Chapter 2 – Ocean Exploration
Ocean A body of saltwater covering about 71% of Earth’s surface Includes any of the Earth’s five oceans
Oceanography The science of recording and describing the ocean’s contents and processes Involves four main branches – biological, chemical, geological, and physical
Latitude Imaginary lines joining points on the Earth’s surface that are all of equal distance North or South of the equator Also known as parallels
Longitude The angular distance East or West of the prime meridian that stretches from the North Pole to the South Pole Also known as meridians
Sextant An instrument that uses celestial navigation to determine a ships latitude Measures the angle between the horizon and the North star
Chronometer A sea going clock or watch used to determine the first accurate measures of longitude Introduced in 1735 by John Harrison
Captain James Cook Led the first sea expeditions devoted to methodical, scientific oceanography Explored Austrailia Discovered and charted many Pacific Islands Collected much scientific data
Matthew Maury Father of physical oceanography Worked for the Navy Published charts and research Standardized data recording methods Published the first textbook on modern oceanography
H.M.S Challenger I First expedition devoted solely to marine science Discovered the Marianas Trench (deepest part of the ocean) and Mid- Atlantic Ridge (largest mountain range on Earth) Took the first soundings deeper than 4,000 meters Discovered new species that lived on the sea floor
H.M.S Challenger II First ship to determine the depth of the Marianas Trench in 1951 Named this spot the Challenger Deep Went on a two year voyage to measure the depths and further map the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans
GPS Global Positioning System A satellite based navigation system made up of a network of satellites placed in to orbit
Submersible Typically a two to three person, independently self- propelled vessels that dive in moderate to deep depths Alvin is one of the most well known submersibles
SCUBA Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Self-contained dive equipment