Fukushima Flooding Task Force Jim Riley April 5, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Fukushima Flooding Task Force Jim Riley April 5, 2012

Regulatory Response Organization

Fukushima Flooding Task Force (FFTF)  Established in early October  Chartered to address flooding issues in Fukushima 10CFR50.54(f) letter and related longer term activities  Utility members cover a range of experience and plant locations  Holding numerous meetings and weekly phone calls

Requested Walkdown Information  Confirm walkdown guidance to be used  Describe licensing basis  Describe walkdown process  Provide results of walkdowns  Document cliff edge effects*  Describe new and planned flood protection features

Flooding Walkdown Activities  Utility responses – 90d (June 10) Commit to walkdown guidance – 180d after NRC endorsement Submit walkdown results to the NRC  Task Force deliverables – NRC endorsed walkdown guidance and acceptance criteria – Template for licensee responses to 10CFR50.54(f) letter

Flooding Walkdown Overview  Current plant configuration will be compared to existing design basis  Key elements of walkdown guidance – Training – Visual inspections – Manual action feasibility – Procedure review – PM or periodic inspection review  NRC endorsement expected in late May  Use walkdowns to prepare for evaluations

Flooding Walkdown Overview    6/10/12  180 Days  49 Days  Develop NRC/ Industry Guidance  Perform Walk down and Submit Report  Evaluate Guidance  Confirm use of Guidance and  Submit Response  49 Days  41 Days  90 Days   NRC Endorses Industry Guidance  30 Days  11/21/12

Requested Evaluation Information  Flood hazard evaluation – Describe current flood hazard and protection feature licensing basis – Document results of flood hazard evaluation – Compare current and reevaluated flood hazard evaluation results – Describe actions taken or planned to address higher flooding hazards  If current design basis floods do not bound the new results, provide an Integrated Assessment of the condition and planned actions

Flooding Hazard Evaluation Activities  Utility required responses – 90d (June 10) Submit schedule for completion if > 3 years – 60d after NRC endorsement of Integrated Assessment Guidance (~Jan 29) Submit approach to Integrated Assessment – 1 to 3y Submit flood evaluation results – 2y after flood evaluation submittal Submit Integrated Assessment if applicable

Flooding Hazard Evaluation Activities  Flooding hazards for existing sites will be reevaluated with the methods used for new reactors  Task Force deliverables – Guidance for flood evaluations Plant prioritization scheme by May 11 – Template for licensee responses to 10CFR50.54(f) letter – Guidance for Integrated Assessment NRC endorsement by November 30

Flooding Hazard Evaluation Overview  Key elements of FFTF deliverables – Prioritization scheme will require utility input and conformance with schedule – Evaluation guidance will contain Overview of evaluation process NRC agreements Clarifications and consistency issues – Integrated Assessment provides guidance if flood hazard evaluation results exceed design basis

    60 Days  NRC/Industry Develop Integrated Assessment Guidance  Licensee Submit Approach  to  Submit Hazard Re-evaluation (HR) Results and Vulnerability Plan  Complete and submit Integrated Assessment  IA  IA = Integrated Assessment  IF  HR Results > than CLB  Yes  No  Resolve any interim actions that may have been identified in the HR Report submitted to the NRC  to    NRC Prioritize Sites  As Prioritized by NRC  (1 to 3 Years)  60 Days  2 Years FLOODING HAZARD EVALUATION ACTIVITIES 

What Utilities Should be Doing Now  Assemble flooding design basis  Review draft walkdown guidance to understand scope and approach  Determine content and level of effort of new plant flood evaluations

FFTF Membership  George Attarian, Progress  Joe Bellini, Exelon  Rich Bologna, FENOC  Jeff Brown, APS/PWROG  Carl Faller, INPO  Joe Gasper, OPPD  John Giddens, SNC  Rudy Gil, Next Era  Bill Horstman, PGE  Dean Hubbard, Duke  Ken Huffman, EPRI  Jamie LaBorde, SCANA  Mike Murray, STP-STARS  Drew Miller, Exelon  Jim Riley, NEI  Jim Rogers, Entergy  Jim Scarola, Progress – Exec Sponsor  Penny Selman, TVA  Denis Shumaker, PSEG/PWROG  George Wrobel, Constellation  Bob Yale, SCE