Pull Over… Please Don’t Text and Drive 4/28/2017 PRACTICE SAFE TEXT! ® Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC Pull Over… Please Don’t Text and Drive Don’t be a Road Toad
Did you Know? Washington State was the first state to ban texting while driving (DWT). 38 states have outlawed cell phones while driving. Studies show the average text while driving takes your eyes off the road for and entire length of a football field. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Your Last Text Don’t Text and Drive Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC For Video – click on Your Last Text ®
DWT vs. DUI Texting while driving is 3 time worse then driving under the influence of alcohol. Texting is comparable as having a blood alcohol level of .08. Driving while texting increase your chance of an accident by 23%. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Texting Facts College students are the number one text offender. 4/28/2017 Texting Facts College students are the number one text offender. In 2012, 80% of 5000 college students in San Diego said they text and drive. Distracted driving contributed to 3000 fatalities alone last year. 12-17 year olds text on average of 100 texts a day. The average teen texts 3309 times a month. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC (teach them while they grow). Tad pole ®
Interesting Statistic 4/28/2017 Interesting Statistic Driving while texting is like driving at .08 alcohol level. In 2009, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico made it illegal to drive with a BAC of .08 or higher. Of the 10,839 people who died in an alcohol-related crash, 7,281 (67 percent) had drivers with BACs above the legal limit. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
The Last Word Don’t Text and Drive For Video – click on The Last Word Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC For Video – click on The Last Word ®
Five Core Groups Targeted age groups: Grade school Middle school High school College/Young adult Adults – Parents are at risk too! Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Suggested Messages Don’t be a Road Toad, Don’t Text and Drive. I need you alive. Please Don’t Text and Drive! Practice Safe Text… Text/Crash/Die! Pull over… Please Don’t Text and Drive… I need you at home, please stay off the phone. I promise not to Text and Drive. My family want’s me alive! Text and Drive, Survived by…. If you talk and text while driving, please complete this emergency contact card and place it in your wallet. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Promise Card Signature Ideas I don’t want you to be a Road Toad. Promise not to text and drive; Signed by, _____________________Child _______________ Parent I pledge: Hands on the Wheel, Eyes on The Road, I don’t want to be a Toad. Signed by, ____________________________________ “Dad, I don’t want you to be a Road Toad. Don’t Text and Drive” “Mom, I don’t want you to be a Road Toad. Don’t Text and Drive” Since you text & drive, I am going to write an emergency card for you. Signed by someone who loves you, ____________________________________ I promise not to text and drive. My family needs me alive! Signed by, ________________ Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Text Card Examples Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Age Appropriate Reminders 1. Grade School Stickers, pencils, tattoo, static cling, Road Toad Club, coloring book. 2. Middle School Tattoos, lanyards, text rings, static cling. 3. High School Lanyards, text rings, static clings, lip balm, key chain/fob. 4. College/Young Adult/Parents Lanyard, static cling, text ring, lip balm/key chain/fob. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
No Text Thumb Rings Wearable reminder Commitment to friends and family 4/28/2017 No Text Thumb Rings Wearable reminder Commitment to friends and family Texting - America’s Leading Epidemic Texting - Preferred form of communication by youth and adults but, is deadly while driving Texting - 46% of teens and a staggering 67% of adults admit to texting while driving. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Products Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC
Product tools –USB Drives for DTAD USB drives can be uploaded with your programs information, DTAD Power Point, and any other additional information you would like to share. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Text Awareness Events We can do better than this. Lives depend on it! April Distracted Driving Awareness Month September 17th, 2012 2 Seconds Turn off Your Device Day! We can do better than this. Lives depend on it! Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®
Will YOU Promise to Practice Safe Text? We have! Join our Team and Promise to change the way we Drive. Produced by White Horse Promotional Products, LLC ®