Cell Biology & Cancer Unit Objective 1 Cancer types, incidence, pre-disposition, and risk factors Biomedical Technology
2 Cancer Facts 1.Group of 100 diseases 2.Diseases that develop across time 3.Characterized by uncontrolled cell division 4.Can develop in any body tissue
3 Cancer Facts 5.Hereditary and environmental factors contribute to development of cancer 6.Second leading cause of death in US 7.Men have one in two risk and women have one in three risk in their lifetime. 8.Risk increases with age
4 Cancer types Benign Malignant Metastatic Classification of the cancer type depends on cause and location Each type has its own growth rate, prognosis and treatability
5 Benign Not dangerous The best type of news a cancer patient can receive. Does not invade nearby tissues or spread to other parts of the body
6 Malignant Is the invasive type of cancer. It invades nearby tissues and spreads to other parts of the body. Malignant is the word often used to describe cancer although not all cancer is malignant.
7 Metastatic The spreading of the primary cancer to another part of the body. Examples: Breast cancer spreads most commonly to the bones. Colon cancer spreads most commonly to the liver.
8 Inherited disposition Means they are more likely to develop cancer than the general population Can inherit a susceptible mutation which occurs in all body’s cells For instance if your mother and grandmother had breast cancer you are more likely to develop breast cancer.
9 Risk Factors 1.Exposure to carcinogens 2.Cigarette smoking 3.Exposure to the sun 4.Females – family history of breast cancer 5.Fair skin 6.Chemicals, radiation, and viruses
10 Relationship to exposure and development of cancer Cancer can develop decades after exposure to carcinogens Cancer does not always develop after exposure Cancer develops over time and could be from different causes. Cancer can occur at any age and any location
11 Terminology associated with the diagnosis of cancer 1.Incidence rate – number of new cases per year per 100,000 persons. 2.Mortality rate – number of deaths per 100,000 persons per year 3.Survival rate – proportion of patients alive at some point after their diagnosis of a disease.
12 Additional Information Mortality rate is the same as death rate and fatality rate. Example: If the mortality rate is 90% there is a 90% chance of death. Survival rate is the opposite of mortality rate. Example: If the survival rate is 90% there is a 90% chance of survival or cure.
13 Chance of surviving cancer increases with early detection and treatment
14 Cancer Facts Review 1.Cancer is a group of how many diseases? Cancer develops; a. Suddenlyb. Across time 3.Cancer is characterized by; a. uncontrolled cell division b. controlled cell division
15 Cancer Facts Review 4. What part of the body can cancer develop in? Virtually any of the body’s tissues 5. Name two known factors that contribute to cancer. Hereditary and environmental factors
16 Cancer Facts Review 6. Cancer is one of the top 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. What place does it hold in the top ten? Second 7.Men have one in _____ chance of getting cancer in their lifetime. two 8. Women have one in _____ chance of getting cancer in their lifetime. three
17 Cancer Facts Review 9. Name three types of cancer. Benign, Malignant and Metastatic 10. Cancer classification depends on two factors. What are they? Cause and location 11. Each type of cancer has three characteristics that are unique to each. What are they? Growth rate, prognosis and treatability
18 Cancer Facts Review 12. As a person gets older what happens to the incidence rate of cancer? It increases with age 13. What does inherited predisposition mean? Can inherit a susceptible mutation than can become cancer
19 Cancer Facts Review 14. Name eight risk factors associated with increase incidence of cancer. Exposure to carcinogens Cigarette smoking Exposure to the sun Females – family history of breast cancer Fair skin Chemicals Radiation Viruses
20 Cancer Facts Review 15. Name two actions that you can take to increase your chance of surviving cancer. Early detection and treatment 16. Number of new cases per year per 100,000 persons is the ___________ rate. incidence
21 Cancer Facts Review 17. The number of deaths per 100,000 persons per year is the _______ rate. Mortality 18. Proportion of patients alive at some point after their diagnosis of a disease is the ________ rate. Survival