On your own and on the worksheet provided: 1) Write a definition for the word property. 2) List some examples of property.
The Dred Scott Decision
With your group and using your definition of property, decide what you would do in the situation below. Write your answer on the worksheet provided You live in Georgia where they allow the riding of bikes. You then move with your family to New York State where bike-riding is not allowed. Later, after several years, you move back to Georgia. Does the bike still belong to you? Why or why not?
With your group, using your definition of property, and your ideas from the previous bike situation, answer the question below. Write your answer on the worksheet provided Does Congress have the right to say that you cannot ride your bike in Georgia (a state that allows bike-riding), since it had “lived” in New York (a state that does not allow bike-riding) for so long? Why or why not?
Dred Scott was the name of an African-American slave. He was taken by his master, an officer in the U.S. Army, from the slave state of Missouri to the free state of Illinois and then to the free territory of Wisconsin. He lived on free soil for a long period of time. When the Army ordered his master to go back to Missouri, he took Scott with him back to that slave state, where his master died. In 1846, Scott was helped by Abolitionist (anti-slavery) lawyers to sue for his freedom in court, claiming he should be free since he had lived on free soil for a long time.
Dr. John Emerson was a doctor in the United States army. The army required him to move throughout the United States. He did not decide to move on his own.
Emerson is stationed in Missouri – A Slave State Emerson is transferred to Illinois – A Non-Slave State Emerson is transferred to Wisconsin – A Non- Slave State Emerson is transferred back to Missouri – A Slave State He passes away shortly after.
The Two Sides of the Argument What is the problem? Dred Scott –Lived in a non-slave area long enough to be considered a free man. –His owner passed away, therefore he does not have an owner US Supreme Court –Dred Scott was not a US Citizen because he was a slave –Congress has no right to control a person’s property
What would your decision be? Write down your decision. Which side do you think should win? Think about the arguments.
What did the Supreme Court decide? In March of 1857, Scott lost the decision as 7/9 Justices on the Supreme Court declared no slave or descendant of a slave could be a U.S. citizen As a non-citizen, the court stated, Scott had no rights and could not sue in a Federal Court and must remain a slave.
Leading to War Connect how this event might have contributed to the start of the Civil War?