ALFRED NOBEL UNIVERSITY DNIPROPETROVS’K THE DEPARTMENT ECONOMY OF ENTERPRISE Performed: student of the V course, group OM-10m Specialty economy of enterprise – «Economy of enterprise » Buriak A. Scientific supervisor : Dubinsky S., Ph.D., associate professor
The object of the investigations is Public Joint Stock Company Automobile Company "Bogdan Motors", which aims to manufacture vehicles. The subject of the investigations is the indicators characterizing the financial and economic performance and efficiency of equity. The novelty of the results is obtained in suggestion of the ways of improvement of joint-stock company’s operation.
1.Analysis of machine-building industry for the period y.y. 2.Organizational and economic characteristics of the company 3.Analysis of financial and economic performance 4.Problem use of company’s equity 5.Measures to improve the efficiency of PJSC “Bogdan Motos” CONCLUSION CONTENTS
1. Analysis of machine-building industry for the period y.y. Manufacture of vehicles consisting GDP for the years Indexes industrial production for the years Name 2011/ / /2012 Production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers and other vehicles 119,1100,479,6 Production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 122,087,789,3 Manufacturing of motor vehicles132,075,368,3
2. Organizational and economic characteristics of the company General characteristics of the company Characteristics Indicator Full name Public Joint Stock Company Automobile Company "Bogdan Motors" short namePJSC AC "Bogdan Motors" Date of formation Code according to USREOU Business TypeVehicles production Code of economic activity (CEA)29.10 Property formPrivate property Code ownership (KFO)10 Territoryby COATSU Code organizational and legal forms of management (CLFE) 234 Company address Kyiv, street Elektrykiv, h. 29A Head of enterprise (Name)Vitaly Starosud Chief Accountant (Name)Elena Dutova
The organizational structure of PJSC AK" Bogdan Motors “ General Director Trade Department Human Resources Commercial Director Chief Accountant Regional Managers Staff Managers Sales Management Supplies Management Manager for Marketing Jurist
3 Analysis of financial and economic performance
4. Problem use of company’s equity ths. UAN
Results of production at new market 5. Measures to improve the efficiency of PJSC “Bogdan Motos”
CONCLUSION It is clear that in addition to entering new markets, should implement comprehensive measures in operating activities for improvement. For its development requires constant modernization of equipment, renovation of production, expanding the range of products, introduction of new, advanced technologies, making significant investments. It should also be noted products "Bogdan Motors" has low cost and good quality that can provide high demand in other countries and to increase the volume of production. Approximate calculation method of raising equity can provide considerable development company. Once the company starts to operate at a profit and strengthen its capital - shares will generate income, shareholders receive dividends. This in turn gives charm to attract investors to their funds in additional capital, which will provide greater profitability and enterprise development.