Introductory Comments Extract Audit Report Observations and Insights A Brief Overview of the recently introduced ‘Barometer’ system
Federation understanding of audit process deepening and data quality and reliability is improving. EPG audit related data bases are evolving as part of ‘business’ intelligence systems in more and more codes. Quality of larger federation data submissions, notably cricket and rugby, are increasingly reliable. They have assigned dedicated resources to mange transformation and data collection processes. 3
Resource constraints are preventing smaller federations from establishing matching processes SRSA ‘Grant Frameworks’ may have to be adjusted to support and improve transformation and data collection processes. 4
The codes included in this audit cycle are: amateur boxing, athletics, basketball, baseball, chess, cricket, football, gymnastics, hockey, jukskei, netball, rugby, softball, swimming, table tennis, tennis and volleyball. Detailed code specific outcomes in each charter dimension is dealt with in the EPG report handed over to the Ministry.
7 To date three transformation audit reports have been published, one involving 5 pilot codes (athletics, cricket, rugby, football, netball ) and two more involving 14 additional codes. Data from federations for a fourth audit have been submitted on the 30 th of March and a report covering the 2015 calendar year will be published in October/November (cycle has been shortened).
8 Audits thus far have highlighted that the rate at which certain Charter targets are achieved are slow, not time lined and differing substantially from code to code. The need for code specific time based targets and forecasts have thus become important. There is growing consensus that a focus on ‘black’ (as in African, coloured and Indian) demographic representation targets over the last 20+ years, may have been flawed and not without consequences.
Strategic sustainability related issues: 84% of the country’s u18 year old SA population is black African whereas only 16% are either white, coloured or Indian. Since 1990 the 0-24 year old age group for: – Black Africans have increased by 11% whereas – The white under 24 year old group have decreased by 15%! 9
Codes with predominantly white demographic profiles will increasingly face sustainability challenges with inevitable consequences The demographic profiles of senior male representative teams; coaches and referees; presidents, boards and CEO’s of audited federations are shown in the next slide 10
CodeColoure d/Indian WhiteBlack African Generic Black Basketball Volleyball Table Tennis Football Boxing Gymnastics Athletics Chess Cricket Rugby Netball Rowing Hockey Swimming Baseball Bowls Jukskei Softball Tennis Red =codes with large white component Blue = codes with relatively large coloured/Indian components 11 codes have white representation larger than 50% – jukskei 100%, bowls 100%, baseball 100%, swimming 87%, hockey 83%, rowing 81%, netball 61%, and rugby 58%. Six codes basketball, volleyball, table tennis, football, amateur boxing and gymnastics have exceeded the set 60% charter generic black African (coloured, Indian plus black African) target. Football closest to national demographic profile of 80%, 9%, 9% and 2% (the ultimate long-term goal) Volleyball, table Tennis, cricket and chess have relatively large coloured/Indian representation Black African representation above 60% in basketball, football, and amateur boxing.
The National Administration demographic profiles of federations are demonstrating significant change as shown in the following slides.
The five pilot codes involved in the first audit, entered into MOA’s with the Ministry in May 2015 undertaking to: 1.Provide forecast transformation performance targets in selected Charter dimensions until Formulate and present action plans to deal with the findings and recommendations of annual EPG audits 21
The purpose of the ‘Barometer’ is: – For federations to adopt a more strategic and forward looking approach in shaping their future organisational profiles. – To enable transformation trends and changes to be more effectively monitored and responded to on an ongoing basis and for – Federation specific target achievement time lines to be established and monitored and ultimate code specific destination goals to be better defined. 22
As anticipated the 5 federation boards approved forecasts that are generally lower than the generic targets set out in the Transformation Charter. Actual ‘Barometer’ performances are measured as part of annual EPG annual audits. Actual results for 2015 received at the end of March were compared with a federation’s own forecasted performance and the Charter targets and ‘% of targets achieved’ calculated 23
Failure of a code to achieve self-set targets could lead to one or more of the following ministerial interventions: -Suspension or withdrawal of any funding from government -Revoking of authority to bid or host international tournaments. -Withdrawal of opportunity to award national colours -Withdrawal of recognition as national federation in terms of National Sports Act Remaining 14 codes will enter into barometer based MO’A with the Ministry in due course. 24
Actual Barometer performance is measured as the % of the number of forecasted performances achieved in two Transformation Charter Dimensions and their respective sub- categories namely: –Access and the Demographic profiles of all human resource categories Overall Barometer % score is calculated by determining the number of targets achieved or exceeded, expressed as a % of the total number of targets set by the federation.
Barometer Performance Federation% Of Set Targets Achieved Football51 Netball32 Athletics43 Cricket28 Rugby37
Own targets set by federations are lower (understandably) than Charter targets. When no actual or forecasted values were submitted it was treated as zero % target achievement. Cricket did not submit forecasted values and their Barometer score was calculated on the basis of the 60% demographic target of the Charter. Netball has achieved exceptionally in the Access dimension –schools and club structure. Netball did not submit data for their underage representative teams and Technical an Scientific Support sub structures. Rugby’s national senior and underage team demographic profiles generally below target.
Athletics met targets in Board and Full time Staff, Junior and Youth female representative teams and senior male representative teams (not junior and youth teams). Football’s demographic forecasts have been mostly achieved and are approaching national demographic profile. Football’s targets were achieved at board level and full time staff level Football’s involvement at school level is inadequate and below target but compensated for with a strong junior club structure. Performance in the Technical and Scientific Support sub – category in all instances below expectations. Sport’s medical, sport science and technology base appears to be inadequate.
Intensify establishment of mechanisms to effectively monitor and effect implementation of EPG recommendations. Establish automated data collection and analysis process in- house and extend skill base in federations to manage process. Ensure consistent improvement in quality and reliability of data collection and submission processes. Finalise review of Transformation Charter and a strategy for implementing it. 29
30 Promote establishment of an integrated school sport strategy focused on the alignment of coordination and integration of all role player inputs. Strengthen cooperation and alignment between federation and government school sport and provincial structures Advocate alignment of all government funding frameworks to charter, annual EPG audit findings and recommendations. Ensuring increasing support for the transformation process and advocating the use thereof as part of longer planning initiatives.
Resolve implementation of MOA between DSRSA and DBE in order for sport’s organised participation footprint at school level to be significantly enlarged. Increased focus on the long-term transformation objective ‘that sport structures are to be representative of the national and regional population demographic profiles of the country’.