IEP Review 2/7/12
LEARNING TARGET 1.I will be able to write a goal with the ABCDE format 2.I will be able to understand the difference between specially designed instruction and supplemental aids/services for an IEP 3.I will be able to correctly write specially designed instruction and supplemental aids/services on an IEP
SAMPLE GOAL When given 20 two-digit division problems, Mikayla will correctly solve the problems with 80% accuracy as measured by weekly quizzes.
ABCDE AAudienceMikayla BBehaviorWill correctly solve problems CCircumstanceWhen Given 20 two –digit division problems DDegree/Criteria80% accuracy EEvaluation Method Weekly quizzes
GOAL When given a writing prompt, Roland will write a clear, coherent paragraph with appropriate punctuation and verb tense to the proficient level, on 3/5 assignments as measured by a rubric
GOAL A – Roland B – will write a clear, coherent paragraph with appropriate punctuation and verb tense to the proficient level C – When given a writing prompt D – on 3/5 assignments E – as measured by a rubric
NON-EXAMPLES (activity) Michelle will read on grade level with 80% accuracy on 4/5 data days Elizabeth will read, write and compare decimals to the thousand’s Braydon will improve his skills in order to become more self-sufficient H. will write using appropriate forms, conventions and styles with 80% accuracy on 4/5 data days Tiffany will use Braille contractions appropriately and at grade level with 90% accuracy. Tom will be prepared for class each day.
SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION Explicit social skills instruction Instruction in long cane Instruction in work identification strategies Instruction in the use of a communication system Strategy instruction for paragraph development Instruction in the use of a CCTV Instruction in use of a Braille notetaker
SUPPLEMENTAL AIDS/SERVICES Use of a communication system Long cane Enlarged text Computer with speech access Extended time Reader and scribe for lengthy passages Braille notetaker
Activity SDI vs. SAS
LEARNING TARGET How did we do?? I will be able to write a goal with the ABCDE format I will be able to understand the difference between specially designed instruction and supplemental aids/services for an IEP I will be able to correctly write specially designed instruction and supplemental aids/services on an IEP