COMMUNICATION PROCESS Mrs. Dayley Business Communications
“If all my possessions were taken from me with one exception, I would hope to keep my power of communication --- for by it I would regain all the rest.” --Daniel Webster, American Journalist
Communication is… Transactional Complex Unavoidable Continuous Learned
Components of Communication Process Context Physical Environment Climate Communicator Message Channel Noise Barrier Feedback
Context In the glossary, look up context and write the definition in the lines next to this slide.
Physical Environment List the three most common places you have your conversations.
Climate Negative Climate Positive Climate –What do you think is the relationship between environment and climate?
Communicator Message Receiver Message Sender (Means of Transmission) CHANNEL
Message A message is… Messages can be…
Barrier Any obstacle that blocks communication List five possible barriers –
Feedback Feedback has three main functions: –Assurance –Adjustment –Insight
Write for 10 minutes on what you have learned and your interpretation of the information we have discussed.
Internet Self Check and Study Guide Click on the link above then click on Student Activities Chapter 2 Section 1 Self Check & Study Guide (My address is on the board)