1st world war/ 2. Blitzkrieg war „By the time the leaves fall our soldiers come back from the war.” ’Wilhelm II.’ People were enthusiastic for the war in both sides. There were only few pacifists against the war.
Schlieffen plan / Moltke/ and plan XVII./Joffre/
Western front in 1914.
Main battles in the western front Liege 5-16 August The first battle in the ww 1. The Belgian army delayed the German army with 2 days. The battle of Frontiers: August The battles - at Mulhouse, Lorraine, the Ardennes, Charleroi and Mons - were launched more or less simultaneouslyMulhouseLorraineArdennesCharleroiMons Marne: 5-9. Sept The French and English army stopped the German extension Marching to the sea. Antwerp: 10th Oct Touch of the sea 1st Ypres: 12nd Oct To stop Germans reaching the sea at the English Canal. English blockade to stop German navy to get into the open sea. Trench war began, the blitzkrieg idea didn’t come true.
Eastern front
Main battlefields Mazuri lakes at Eastern Prussia: Tannenberg battle: Aug Surrounding the 1st Russian army Galicia: Changing success between Russia Main battles Lemberg: Trench war between Austria-Russia.
Balkan war Austria – Hungary tried three times to occupy Serbia. Ones they occupied Belgrade, however by the end of 1914 the Austrian- Hungarian army had to move back to the border. The Ottoman Empire joined the war on the side of the Central Alliance.