ABOUT IETL 18+ years of experience in the areas of EPC turnkey solutions provider for renewable energy, clean technology and sour gas scrubbing. 2.0 MW Bio-Gas to Power on Build Own Operate Transfer basis (BOOT) India’s first large scale Biogas to Bio-CNG project: equivalent to 700 cylinder of LPG for Spectrum Renewable Energy Ltd. 76 MW power equivalent biogas–based power generation 38 Biogas to Power projects (One in Philippines) o 18 installations in distillery sector o 7 installations in STP sector IETL Leadership- MBA from London Business School UK Over 28 years of experience in oil and gas and renewable energy industry.
CO2 Removal Organic waste Organic Fertilizer Biogas Compressor H2S Removal Biogas Secondary Digester Primary Digester Sulfabact Shredder BioCNG Sewage Sewage Treatment Water- for digestion MSW and segregation
PRIVATE FINANCING OF THE PROJECT The formal and legal organisation to execute the project: The investor is the Special Purpose Company (SPC) established by the IETL’s European Partner shareholders to construct and operate the Municipal Solid Waste Plant (MSWP) to energy and Sweage treatment plant (STP) It is registered as a separate business entity in India. Financing formula of total sum of investment: Shareholders cover 15% of total sum as capital for SPC 15% goes from Foreign Expansion Fund European to SPC 70% is a soft loan from European Bank (special export line) or dedicated for MSWP (6% interest) Additional guarantees for loan given by shareholders (re-guaratee from Indian Bank)
CONDITIONS FOR EXECUTION OF THE BOOT PROJECTS Obtain the required land based on the perpetual lease (min. 25 years) or purchase the land plot at the market prices for the type of activity (the land use in the area development plan), Local state/city government assures uninterrupted supplies of waste to the plant at a minimum agreed amount (from the 3rd month after technology commissioning) for a minimum period of 15 years, State guarantee of power connections (electricity, water) in the appropriate amounts for operation the plant, Provision of possibility to sell the electricity produced to the grid at the minimum price: 7.8 INR / 1 kWh
THE METHOD OF EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT Acceptance of the IETL and it’s partner proposal by local government Signed MoU by local government (or state company responsible for waste management) and IETL’s European partner, specifying the basic scope of the investment and the conditions for execution and operation. Signed preliminary agreement by IETL’s European partner and the Foreign Expansion Fund with regard to participation in the project and funding. Appointment of the Special Purpose Company by the shareholders and its registration in India.
THE METHOD OF EXECUTION OF THE PROJECT (CON.) Granting credit for execution of the investments by the shareholders for the appointed of the SPC. Construction of the Plant by the appointed MSWP, technological commissioning and commissioning and acceptance of the investments by the administration bodies. Signed agreement between the MSWP and local government ( or responsible MSW company) on the guaranteed supplies of waste to the Plant. Design, Build and operation of the Plant.
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PLANT TO ENERGY The main assumptions for the MSW plants are: Maximum treatment of organic waste for energy (First - Waste to Energy), Maximum recovery of waste materials for recycling (Second - Recycling), Re-use of construction waste (Third - Waste to Construction), Only the minimum amount of waste at landfills (Fourth - Minimum Disposal). The Plant operates on the mixed waste stream and main target is to separate and treat clean components : recyclables and organic material and generate energy
MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE PLANT TO ENERGY The plant is divided into the following basic technological departments: Weightscale Mechanical segregation. Biogas Raw materials recovery RDF production
MECHANICAL SEGREGATION The goal is to select 3 main waste groups from mixed stream: faction of sand and ash and with other minor inorganic fraction with the high content of organic matter fraction of recyclables raw materials
BIOGAS– ENERGY PRODUCTION The main aim of this department is Generation of biogas Scrubbing of generated Biogas thus enriching it in methane content and increasing the calorific value of biogas. Generation of Bio-Power / Bio- CNG. The cleaned organic matter, obtained from separation of the sieves, is a very good material for wet methane fermentation content of organic matter.
THE RAW MATERIALS RECOVERY DEPARTMENT The main purpose of segregation is to separate and selecttion of the recyclable materials for instance: ferrometal, textile, glass, plastic, paper, etc. and prepare it for recycling or for RDF.
RDF PRODUCTION As a result of the waste processing line activities, a large amount of side materials with relatively good caloric value and without possibility to use directly for recycling is produced. Such materials are: contaminated plastics, foils, dirty paper, textile waste, woodod waste, etc. Such raw material with the average calorific value of MJ/kg ( Kcal/Kg) and Cl content <1.5 mg/kg, is a good source for production of alternative fuels RDF.
THE PROPOSED SLUDGE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY Digesters and cogeneration system is relatively simple and prevails in many countries all around the world. European Company has experience of 18 years in the market of sewage treatment plants with onsite sludge digestion and cogeneration systems in operation on obtained biogas
2.0 MW BIOGAS POWER PLANT - BOOT Biogas H 2 S In %- 5 % 24,000 m 3 /day Biological Sulfur Removed 1714 Kg/day Power generation Average units generated 42,000-46,000 units per day Units exported 39, ,780 units per day
FIRST LARGE-SCALE BIOCNG PLANT IN INDIA Bioskrubber TM H 2 S removal BioCNG Generation Commercially salable Bio-CNG used as industrial LPG replacement Successfully operating since Oct 2012
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