Rother District Council “2008 Budget Input Consultation” Using SIMALTO Modelling Research For Today Ltd December 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Rother District Council “2008 Budget Input Consultation” Using SIMALTO Modelling Research For Today Ltd December 2007

Objectives Rother District Council wanted to know resident priorities about the allocation of council tax between various services in 2008 Which of current service levels/benefits could be reduced and cause least ‘distress’ among residents? Which improvements, if any, on other services should take priority? Would residents be willing to pay more council tax, above inflation, to lessen any reduction, or fund improvements in benefit services?

Interviews Conducted Interviewed Battle & west70 Bexhill119 Rye & east63 TOTAL252 SexMale50%Female50% Age % %60+33% EthnicityWhite British96%Other4% Interviews were conducted in every ward, proportional to their populations

Sample continued SexMale65%Female35% AgeUnder 4019% %61+32% 102 persons also answered the same questionnaire on the simalto web-site. 81 of these were residents and 21 staff. The residents results are included in this presentation

Sample continued In addition seminars were conducted at council offices. Respondent groups included 14 councillors and 25 members of staff.

What services were shown? 1. Play area equipment 2. Leisure facilities 3. Voluntary grants 4. Town centre spaces 5. Street cleaning 6. Fly tipping 7. Parks rangers 8. Grass cutting 9. Environmental health 10. Renovation grants 11. Toilets 12. Tourist Info. centres 13. Arts / music 14. Christmas lights 15. Magazine 16. Car parking charges 17. Noise / nuisance

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Costed SIMALTO Grid

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Current Position

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Unacceptable

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Base Position

 Each resident asked to ‘spend’ 4 lots of points totalling 43.  One point = £25,000  Current service = 35 points  Left hand side of grid = approx. £900k saving to council.

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Cost Constrained (16) First Priorities

1Children’s Play Area Equipment Close 10 playgrounds As now – 25 playgrounds supported but limited replacement of equipment 1 more facility and replacement 2 more facilities and replacement 2Encouraging Exercise/ Use of leisure Facilities 1 fewer facility As now – 4 centres in Bexhill, Battle and Rye. Membership fee approx £35 Halve membership fees Plus one additional facility 3Voluntary Organisation Grants Citizens Advice Bureau, mediation services, advice and representation centre Halve25% lessAs now10% more25% more 4Town Centre Public Spaces Reduce maintenanceAs now Increased maintenance Improved park and facilities 5Street Cleaning 10% fewer sweepsAs now 10% more seeps + gum removal from main shopping areas 6Fly Tipping Removal within 5 days of reporting As now – removal within 1 to 3 days of reporting Removal within 24 hours of reporting 90% removal within 6 hours 7Parks ‘Rangers’ to Help Make Cleaner/ Safer – police liaison, persistent offences, e.g. dog fouling, graffiti. Respond to customer complaints No park rangers1 park ranger As now – 2 park rangers 1 more 8Grass Cutting – Parks Public Open Spaces, e.g. sea fronts (both town and rural), woodlands, play grounds, country parks Reduced cuts each year As now – up to 24 cuts per year depending on location Increased cuts per year + collect grass cuttings 9Environmental Health Regulations (Food, Hygiene Inspections, Licensing Laws, etc.) As now – statutory minimumIncreased performance or health promotion Cost Constrained (9) Second Priorities

Satisfaction with Specification Base Position 1 st Priority improves 2 nd Priority improves 3 rd Priority improves 4 th Priority Improves Extremely Pleased Very Pleased Quite Pleased Uncertain Slightly Unhappy Very Unhappy

Satisfaction with Personal Choice Scenarios Very Unhappy Slightly Unhappy Uncertain Quite Pleased Very Pleased Extremely Pleased Base 74%21%4%0% +16 Points 11%26%16%42%5%0% +25 Points 3%9%16%53%17%2% +34 Points 1%5%9%52%28%5% +43 Points 1% 3%43%39%14% Current 7%14%17%51%9%2% Web Current5%21%19%37%16%2% Few residents unhappy at 2nd bonus of 25 points.

Satisfaction with current council service Very Unhappy Slightly Unhappy Uncertain Quite Pleased Very Pleased Extremely Pleased Battle & west 4%14%13%49%17%3% Bexhill 9%19%21%47%3%1% Rye & east 6%5%16%60%10%3% Current 7%14%17%51%9%2% Bexhill residents seem less pleased than others.

