greenish black and white in color Asiatic Class
English Class Largely known for meat qualities All have white skin except the Carnish which has yellow skin Lay brown shelled eggs English Class
English Class Australorp Developed in Australia Mature bird weights 6 ½ to 8 ½ lbs Has Dark plumage English Class
English Class Cornish Popular for broiler production Mature bird weights 8 to 10 ½ lbs White and Dark colors English Class
English Class Orpington Mature bird weights 8 to 10 lbs Loose feathering Black, buff, white and blue in color English Class
Mediterranean Class Smaller in Size Characterized by white ear lobs, large combs, and clean legs Early-maturing Lay white-shelled eggs Raised for egg production Mediterranean Class
Mediterranean Class Ancona Mature bird weights 4 ½ to 6 lbs Greenish-black in color Yellow skin, shanks, and beak Mediterranean Class
Mediterranean Class Leghorn Mature bird weights 4 ½ to 6 lbs White, buff and brown in color Number 1 Egg layer Mediterranean Class
Mediterranean Class Minorca Mature bird weights 7 to 9 lbs White, buff, and black in color White skinned Mediterranean Class
American Class Both egg and meat production Yellow skin and shanks, Red ear lobes and non feathered shanks Lay brown-shelled eggs American Class
American Class Jersey Giant Largest of American Breeds Weights 10 to 13 lbs Black and white in color American Class
American Class New Hampshire Meat and Egg Production Weights 6 1/3 to 8 ½ lbs Red and white in color American Class
American Class Plymouth Rock Most Popular Weights 7 ½ to 9 ½ lbs White and Barred American Class
American Class Rhode Island Red Best egg layer Weights 6 ½ to 8 ½ lbs Red In color American Class
American Class Wyandotte Meat and Egg production Weights 6 ½ to 8 ½ lbs Lays brown-shelled eggs White and black in color American Class