Chapter 21 Topics: The major sources of renewable energy Solar energy Wind energy Geothermal energy Ocean energy Hydrogen fuel cells
New renewables “New” renewables are a group of alternative energy sources that include the sun, wind, geothermal heat, and ocean water They are referred to as “new” because: They are not yet used on a wide scale Their technologies are in a rapid phase of development They will play a larger role in our future energy use New renewables provide energy for electricity, heating, and fuel for vehicles
A growing energy sector New renewables are growing faster than conventional energy sources Benefits of the new renewables include: Alleviating air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions They are inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels They help diversify our energy economy They create jobs, income, and taxes, especially in rural areas
Barriers remain Some technological and economic barriers to the greater use of new renewables exist Recent advances suggest that these barriers are the legacy of “entrenched” policies (and thus, politics) Conventional energy sources get more government subsidies, tax breaks, and research investment In the absence of clear policy signals in support of new renewables, businesses (with their short-term, quarterly profit focus) are reluctant to act
Solar energy Solar energy has been used for hundreds of years Each square meter of Earth receives about 1,000 Joules per second (1 kilowatt) of solar energy Passive solar = used primarily for heating buildings; uses building orientation, dimensions, and materials to allow winter sunlight into the building (and to collect its thermal energy) but block summer sunlight Active solar = used for heating air and water, cooking, and generating electricity; uses technology to focus, collect, move, and/or store solar energy
Passive solar Passive solar is simple and effective, conserving energy and reducing costs Low, south-facing windows maximize heat gain in the winter; roof overhangs block summer light Thermal mass = construction materials that absorb, store, and release heat are used in floors, roofs, and walls Vegetation protects buildings from temperature swings
Active solar – heating air/water Flat plate solar collectors = dark-colored, heat- absorbing metal plates mounted on rooftops Water, air, or antifreeze is pumped through the collectors, transferring heat throughout the building Heated liquids can be stored and used later Can be used in isolated locations
Focusing the sun’s rays Focusing solar energy on a single point magnifies its intensity This concept can be used for something as simple as a solar cooker, or as complex as making electricity
Concentrated solar power Concentrated solar power (CSP) = technologies that concentrate solar energy The trough approach Curved mirrors focus sunlight on pipes containing fluids Thermal energy captured in the fluids is used to produce electricity The “power tower” approach An array of mirrors focus sunlight on a receiver at the top of a tall tower Mirrors are programmed to track the sun’s movement
Photovoltaic cells Photovoltaic (PV) cells = convert sunlight directly into electrical energy The photovoltaic (photoelectric) effect occurs when light hits the PV cell and hits a plate made of silicon Released electrons are attracted to the opposite plate Wires connecting the two plates let electrons flow, creating an electric current Small PV cells are in watches and calculators On roofs, PV cells are arranged in modules, which comprise panels gathered into arrays
Variations on PV technology Thin-film solar cells = PV materials are compressed into thin sheets Less efficient but cheaper Can be incorporated into roofing shingles, roads, etc. Net metering = the value of the power the consumer provides is subtracted from the monthly utility bill Feed-in tariffs pay producers more than the market price of power, so power producers turn a profit
Growth of solar power Due to erratic funding for research & development, solar energy contributes only a very small part of U.S. energy production Use has increased 31% per year since 1971 Solar energy is attractive in developing nations, where many don’t have access to electricity Solar energy use should increase, due to: Falling prices Improved technologies Economic incentives
Advantages Solar technologies use no fuels, are quiet and safe, contain no moving parts, require little maintenance Solar technologies do not emit greenhouse gases or air pollution They allow local, decentralized control over power PV owners can sell excess electricity to their utility Green-collar jobs are being created
Disadvantages Location - given current technologies, many regions do not get enough sunlight to be effective Daily and seasonal variation also poses problems Storage (batteries) and back-up power are needed Costs - costs are high Prices have dropped and efficiency has increased (20%) Subsidies and market pricing favor fossil fuels (external costs not included)
Wind energy Wind energy = energy derived from movement of air Wind turbines = devices that convert wind’s kinetic energy into electric energy Windmills have been used for 800 years to pump water After the 1973 oil embargo, governments funded research and development Moderate funding boosted technological progress Today’s wind turbines look like airplane propellers or helicopters
Wind turbines Wind blowing against the blades of the rotor turn the turbine, generating electricity Towers are 45–105 m (148–344 ft) tall, minimizing turbulence and maximizing wind speed Wind farms = turbines erected in groups of up to hundreds of turbines Energy varies as the square of wind speed
Growth of wind power Output has doubled every 3 years in recent years Five nations produce 75% of the world’s wind power But dozens of nations now produce wind power Electricity is almost as cheap as from fossil fuels A long-term federal tax credit would increase wind power even more
