WHAT IS POULTRY? Domestic birds raised for eggs and meat
Domestication- Chickens- 4,000 BC in Southeast Asia Turkeys domesticated and originated in the New World Ducks and geese have originated from all over the world.
Economic Importance Consumption of poultry and poultry products have increased for the last 30 years. Americans eat about 250 eggs, 82 lbs of chicken, and 18 lbs of turkey a year Poultry production ranks 1 st over beef and swine for pounds of meat consumed Some of the largest farms in the US are poultry productions. Poultry farms raise thousands of animals at one time.
ChickensTurkeys DucksGeese Captive Game Birds
Game Birds- fowl for which there is a hunting season; includes fighting chickens Fowl- any bird, but generally refers to the larger ones. Generally only poultry species Exotic Fowl- non- indegenous, non-livestock species often kept for ornamental reasons Ratite- ostrich, emu, cassowary, and rhea Molting- shedding of feathers
Names Chick= Baby chicken Cockerel- young male chicken Cock or Rooster= adult male chicken Pullet= young female chicken Gander= male goose Goose= female geese Hen= adult female chicken, turkey, duck, pheasant Tom= male turkey Poult= young turkey Drake= male duck Duckling= young duck Gosling= young goose
Chickens Either layers or broilers - Layer produces large amounts of eggs - Brown or white eggs depending on breed - Broilers raised for meat- young chickens marketed at about 8 weeks - Roasters are mature chickens used for meat - Game or Cornish chickens are popular breeds of meat chickens
General Knowledge Bantam- miniature chicken or ornamental chicken; valued as a hobby More than 200 recognized breeds of chickens One single breed of turkeys but with eight varieties Ducks are either meat producers or egg producers Ducks reach market weight of 7lbs in 8 weeks
General Knowledge II ► Chickens lay about 250 eggs per year ► The Khaki Campbell breed of duck is egg laying champ with about 350 eggs per year ► Geese are raised primarily for meat ► Captive Game Birds- pheasants, quail, chukar, partridge, and piegons ► Game birds are used for meat, eggs, and hunting purposes
Approved Practices Purchase with a specific use in mind Purchase from a trustable breeder or hatchery Purchase animals that are immune or free from disease Ensure proper housing, equipment, feed, and water is available Properly clean and disinfect facilities in between groups of animals