Kirsten Serrano Small Wonder Farm
5.2 acres 25 chickens 2 goats 2 dogs 2 cats 20’ x 36’ high tunnel ¼ acre garden Small orchard Meadow Woods
Pasture Raised Protein Circle of Life Enjoyment Family Easy
Eggs or Meat, pasture is better Know what the inputs are Quality over quantity/price eggs from hens raised on pasture may contain up to: 1/3 less cholesterol 1/4 less saturated fat 2/3 more vitamin A 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids 4 to 6 times as much Vitamin D 3 times more vitamin E 7 times more beta carotene
Life lived authentically Farmer harvests the eggs, meat, fertilizer Skipping the middlemen, the chemicals, and the unsafe and immoral factory Pasture, produce Chicken Soil
Respect your food
Sourcing chicks Mail order Buying Locally Hatching your own Straight-run v. Pullets Meat and/or Eggs and/or Beauty
Hundreds of breeds Murray McMurray chicken selector iPhone app Many, many books and websites
Commercial chicken farming relies primarily on just three breeds — the White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red and Indian Game. 8 pounds in 8 weeks Chickens are losing (many have lost) their ability to be chickeny
Food Shelter Water Fresh Air and Sunshine Protection from Predators