U.S. wind potential and generation
Offshore wind potential Wind speeds are 20% greater over water than over land and there is less air turbulence over water Costs to erect and maintain turbines in water are higher, but more power is produced and it is more profitable Currently, turbines are limited to shallow water An offshore wind farm off Cape Cod will have 130 turbines
Advantages Wind produces no emissions once installed, preventing the release of CO 2, SO 2, NO x, mercury It is more efficient than conventional power sources with an EROI = 23:1 (nuclear = 16:1; coal = 11:1) It is readily scaled to any size and local areas can become more self-sufficient Farmers and ranchers can lease their land for wind farms, supplementing their farm income Advancing technology is reducing the cost of wind farm construction
Disadvantages We have no control over when wind will occur Limits our ability to rely on it for electricity Batteries or hydrogen fuel can store the energy Wind sources are not always near population centers, so transmission networks need to be built Turbines threaten birds and bats, which can be killed when they fly into rotating blades Local residents often oppose them ( the Not-in-my- backyard (NIMBY) syndrome)
Geothermal energy Geothermal energy = thermal energy from beneath Earth’s surface Radioactive decay of elements under extremely high pressures deep inside the planet generates heat Which rises through magma, fissures, and cracks Or heats groundwater, which erupts as geysers or submarine hydrothermal vents Geothermal power plants use hot water and steam for heating homes, drying crops, and generating electricity Geothermal energy provides more electricity than solar and as much as wind
…the how…
…the where…
Advantages and disadvantages Advantages Each megawatt of geothermal power prevents release of 15.5 million lbs of CO 2 each year The source of the thermal energy is “perpetual” Disadvantages Limited to locations with high heat flow (plate tectonics) Water can be removed faster than it can recharge Water can be corrosive, requiring maintenance
Enhanced geothermal systems “Geothermal on demand” – anywhere you want Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) Deep holes are drilled into the Earth Cold water is pumped in and heats Hot water is withdrawn to generate electricity Heat resource below the U.S. could power the Earth’s demands for millennia Get’s around the location limitation But EGS can trigger minor earthquakes and is not particularly cost-effective
Low-temperature geothermal We can take advantage of natural temperature differences between the soil and air Soil temperatures vary less than air temperatures Soil temperatures are nearly constant year round Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs) = heat pumps that exchange thermal energy with the subsurface In the winter, thermal energy is transferred from the ground to the building In summer, thermal energy is transferred from the building to the ground
More on GSHPs More than 600,000 U.S. homes use GSHPs Heat spaces 50–70% more efficiently Cool spaces 20–40% more efficiently Reduce electricity use 25–60% Reduce emissions up to 70%
Energy from the ocean – tidal Kinetic energy from the natural motion of ocean water can generate electrical power Tidal energy The rising and falling of ocean tides twice each day moves large amounts of water Differences in height fro low to high tide are especially great in long, narrow bays
Energy from the ocean – waves Wave energy = the motion of waves is harnessed and converted from mechanical energy into electricity Many designs exist; few have been adequately tested Some designs are for offshore facilities and involve floating devices that move up and down the waves Wave energy is greater at deep ocean sites, but transmitting electricity to shore is very expensive Another design uses the motion of ocean currents, such as the Gulf Stream
Coastal wave energy concepts One coastal design uses rising and falling waves, which push air in and out of chambers, turning turbines to generate electricity No commercial wave energy facilities operate yet but demonstration projects exist in Europe, Japan, and Oregon
Energy from the ocean - thermal Each day, tropical oceans absorb solar radiation equal to the heat content of 250 billion barrels of oil Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) = uses temperature differences between the surface and deep water Closed cycle approach = warm surface water evaporates ammonia, which spin turbines to generate electricity Open cycle approach = warm surface water is evaporated in a vacuum and its steam turns turbines Costs are high; no commercial operation as yet
Hydrogen Fuel cells (hydrogen batteries) use hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity to power cars, homes, computers, etc. (“waste” = water) A hydrogen economy would provide a clean, safe, and efficient energy system by using the world’s simplest and most abundant element as fuel Electricity produced from intermittent sources (sun, wind) could be used to produce the hydrogen Governments are funding research into hydrogen and fuel cell technology
A hydrogen fuel cell
Producing hydrogen Hydrogen gas does not exist freely on Earth Energy must be used to force hydrogen-bearing molecules (water, methane) to release the hydrogen Water can be broken down into H 2 and O 2 by Electrolysis – passing an electric current through water; the environmental impact depends on the source of the electricity Producing hydrogen from methane releases CO 2
Advantages and disadvantages Advantages We will never run out; it is clean and nontoxic to use Fuel cells are silent, non-polluting and up to 90% energy efficient Can be used to store energy from intermittent sources If kept under pressure, hydrogen is no more dangerous than gasoline in tanks Disadvantages The infrastructure needed for wide-spread use does not exist and will be expensive to build Leakage of hydrogen can deplete stratospheric ozone