Using E-Learning tools for Kindergarten By Dr. Abdullah M. Mutawa College Of Engineering and Petroleum Kuwait University
is for ?
What is E-Learning )What does the “E” stands for ? )Is the “E” for Enhance ? )Or is the “E” for Enlarge ? )Or is the “E” for Educated? ) Or is it for “Electronic”
What does Electronic-Learning means )Is it Teaching/Learning Electronic curriculum ? ) Teachers are Electronic robots? )Transferring knowledge via electronic media? )Is buying a Video tape or CD with educational materials considered E-Learning?
)Is sending lectures on a Fax machine considered E-Learning? )What is considered E-Learning?
Nowadays Students )students’ expectations and experiences are changing because of their rising e-literacy )“Today’s students expect more than their predecessors, students will not only expect to get a degree and a good job. They will demand suitably qualified teachers who are effective communicators.” [HEFCE, 2005]
Our teachers !!! )Polly Curtis, education correspondent : )“Schools are becoming "technically irrelevant" because pupils know more about computers than their teachers, a senior professor of education will argue today”
Our teachers !!! )David Buckingham, from the Institute of Education : )“Teachers are wary of using digital media and new technologies during their lessons and risk failing a generation of computer-literate schoolchildren”
Why ? )Despite massive government investment, few teachers have made much use of technology in the classroom )Money has been spent on hardware, not software, with little used for training teachers, )leaving many teachers unwilling to integrate technology into their lessons
Play while you learn )Prof Buckingham argues that children should even be encouraged to play computer games: "Playing computer games involves a whole range of informal learning processes )remembering, )hypothesis testing, ) predicting, )strategic planning
Play and learn )Online training gamesOnline training games
Some Links )Play groundPlay ground )Math arcadeMath arcade )Enhance ReadingEnhance Reading )PC friendly gamesPC friendly games )More gamesMore games
For teachers )Enhance your TeachingEnhance your Teaching