ESTONIAN RURAL NETWORK Ave Bremse Estonian Rural Network Unit 21th April 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

ESTONIAN RURAL NETWORK Ave Bremse Estonian Rural Network Unit 21th April 2016

FACTS ABOUT ESTONIA Neigbours Latvia and Russia, and a maritime boundary with the Finland and Sweden. Area: km². Estonia has 1521 Baltic Sea islands, of which biggest are Saaremaa (2671 km2), Hiiumaa (989 km2) Population: (as of January 1, 2015); 37% of Estonia’s population lives in rural areas Population density: 30 residents per km2

Some facts of agriculture Agricultural area: hectares (2014); covers 21.5% of the territory of the state. 51% Forest land, 31% Agricultural land, 17% other Cereals: 48% Wheat, 38% Barley, 7% Oats and other Share of agriculture, forest management and fishing in employment: 3.9% (2014) Share of agriculture, forest management and fishing in GDP: 3.4% (2014) Enterprises in Estonia (2014) – , Rural enterprises – Rate of unemployment – 4-5 %, in rural area – 6-7%

Estonian Rural Development Plan Financial Plan: European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development amunt 823,3 mio Euros Total public sektor: 992,8 mio Euros Average co-financing rate 82,9% Estonia implementing 14 measures Support for LEADER local development (CLLD – community-led local development): 90 mio (EAFRD 90%)

RDP measures and sub-measures (4/2) 1. Knowledge transfer and information actions 2. Support for advisory services 3. Participation in food quality schemes and promotion of products produced under quality schemes 4.1 Investments into improving the performance of agricultural holdings 4.2 Investments into processing and marketing of agricultural products 4.3 Investments into development and maintenance of agricultural and forestry infrastructure 4.4 Non-productive investments: restoration of stonewalls 6.1 Setting up of young farmers 6.3 Development of small farms 6.4 Support for diversification of rural entrepreneurship 8. Investments improving the economic and environmental value of forest 9. Setting up of producer groups Support for environmentally friendly management Regional water protection support Regional soil protection support Support for environmentally-friendly horticulture Support for growing plants of local varieties Support for keeping animals of local endangered breeds Support for the maintenance of semi-natural habitats 11. Organic farming 12.1 Natura 2000 support for agricultural land 12.2 Natura 2000 support for private forest land 14. Animal welfare support 16. Co-operation 19. LEADER local development

Estonian NSU continues with the same structure and administration as previous period Under the Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs - Rural Economy Research Centre New period – October 2014 Smaller budget than in the previous period! 2.3 million euro per period; approx per year – 8 employees Rural Network’s cooperation chamber – advisory organization, 2 meetings per year

Estonian Rural Network Unit in period Support structure to improve the quality of RDP implementation; To increase the involvement of target groups and inform wider public and potential beneficiaries about rural development policy; To contribute on the development of innovation in agricultural, food, forestry and rural sectors.

ENRN main activities Collecting and disseminating RDP best practices Collecting and disseminating information about different sectors; Information-change and training activities for LEADER LAGs Innovation activities Short supply chain support activities Communication activities

Weekly e-newsletter – list more than in months: –LEADER infoletter – LAG-s –Local Food infoletter –Innovation Infoletter Cooperation with Estonian Public Broadcast Travelling exhibitions: LEADER 2010 Young

Exhibitions Travelling exhibitions: "The Success Stories of Estonian Rural Tourism" "European Union Rural Development for Young Farmers“ Village renewal and development "We Thought, We Made" LEADER exhibition Leader Organized by European Commission Over-European photo exhibition contest "Images of Rural Europe„ 2013


Preparation activities for LEADER + periood ( ) Started in Information about LEADER principles trainings and seminars around Estonia Beginning formation of Local Action Groups Ministry of Agriculture cooperated and village movement „Kodukant“: Leader Information center in Tartu –– support activities, expert assistance

LEADER Implementation of Leader started on period under the title Measure 3.6 „Development of local initiative - Leader – type measure.” Financial support was provided for facilitation and consultation in the strategy building process, including: the local area audit; formulation and setting up of priorities; programming; and starting to build up the internal and international networking. Small budget - 1,9 million euros. Payments were made 1,7 million euros. Result: 24 areas applied to LAG status (94% of rural area): 3 areas with experiences – “Adoption of integrated territorial rural development strategies” and they started to implement strategies. 21 areas prepared area strategies “Acquisition of skills”

2nd Phase – LEADER – 4th Axis Local Action Groups started June 30th 2008 local development groups submitted their LDS to Paying Agency. Selection committee decided to accept ALL applications and all LAGs were funded.