“Service Benefits/Tax Level” Trade Off Choice Black circles PLUS red arrows, with a 10 pence/week (£5/year) tax saving 1 Black circles PLUS red arrows and black arrows, with No tax change (except inflation) 2 Black circles PLUS red, black, green arrows, with a 10 pence / week (£5/year) tax increase 3 Black circles PLUS all arrowed improvements, with a 20 pence / week (£10/year) tax increase 4

Scenarios Chosen When Informed of Council Tax Impact Scenario: +16 Points+25 Points+34 Points+42 Points Budget Equivalent -£440k-£220kAs now+£220k Tax Impact, ignoring inflation £5 DecreaseNo change£5 Increase £10 Increase Total residents15%22%27%36% Under 40 15%17%35%33% %21%31%35% Over 60 17%27%15%40% 63% prepared to pay more tax than inflation increase. Only 15% want tax/service savings. Elderly slightly less keen on tax increases.

Scenarios Chosen When Informed of Council Tax Impact Scenario: +16 Points+25 Points+34 Points+42 Points Budget Equivalent -£440k-£220kAs now+£220k Tax Impact, ignoring inflation £5 DecreaseNo change£5 Increase £10 Increase Total residents15%22%27%36% Battle & west 20%17%21%41% Bexhill 8%20%32%40% Rye & east 22%29%25%24% Members 14%21%43%21% Staff 0%4%36%60% Web10%37%25%28% Rye & east slightly less prepared to pay for service improvements.

Example Summary Data 10% less 0 As now 2 10% more 4 Priority 43 35% 30% Priority 34 44%36%19% Priority 2564%25%11% Priority 1678%16%6% Unacceptable30%0% Attribute 10) Renovation grants

Residents Dissatisfaction with Alternative “Consensus” Budgets Cost Change - Tax Spend/Saving %

Most Preferred Individual Improvements Service Attribute ChangeIndexCost Play areas (1) Close 10  as now 841 Toilets (11) Close 5  close Fly tipping 5 days  as now, 3days 801 Toilets (11) Close 2  as now 752 Street cleaning (5) 10% fewer  as now 754 Parks rangers (7) None  one 731 Magazine (15) As now, 4  six 31

Comparison of Current allocation with ‘Consensus’ CurrentConsensus Play areasAs now1 more Fly tippingAs now24 hours Arts / music eventsAs now1 fewer Christmas lightsAs nowHalve funds MagazineAs now2 / year Preference Residents29%71% Members50% Staff40%60% Satisfaction Prediction Dissatisfied21%17%

% Choice Prediction Between Consensus Optimum Budgets Tax Change£5LessInflation£3More£6More£10More Total Under Battle & west Bexhill Rye & east Members Staff Web

Garden waste collection service options Options 1234 Total residents26%11%59%4% Under 4036%11%49%5% %14%56%4% Over 6017%7%71%5% Stopping the garden waste collection service completely at approx. a £12 tax reduction equivalent for all homes Make a charge for households using the service, causing an approx. £6 tax reduction equivalent for all homes Continue as at present Double waste capacity collected for households with larger gardens, at approx. a £6 tax increase for all homes Youngsters not into gardening !

Garden waste collection service options, cont Options 1234 Total residents26%11%59%4% Battle & west29%13%55%3% Bexhill19%13%64%5% Rye & east37%5%54%5% Members29%14%43%14% Staff12%48%40%0% Web21%17%58%4% Stopping the garden waste collection service completely at approx. a £12 tax reduction equivalent for all homes Make a charge for households using the service, causing an approx. £6 tax reduction equivalent for all homes Continue as at present Double waste capacity collected for households with larger gardens, at approx. a £6 tax increase for all homes

Summary 1 - Information To maintain the current levels of service, council tax is expected to increase by above the inflation rate. 63% of residents opted for larger tax rises than current, to achieve their personal allocations of the same or a larger budget Only 15% opted for reduced tax and services.

Summary 2 – Recommendation On balance, the research suggests the optimal council tax rise from residents point of view should be about £4 above the inflation rate, with only a marginal cuts in investment in these services.

Summary 3 – Benefit Reductions Causing Least Displeasure. Magazine – Twice / year Arts/music events – 1 fewer* Christmas lights – Halve funding* Renovation grants – 10% less Voluntary grants – 25% less Car parking charges – 10p increase *Not Web residents

Summary 4 – Enhancements causing most Satisfaction Play areas – 1 more* Fly tipping– 24 hours Environmental health – Increased performance Toilets – Improve* *Not web residents

Summary 5 – Services which should not be reduced Play areas Street cleaning Fly tipping Grass cutting Toilets* Noise, nuisance *Not web residents

Preference modelling accuracy Example card Y Budget Allocations ABCDEF Questionnaire Preference % Model Simulation Preference % Ability to pick winners from losers gives confidence in forecasts of predictions of preference