Fukushima Flooding Task Force Jim Riley April 5, 2012
Regulatory Response Organization
Fukushima Flooding Task Force (FFTF) Established in early October Chartered to address flooding issues in Fukushima 10CFR50.54(f) letter and related longer term activities Utility members cover a range of experience and plant locations Holding numerous meetings and weekly phone calls
Requested Walkdown Information Confirm walkdown guidance to be used Describe licensing basis Describe walkdown process Provide results of walkdowns Document cliff edge effects* Describe new and planned flood protection features
Flooding Walkdown Activities Utility responses – 90d (June 10) Commit to walkdown guidance – 180d after NRC endorsement Submit walkdown results to the NRC Task Force deliverables – NRC endorsed walkdown guidance and acceptance criteria – Template for licensee responses to 10CFR50.54(f) letter
Flooding Walkdown Overview Current plant configuration will be compared to existing design basis Key elements of walkdown guidance – Training – Visual inspections – Manual action feasibility – Procedure review – PM or periodic inspection review NRC endorsement expected in late May Use walkdowns to prepare for evaluations
Flooding Walkdown Overview 6/10/12 180 Days 49 Days Develop NRC/ Industry Guidance Perform Walk down and Submit Report Evaluate Guidance Confirm use of Guidance and Submit Response 49 Days 41 Days 90 Days NRC Endorses Industry Guidance 30 Days 11/21/12
Requested Evaluation Information Flood hazard evaluation – Describe current flood hazard and protection feature licensing basis – Document results of flood hazard evaluation – Compare current and reevaluated flood hazard evaluation results – Describe actions taken or planned to address higher flooding hazards If current design basis floods do not bound the new results, provide an Integrated Assessment of the condition and planned actions
Flooding Hazard Evaluation Activities Utility required responses – 90d (June 10) Submit schedule for completion if > 3 years – 60d after NRC endorsement of Integrated Assessment Guidance (~Jan 29) Submit approach to Integrated Assessment – 1 to 3y Submit flood evaluation results – 2y after flood evaluation submittal Submit Integrated Assessment if applicable
Flooding Hazard Evaluation Activities Flooding hazards for existing sites will be reevaluated with the methods used for new reactors Task Force deliverables – Guidance for flood evaluations Plant prioritization scheme by May 11 – Template for licensee responses to 10CFR50.54(f) letter – Guidance for Integrated Assessment NRC endorsement by November 30
Flooding Hazard Evaluation Overview Key elements of FFTF deliverables – Prioritization scheme will require utility input and conformance with schedule – Evaluation guidance will contain Overview of evaluation process NRC agreements Clarifications and consistency issues – Integrated Assessment provides guidance if flood hazard evaluation results exceed design basis
60 Days NRC/Industry Develop Integrated Assessment Guidance Licensee Submit Approach to Submit Hazard Re-evaluation (HR) Results and Vulnerability Plan Complete and submit Integrated Assessment IA IA = Integrated Assessment IF HR Results > than CLB Yes No Resolve any interim actions that may have been identified in the HR Report submitted to the NRC to NRC Prioritize Sites As Prioritized by NRC (1 to 3 Years) 60 Days 2 Years FLOODING HAZARD EVALUATION ACTIVITIES
What Utilities Should be Doing Now Assemble flooding design basis Review draft walkdown guidance to understand scope and approach Determine content and level of effort of new plant flood evaluations
FFTF Membership George Attarian, Progress Joe Bellini, Exelon Rich Bologna, FENOC Jeff Brown, APS/PWROG Carl Faller, INPO Joe Gasper, OPPD John Giddens, SNC Rudy Gil, Next Era Bill Horstman, PGE Dean Hubbard, Duke Ken Huffman, EPRI Jamie LaBorde, SCANA Mike Murray, STP-STARS Drew Miller, Exelon Jim Riley, NEI Jim Rogers, Entergy Jim Scarola, Progress – Exec Sponsor Penny Selman, TVA Denis Shumaker, PSEG/PWROG George Wrobel, Constellation Bob Yale, SCE