Period As result of succesful preparation periood and strong 3rd sector in rural area Estonian Ministry of Agriculture has decided through the LEADER-measure of the Rural Development Plan 2007–2013 (RDP) to provide 10% or 85,7 mio euros) of the RDP budget. 2 new LAG-s started – total 26 LAG-s 99% of rural are was covered by LEADER programme. LAGs could use objectives of all axis for combine strategies - Axis 1 (competitiveness), Axis 2 (environment) or Axis 3 (quality of life/diversification). 20% for adminsiration and animation costs 80% for implementation of startegies

Results of periood ( ) Very good use of LEADER Axis –Budget 85,8 mio euros –Payments 84,7 mio euros –0,9% remained unused One of the highest in EU 7186 projects 7,2 million euros for Axis 1 73 million euros for Axis 3 28 transnational LEADER projects

Programming period Specific objectives: (EU) To improve the competitiveness of the enterpreneurs To promote social inclusion To better use area specific possibilities, To find innovative solutions on local context. To improve local governance through involving different actors Estonia Local food Broadband connections

LEADER measure 19.1 – Support for preparation of LDS - 1,7 mio euros 19.2 – Support for implementation of community led local development - 88,3 mio euros 19.3 – Preparation and implementing of LAG cooperation Support for running costs and animation costs

Some new criterias for LAG-s of one LAG should be made up of at least three local municipalities; If there is town within the municipality where there is more than 4000 inhabitants the budget for this municipality will bee reduced (multiplied with 0,75). 5 towns: Türi, Tapa, Jõhvi, Põlva, Rapla The budged reduce if Population has increased more than 20 % within last 10 years, Where registred unemployment is below average of Estonia Where gross income is at least 20 % higher than average, budget will be reduced (multiplied with 0,5.) 4 municipality: Harku, Saue, Saku, Rae, Viimsi, Kiili)

Support rates and maximum support Investments into infrastructure up to 60% Support for invesments up to 60% and establishing the last mile of internet connection up to 90% eligible costs. Project support will be up to 90 % for NGO-s. Community services in area of market failure (free market does not working) as the area is too scarsely populated 90%. If a project is aimed at enterpreneurship then project support will be given up to 60% eligible cost of investment. To buy motor vehicle up to 30% for enterpreneurs, NGO-s or Foundation For preparation of cooperation projects100% Support for running and animation cost 100 % Maximum support for the project may not exceed eurot (Civil law partnership up to euros per 1 project)

Transnational Cooperation LEADER TNC CONFERENCES

LEADER TNC projects  28 TNCs in Estonia  19 Estonian LAG-s have participated in transnational cooperation projects  Budget:  Main topics: preservation of folk culture, exchange of experience, promotion of the activity of the young people, tourism development, stimulation of cooperation between various groups.  Estonian LAG-s has been the leading partner in 6 transnational cooperation projects

Transnational cooperation 1.Cooperation in Cultural Heritage Exploitation 2.Traditional sailing and maritime heritage 3.FENIX 4.Clower Power. 4H twinning people. 5.From Salla to Salla 6.International Theme Routes 7.Dare to Dream 8.Loving Local Values 9.Handicraft 10.Planet said to me… 11.Ecoland Leader 12.Slow Travel Route 1 13.CULTrips 14. Villages on move 15. Yhtteistyöllä lähelle ja kauas 16. Estonia-South-Karelia Experience 17. Transnational Hunting FIN-EST Rural youth campS 19. Medieval Festivals 20. Youth for Youth 21. WOLF: Wild Life and Farmers 22. Innovative Village 23. Growing Gastronauts 24. JOIN - Jobs internationally 25. The many Faces of Wood 26. Rular Youth Arts and Culture 27. From Fair to Fair 28. Use of natural material for energy and construction

