EEA and Eionet example on sharing comparable data and information Adriana Gheorghe Fourth meeting of the WG on Environmental Governance and Climate Change Tashkent 8-10 July 2015
Established by COUNCIL REGULATION (EEC) No 1210/90 of 7 May 1990 on the establishment of the European Environment Agency and the Eionet Eionet connects European Environment Information and Observation Network
Eionet – the people and institutions
Common Content: The environment matters Interpret Integrate Reflect (M) Monitoring Structure Measure (D) Data (I) Indicators (A) Assessments (K) Knowledge, understanding, action
Shared Infrastructures and Tools
EEA data policy Approved by the Management Board in Provides guidelines about EEA’s handling of data and ensures that data is handled in a consistent and transparent manner. EEA aspires to promote the sharing of environmental data. In agreeing to share, data providers need to have assurance that their data are properly handled, disseminated and acknowledged following similar principles and rules across countries and stakeholders Publicly available at: data-policyhttp:// data-policy
EEA indicators by theme & their updates EEA indicators by theme (CSIs) ThemeIndicators Air pollution11 (5) Biodiversity27 (3) Climate change45 (5) Energy11 (5) Environmental scenarios2 (0) Fisheries3 (3) Green economy1 (0) Household consumption1 (0) Land1 (1) Soil1 (1) Transport20 (3) Waste2 (2) Water11 (7) Total136 (35) The EEA currently maintains 136 indicators from 13 themes: Core Set Indicators (CSIs), established to support EU policy priorities other indicator sets (SEBI, TERM, etc.), developed for specific processes such as supporting sectoral targets or reporting on progress with sectoral integration Most indicators are based on statistics from international organisations and EU partners as well as on national data 53% of EEA indicators updated every year
Launched 3 March 2015 SOER 1995 SOER 1999 SOER 2005SOER 2010 … A suite of products
SOER 2015 A suite of product(s): short briefs + up-to-date indicators FLIS indicators EEA indicators EEA & country indicators GMT fichesthematic fiches country fiches & cross-country comparison fiches Synthesis report 3 indicator reports & stakeholder workshop Synthesis & Derivatives Global Megatrends (Europe in global context) Thematic SOE information Country-level SOE information Signals 2015 and other derivatives ? ? SOER 2015 Online SOER 2015 In Print GMES CDR SERIS ROD Reportnet ETDS AoA GEMET SENSE IMS SENSE Data Centres SDI GCI EyeonEarth Discomap SOE online Related (flanking) activities FLIS IMS SENSE ABC SYN
Linking national SOER with the EEA SOER 2015 Part C – Country level SOE information Focus: A series of summaries of national state of environment assessments, to show key environmental issues at country level Format: One country fiche per country, 4 pages each (based on a template and guidance by EEA to ensure comparability) Basis: Drafted by countries; country fiches should largely be based on – or provide summaries of – existing national SOE reports
Development of SEIS by Central Asian countries
Progress Status as of May indicators(11 datasets) 8 indicators: -3 air pollution and ozone depletion -1 climate change -2 water -1 land and soil -1 waste IndicatorKAZKGZTJKUZBTKM A1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A2 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ B3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C10 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C11 D1 ∫☺∫☺ ∫☺∫☺ I1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ Indicator is produced Certain sub-indicators are not produced Indicator is not produced Information was not provided ☼ Background info of methodology +responsible institutions +interpretation of data flow and trends are presented ☺ Data are presented in 2 languages ∫ Indicator is shared online
Status as of November indicators (11 datasets) IndicatorKAZKGZTJKUZBTKM A1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A2 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ B3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C10 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C11 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫ D1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ I1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫ Status as of May indicators (24 datasets) IndicatorKAZKGZTJKUZBTKM A1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A2 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ A3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ B3 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C10 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ C11 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ D1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ I1 ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺ ∫☺
