Centre For Brain & Spine Care
About us Centre for brain and Spine care is a new generation medical facility conveniently located in the heart of Chennai. It is centrally located and is solely dedicated to providing quality treatment for brain abnormalities and injuries and spine care. It is well equipped with state-of-the art equipment and is distinguished by the services of one of the best neurosurgeons, Dr. K.P Thirumaran.
Our Doctor Dr. K.P Thirumaran (Assistant professor, neurology,Madras medical college hospital, Neuro surgeon, Apollo hospitals, chennai) is one of the best and most distinguished neurosurgeons in the country.
Spine Tumor A spinal tumor is a growth of cells or mass that develops with in or surroundings of the spinal cord. It may be cancerous or noncancerous......
Symptoms of Spine Tumor The symptoms of spine tumor depends on the type of tumor, location, and our general health. Spine Tumors will spread to the spine from different positions (metastatic tumors) often quickly. Primary tumors normally spread slowly over weeks to years.v
How to Diagnose Spine Tumor These tests confirm spinal tumor * Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination * Cytology (cell studies) of CSF * Myelogram * Spinal CT * Spine MRI * Spine x-ray
Treatment for Spine tumor * Corticosteroids (dexamethasone) it given to decrease the inflammation and swelling around the spinal cord. * Surgery need to relieve compression on the spinal cord and Some spinal tumors can be completely removed and in some cases,the part of the Spine tumor may be removed to reduce the pressure on the spinal cord. * Radiation therapy. * Chemotherapy. * Physical therapy is needed to improve the muscle strength and ability to function independently.
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