WHY TNC LEADER-PROJECTS  activation and development of transnational dialoque in the rural area  finding new contacts for rural actors  inspiration and motivation of the target groups  supporting sustainable partnership  developing networking  new organisational skills  inspirations to rural entreprises and products services  practical experiences

Estonian-Finnish Local Food TNC: practical study day of using seasonal herbs. 2013

EST-FIN „Promoting sport activities“ 2013

Growing Gastronauts Period: Partner countries (3): France, United Kingdom (2 partners), Estonia (2 partners: Hiidlaste Koostöökogu and LAG Saarte Koostöökogu) The main objective of the project is to strengthen links between schools and local food producers. Project is in ENRD database

Growing Gastronauts The objctives of the project is to: 1) promote local products and culinary know-how; 2) contribute to the restructuring of relationships between producers/retailers/restaurateurs/consumers; 3) raise awareness of the possibilities of local sourcing by comparing practices in the different countries; 4) promote economic development in the partner territories.

Medieval Festivals Period: Countries: (5) Estonia, Finland, Latvia, France, Portugal Leading partner: Estonia LAG Pärnu Bay Partnership Cultural heritage of – Middle Ages - Medieval Festivals

Youth for Youth Project period: September 2012 – December 2013 Partners: Latvia – Lithuania – Estonia Activities for students to show then possibilities in countryside

The many Faces of Wood 2014 Partners: Estonia – Finland – Lithuania Woodwork traditions Wood-carving masters networking More wood in public room

“Living on the Edge” The “Living on the Edge” route which comprises of 21 different sites presenting the nature, culture and history of South-Estonia is identifiable by the use of a yellow frame, the iconic symbol of the “National Geographic” magazine. VIDEO:

Nordic-Baltic LEADER Transnational Cooperation (TNC) Awards and Conference in Tallinn 2013 Summaries from case sessions. Panel discussion AWARD evening

Nordic-Baltic LEADER Transnational Cooperation (TNC) Awards , Rural Network Support Units from the Nordic-Baltic Region - Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden - initiated the Nordic-Baltic LEADER Transnational Cooperation (TNC) Awards. The aim of the competition is to: highlight the importance promote existing LEADER TNC “success stories” Inspire LAG-s to continue during the new programming period reinforce the role of LEADER in supporting implementation of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region.

General information of AWARD Qualified 60 LEADER TNC projects ( from 1. April to 20.May 2013) Applications submitted: Finland (39), Estonia (9), Sweden (4), Lithuania (4), Poland (3), Latvia (1). Partners in projects: Finland (47), Eesti (20), Sweden (17), Lithuania (10), Poland (7), Latvia (5), Denmark (2). Categories submitted - Youth (18), Culture (16), Local resources and environment (10), Tourism (8) Local area development (8) Final jury meeting in 27th August 2013 in Helsinki AWARD events in Tallinn September 2013

Winner of category - Local Area Development LEADER TNC project – Sweden – Poland Cross-border Entrepreneurs Blekinge/ Warmia-Mazury Topic: business development through establishing business contacts between Polish and Swedish rural firms Partners. LAG Leader Blekinge (Sweden) and Brama Mazurskiej Krainy (Poland), Warmiński Zakątek (Poland) Award presented by the Finnish NRN

AWARD Booklet

International Conference - LINC 2012 LINC – Leader Inspired Network Community Partners: Austria, Germany, Estonia, Finland 12–14 June 2012 Tartu and South-Estonia Subtopic: “Involvement and Voluntary Work” Seminars Local Food Sport competition Practical workshops – voluntary work in 4 different places in South-Estonia

Estonian LEADER Union is a non-profit organization whose main mission is to protect the rights and interests of Estonian LAG´s; Estonian LEADER Union was established in 19th March 2012; Only LEADER Action Groups can be the members of Estonian Leader Union; Estonian LEADER Union supports it’s members in applying LEADER principles and developing cooperation; Estonian LEADER Union was established to protect the Leader Union principles from internal over-regulations.

More Activities of The Estonian Ruran Network Unit

Common activities 19th July 2015 – Open Farm Day – In cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and LEADER LAGs; April 2015 – The Rural Fair – RDP project examples about music and soil; The exhibition on wheels “Success-stories of Rural tourism” – RDP project examples.