Status as of May indicators (41 datasets) 14 indicators: 3 air pollution and ozone depletion 1 climate change 5 water 2 biodiversity 1 agriculture 1 transport 1 waste IndicatorKAZKGZTJKUZBTKM A1 ∫☺☼ A2 ∫☺☼ A3 ∫☺☼ B3 ∫☺☼ C1 ∫☺☼ C2 ∫☺☼ C3 ∫☺☼ C10 ∫☺☼ C11 ∫☺☼ D1 ∫☺☼ D4 ∫☺☼ F2 ∫☺☼ H1 ∫☺☼ I1 ∫☺☼
Evaluation of the performance in producing and sharing 8 indicators between May 2014 and May /11 8/24 - Production and sharing of 14 indicators
Evaluation of the performance in producing and sharing 8 indicators between May 2014 and May /11 8/24 - Production and sharing of 14 indicators
Evaluation of the performance in producing and sharing 8 indicators between May 2014 and May Production and sharing of 14 indicators
SEIS development in Central Asia: Achievements, perspectives and lessons learnt MONECA component of the FLERMONECA project
MONECA results in a nutshell 1.Online information on the State of the Environment based on UNECE recommendations and indicators KAZKYRTAJTKMUZB Agency for Environmental Protection’s website Statistical Agency’s website Others 3.Development of an open regional web-portal on water quality under SIC ICWC web-portal 4.Improvement of the existing SIC ICSD web-portal, update of available information and development of regional spatial information (e.g. protected areas) 2.Indicator production in line with UNECE recommendations KAZKYRTAJTKMUZB Air quality3333 Water quality222 Biodiversity4444 Climate change3
Online version of the State of the Environment Report – Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan
Regional web resources – ICSD’s ecoportal and ICWC sub-portal on water
Issues successfully addressed by the project Improved national coordination between statistical and environmental authorities and improved selected data flows (biodiversity) Solid institutional arrangements for indicators sharing and SoE production (country specific) Deeper knowledge of SEIS principles among experts, better awareness among policy makers and broader acceptability of the SEIS concept Experience exchange within the region, with Eastern and Western European good practice and networking Practical inputs and visible progress at UNECE WGEMA (country specific)
Issues to be addressed after the completion of FLERMONECA Data policies - Approaches to data sharing vary depending on country, datasets and time/space: historic and near-real time, point-specific or aggregated Data quality - Insufficient data quality assurance systems and procedures (all countries) Coordination - Lack of continuity between reporting processes to different MEAs Information use - Limited use of indicators for setting and tracking policy targets (all countries) Strengthening of national information systems Regional information exchange - Limited regional information exchange, no sustainable and acceptable regional data sharing practices, lack of regionally-specific indicators Pan-European processes - Limited involvement in Pan-European processes (TJ, TM) Information exchange at the regional level and beyond Monitoring equipment - Outdated monitoring devices, lack of investment in modern equipment, limited automatic and real-time measurements (KG, TJ, TM) Capacity building - Limited technical capacities and budgets of governmental authorities to operate and maintain modern monitoring devices and consumables (KG, TJ, TM) Hardware and capacity building
Perspectives: Content Strengthen national institutional and legal frameworks as well as existing inter-agency working groups to ensure regular monitoring, data sharing and online reporting based on environmental indicators Support the development of consistent data quality assurance systems Support the use at national level of the indicators proposed by the WGEMA to monitor SEIS implementation Develop capacities of governmental organizations and the NGO sector in using environmental indicators in setting policy targets, policy making an development planning Produce additional indicators according UNECE guidelines and beyond – in support to green economy Low- hanging fruit Mid-term Strategic and long-term
Perspectives: Infrastructure Support the upgrading of monitoring equipment, data storage and exchange and infrastructure Build capacities of governmental specialists to operate modern monitoring equipment Low- hanging fruit Mid-term Strategic and long-term
Perspectives: Cooperation Strengthen links with the ENPI-SEIS project to develop East-East cooperation Support the development of national data policies Support the further contribution of CA States to Pan-European processes, including the Environment for Europe process and dedicated working groups under the UNECE Committee on Environmental Policy Strengthen regional information exchange on existing regional platform, e.g. ICSD (infrastructure development and capacity building) Low- hanging fruit Mid-term Strategic and long-term
Thank you Adriana Gheorghe Viktor Novikov, Nickolai Denisov, Talaibek Makeev, Lukasz Wyrovski, Simon Charré Explore SOER2015 at: