Agenda History of how the TTB-WI Forum began Recap of 2014 action items Working group structure update
TTB-WI Forum History Began in 2009 as a way to build Team USA Has grown into an international collaboration centered on: Building relationships Wine education Collaboration
5 existing working groups Authenticity Databases Fit for Purpose Methods Certified Chemist Program Transpiration (Transition and Expiry dates) Ingredient/Nutrition Labeling Creation of additional working group Minimizing Technical Trade Barriers 2014 Action Item Recap
Working GroupTopicAction Items #1 Authenticity Database Specifications for Robust Authenticity Databases Formalize the Working Group Continue efforts to populate the matrix Consider creation of a white paper to explain the concepts and the need for robust databases.
2014 Action Item Recap Working Group TopicAction Items #2 Fit for Purpose Allergen Residue Testing/ Regulation Mass Spectroscopy- Continue to Optimize Extraction Procedures ELISA Kits—Lysozyme next steps? Monitor OIV method validation work Sugar Testing Increase membership Select sugar analysis as candidate for Proficiency Testing Scheme Examine Performance of Different Methods for Sugar Analysis Comparison of Global Definitions of “Sugar” and Classifications (Dry, Semi-dry, etc.) Look at comparison of acid measurement techniques Fit for Purpose Methods Pursue the application of Codex Alimentarius Method Criteria using data from CTS and TTB Certified Chemist Program. Also examine criteria developed by OIV. Develop plans for a Forum Proficiency Test Enhance communications and increase confidence in government and industry lab capabilities
2014 Action Item Recap Working GroupTopicAction Items #3 Certified Chemist Program Certified Chemist Program Review the latest year of the program's activity and make recommendations
2014 Action Item Recap Working GroupTopicAction Items #4 TranspirationTransition Arrangements Pursue agreement by governments in appropriate fora (WWTG, APEC-WRF, OIV) for a Principle along the following lines: Where there are no public safety concerns, a regulatory transition period of at least 12 months is appropriate for wine. Expiration Date Labeling Pursue the adoption of a new “Principle” in appropriate forums (WWTG, APEC-WRF, FIVS, OIV): In the light of its safety and longevity in the market, governments should exempt standard wine, bottled in glass, from expiration date labeling. Coordinate activity in CCFL to facilitate a suitable carve-out from expiration labeling for wine.
2014 Action Item Recap Working GroupTopicAction Items #5 Ingredients/ Nutrition Labeling Ingredients/ Nutrition Labeling Continue to discuss and educate on the unique characteristics of wine and trade implications with ingredient and nutrition labeling. Pursue agreement for a new “Principle”: Winemaking treatment agents should not be considered as “additives” for regulatory purposes if they are “natural components” of grapes, are actually derived from grapes, and are used in winemaking solely to adjust the levels of the identical substances already present in grape juice or wine. Consider the development of a new principles(s) on nutrition labeling for wine, focusing on nutrients that are generally absent from wine, harmonized units and use of typical values in those cases where nutrition labeling is implemented. Consider other areas of work to mitigate potential international trade implications in this area.
2014 Action Item Recap Working GroupTopicAction Items #6 NEW Minimizing Technical Trade Barriers Minimizing Trade Barriers Establish a Working Group to explore possibilities of developing and applying a “typical values” database for common wine components. Encourage appropriate non-technical groups to continue efforts aimed at eliminating, reducing and/or harmonizing trade certificates, and facilitating electronic submission wherever possible. Encourage activities aimed at facilitating and expediting shipments of wine samples as far as possible. Consider communication mechanisms, especially in relation to incidents/events of a technical nature that have implications for international trade in wine.
Working Group Structure Update 2014 the WWTG Tbilisi Statement on Analytical Methodology and Regulatory Limits on Constituents and Potential Contaminants in Wine was agreed Proposing widening the scope of Working Groups to capture each principle This resulted in a slight restructuring and renaming
Working Group Structure Update Working Groups rebranded! Authenticity & Counterfeit Analytical Methodology Laboratory Quality Labeling Minimizing Technical Trade Barriers
Working Group Structure Update Tbilisi Statement PrincipleAuthenticity & Counterfeit Analytical Methodology Laboratory Quality LabelingMinimizing Technical Trade Barriers #01 - Avoid unnecessary analysis X #02 - Relevant standards X #03 - Regulatory cooperation X #04 - Common systems of units X #05 - Expression of regulatory limits X #06 - Harmonization of results expressions X #07 - Analytical levels X #08 - Accreditation X #09 - Validation of analytical methods X #10 - Authentic samplesX #11 - Measurement uncertainty X