Open Farm Day 142 farms ca vistors Reklaam: Video:

Open Farm Day Trip July 2015 Estonian Rural Network Unit organised the Open Farm Day Trip for international colleagues and guest on Visits to 8 farms: Organic farm SAIDAFARM farm,SAIDAFARM Kuusemäe farm - Goat's milk production, mini zoo Toosikannu Holiday Centre Modern milk production in a large farm. Plant Garden Elise AEDElise AED Small Poultry Farm Tölpla. A hobby Farm for growing chickens and ducks. holiday farm SÖESAUNA,SÖESAUNA berry-wine-making farm Valgejõe veinivilla (the first licenced small wine farm)

Seminar "Nationwide Rural Actions in Estonia" Meetings with organisators of different events. Possibility to hear presentations and share experiences of organising different regional or national events: National Open Farm Day 2015 and the first Open Farm Days in Järva County Silva Anspal (Järva Developlment Partners) Open rural tourism-farm days in Raili Mengel (NGO Estonian Rural Tourism) Estonian village movement and selection of Village of the Year Anneli Kana (Village Movement Kodukant) Movement "Back to the Countryside" coordinator Ivika Nõgel

COMING SOON! LEADER TNC Fair th-25th August 2016 Venue: Jäneda, ESTONIA Objective: to promote LEADER Cooperation, Participants: Nordic-Baltic LEADER/CLLD LAGs & FLAGs, non-EU Partnerships, LEADER friends, etc Planned number of participants: 150 PROGRAMME: informational plenary, thematical seminars, partnership search, social evening, etc LAG TOURS – vist different regions

Smart and Competitive Short Supply Chains

Local Food and Short Supply Chains NRN new thematic initiative ( ) Estonian NRN actions: -The first study tour in the Autumn of 2010 (Latvia-Lithuania-Poland) -2012: The first thematical info day in winter -2012: Booklet spring: NRU regular newsletter to stakeholders and interested people: news and events

Study tours themes and target countries 2015: Latvia – to introduce Latvian food products with EU geographical indications. 2013: Gotland - small food production and community kitchens 2011: Austria - The Veterinary and Food Board (VFB) officials : Lithuania, Latvia and Poland - to examine the small production, processing and marketing P.S. All study tours involved officials of VFB and Ministry

Success stories NRN goal is the development of better cooperation between officials and food producers. The Veterinary and Food Board (VFB) officials was surprised during the study tour to Austria how one and the same small scale enterprenur under the same roof doing both – the production of raw material and the valorising (added value) of it (production). An additional bonus of the common trip was that officials and local food producers got to know each other, discuss what are the bottlenecks in Estonia, and how to solve them. Local producers get enouragement to turn more often to obtain the advice of its regional VFB officials.

Publications 1) "LEADER - for the Development of Local Food" Estonian language (April 2012), English language (September 2012) 2) The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Examples of Food Projects in Estonian

Local Food Local Food issued twice a month over 200 recipients. The basic information is to provide an overview of the local food-related events and news.

Thematical info days 2012: Local food networks 2012: Networks and local food brands 2013: Guide to Good Hygienic Practices 2013: Community kitchens 2014: Science. Development and innovation in the short food supply chain 2014: LEADER and local food 2015: Common supply chains and local food brands /quality labels 2015: Funding possibilities for short food supply chain 2016: Plan to start organising regular meetings, for sharing experiences about the requirements the small claims handlers

Community kitchens The largest number of community kitchens in Estonia are in Island of SaaremaaIsland of Saaremaa The community kitchen idea is that the region's small business operators can use kitchens to manufacture food products wich will meet the food safety requirements in order to prepare their products, Main products: juices, jams, breads and other baked. It is also a good way to experiment with new products.

Local Food Chains in map YELLOW – OTT Directly from the producer to the consumer RED – farm shops and markets BLUE – food networks, local food labels GREEN – transnational cooperation projects VIOLET – development organisations

Thank you! Rural Economy Research Centre Estonian Rural Network Unit Jäneda, Tapa vald 73602, Lääne-Virumaa, ESTONIA Ave Bremse