NATIONAL RURBAN MISSION NRuM 1 MINISTRY OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT Integrated Cluster Action Plan Step 3b- Component Profiling May 11 th, 2016
Cluster Profiling Component Profile Step 3 b
Component Profiling Skill Development training Linked to Economic Activities 3 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Average Income per capita 2Primary source of income 3Skills available- Handicraft/handloom/Industrial etc 4MSME clusters present (Y/N) 5If (Y), above then nos and type of MSME cluster 6Employment generated through 1 above 7Female to Male ratio of employment 8Female to Male ratio of vocational skill engagement 9Traditional/home based Industries present 10Identified needs for skill development 11Agencies involved in skill development/training Total Projected GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Projected no of households for Projected needs for skill development ( no of hoseholds)
Component Profiling Agri-services and Processing 4 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up DetailsGram Panchayats ExistingGP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Any Existing agri service centre (Y/N) 2If Y then issues/need for up-gradation 3Any agro-processing industries present (Y/N) 4If Y then details of the same – type-size, scale etc 5Presence of adequate storage & warehousing facilities 6Presence of cold storage facilties 7Predominant agricultural produce 8Issues related to optimum yield 9 Identified additional support infrastructure to improve agri-productivity. 10Presence of mandis/wholesale agri produce markets ( Nos and distance between these mandis)
Component Profiling Digital Amenities and Literacy 5 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP Any existing ICT enabled front end Common Service Centre (Y/N) 2If Y any up-gradation required 3 Connectivity under NOFN/Broad Band connectivity 4Gaps under 3 above ( coverage) 5Coverage under E- Kranti 6 % of households with digital connectivity 7 % of households with at-least one e literate person Total Projected GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP Projected no of households for Projected needs for digital literacy ( no of households)
Component Profiling 24x7 Piped Water Supply 6 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up DetailsGram Panchayats Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Source of water supply ( Ground/Surface) 2Any Treatment Plant facility- type and capacity Any problems with leakages/old piping systems 3Storage Reservoirs-nos and capacity 4Coverage of WS connection (piped) at household level 5No of stand posts and coverage of each stand post ( no of households) 6Per capita availability of drinking water supply 7No of hours of water supply 8Any metering systems available 9Quality of water supply 10Water supply systems of historical/religious significance Projected GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Projected no of households for Projected water demand for 2022 iProjected capacity of Treatment capacity IiProjected capacity of SR IiiNo of household connections IvProjected water supply network -distribution
Component Profiling Sanitation 7 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up DetailsGram Panchayats Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Coverage of households with Individual Toilets 2Any Open defecation 3Existing condition of the IHH Toilets 4Connection with septic tanks 5 Coverage with sewerage systems- type and condition 6 Any sewage treatment plant available-type and condition 7Any alternate systems of treatment being used 8Any recycling facilities available Projections GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Projected no of households for Requirement of HH Toilets Projected need for sewage network 4Projected need of Sewage Treatment Plant
Component Profiling Solid and Liquid Waste Management 8 DetailsGram Panchayats Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP Existing facilities for collection at the household level 2Any segregation done at the household level 3Frequency and mode of collection 4Existing facilities for disposal and treatment 5Type of treatment facility ( need in 2022) 6 Any non conventional/traditional methods/oganic (eg. vermi composting) of solid waste treatment 7Any recycling options/facilities 8 Waste disposal facilities for hazardous/industrial waste ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Access to Village Streets with Drains 9 DetailsGram Panchayats Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Coverage of Village Streets 2 Type of village street Kutcha/Semi Pucca/Kutcha ( BT/Concrete/interlocking tiles/other) 3 Width of village streets-whether motorable or non motorable 4Pedestrian pathways available 5% of streets covered with drains 6Type of drains( covered /uncovered) 7Storm water disposal facilities ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Village Street Lights 10 DetailsGram Panchayats Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1No of street lights per km of street length 2Type of street light ( whether sodium vapour/LED) 3Any non conventional methods of street lighting 4No of non functional street lights to be replaced 4Electric Poles availability 4Coverage of households with electricity 5Use of non -conventional sources of electricity 6Potential for renewable energy usage ( wind/solar/mini-hydel) ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Health 11 DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Existing nos of sub centres/dispensaries. 2Infrastructure facilities of the sub centres 4Existing nos of maternity homes 5No of Primary Health Centres 6No of veterinary centres Projections GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1Projected Population Requirement of sub centres Requirement of maternity homes Requirement of PHCs 5Requirement of veterinary centres-2022 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Up gradation of primary, secondary and higher secondary schools 12 DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1No of anganwadis/mini anganwadi centres 2No of Primary Schools 3No of senior secondary schools 4Any schools for physically challenged persons 5Existing condition of 1-4 6Up-gradation needs for 1-4 Projections GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4Total 1Projected no of households for Projections for 1-4 above ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Inter village roads connectivity 13 DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP Distance between GPs 2 % covered by BT roads- whether NH/SH/MDR/PMGSY 3Length of non connectivity between GPs 4Capacity of existing roads – no of vehicles 5Need for strengthening/widening of existing roads ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling Public Transport 14 DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP Public Transport facilities at household level viz. tempos/ rikshaws etc 2 Public Transport facilities at GP level- Bus stops/tempo stops/number of buses plying and frequency. 3 Public Transport at the cluster level- Bus Terminals/Local trains 4Improvement/Augmentation proposals by Government ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up
Component Profiling LPG Gas Connections 15 DetailsGram Panchayats Total Existing GP - 1GP - 2GP - 3GP - 4 1No of households with LPG connections 2No of LPG godowns 3 Projected no of LPG connections required for Projected no of LPG godowns for 2022 ** Brief analysis and Issues may be included in a brief write up