The L&D is your Hospital
The L&D is Your Local Hospital Add your name here e.g. Peter Brown, Hospital Governor
FT Membership Accountable to our local community via an elected Council of Governors 13,000 members Vote for Governors Become a Governor! Get involved... Its your hospital
Members’ magazine Hospital news Health advice Medical Lectures Health information Meet hospital governors and staff
Members’ Website
L&D’s Patients First Programme Increasingly see the “person” in the patient Our aim: to be the “hospital of choice” Redesigning how we lead improvements Board & Departmental level commitment Links with impressive patient safety record Staff Development & Recognition Scheme
L&D is a top performing hospital –Patient Safety –Speed of diagnosis & treatment –Cancer –Stroke –Heart disease –Mental illness –Long Term Conditions –Neo-natal intensive care –Bariatric (Obesity) services
However…. Unease about the way we care for patients It’s more complex & more important Need to understand why NHS patients at times feel marginalised & disempowered Our unique population – diversity Our patients are customers – and can choose to go elsewhere...
Our Ambition To become the “Hospital of Choice” To significantly improve our reputation among patients and other stakeholders To further develop the comprehensive Patient First approach To increasingly see the “person” in the patient “Ultimately we want patients to understand that their needs come first, and that the L&D exists to serve them, and that it cares about each and every patient even though thousands enters its doors” Chief Executive
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) £7m new unit 50% increase in ITU cots £1.5 million public appeal: £320,000 so far!
£5 million Cardiac Cath Lab Pacemakers Angiograms & angioplasty Continuity of care Treatment closer to home
FT Membership: who can join? Anyone 16 years and over and Lives in Luton, Bedfordshire or Hertfordshire
What do I get if I am a member? Up to date information on services available at the L&D Newsletters and magazines about the hospital and events You can meet the hospital governors who will represent your views of what you like or do not like about the hospital You can attend talks given by doctors given in layman's terms You can join in hospital events You can access the hospital website It does not take away your right to choose to be seen at another hospital
Any Questions?