I.Inequality 불평등 : Some Basic Facts II.Student Video: Down Germantown Avenue II. Social Stratification ( 사회적 계층화 ) A. Definition B. Marx vs. Weber C. Some Basic Concepts 1. Status Inconsistency 지위불일치 2. Ascribed vs. Achieved Status 귀속 대 획득 지위 3. Social Mobility 사회적 이동성 4. Social and Cultural Capital 사회문화자본
Recent Trends in US Poverty The U.S. poverty rate has risen each year since 2000 from 11.3% to 12.7% The number of poor people has risen from 31.6 million in 2000 to 37 million in The poverty threshold in 2004 was $19,307 for a family of four In 2004, the white poverty rate was 8.6%, the black poverty rate was 24.7%, and the hispanic poverty rate was 21.9%
Down Germantown Avenue A film made by Rutgers-Camden sociology students and presented the Eastern Sociological Society in Washington DC in Etienne Jackson and James Flatley at ESS
What is social stratification? Inequality hierarchy groups of families Relative stability over time social reproduction
Marx on Stratification Class and class conflict 계급갈등 at the center of society Classes rooted in the mode of production (in the economic base) Classes can become real groups and real agents of history
Other forms of stratification and types of groups exist as well There are competing principles of group formation and hierarchy Stratification varies across societies and history Weber on Stratification
Weber and Marx agree: stratification lies at the core of society and social change