AGRICULTURE SKILL COUNCIL OF INDIA 9 TH FEBRUARY 2016 Sowing Skills, Harvesting Opportunities…
AGRICULTURE SKILL COUNCIL OF INDIA ASCI : Industry led initiative - 28 Member Governing Council – Composition: Industry, Government, Academic & Research Institutions and Farmer Groups. Section 25 ‘Not For Profit’ Company under the aegis of NSDC, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, GOI Target Group: Farmers Wage Workers Formal Jobs in Agriculture Self Employed (MSME & Unorganized Segment)
SUPPORTING BODIES (1/2) Industry Seed Industry: National Seed Association of India, MAHYCO Pesticides Industry: Pesticides Formulators Association of India, Fertilizer Industry: IFFCO Foundation (Largest Fertilizer Concern/ Farmer Cooperative) DCM Shriram Limited Micro Fertilizer: Indian Micro fertilizer Association (IMMA) Farm Machinery Industry: Tractor Manufacturer Association and leading players viz. John Deere Irrigation Industry: Irrigation Association of India, (Jain Irrigation, Netafim) Dairy : Indian Dairy Association, CLFMA Livestock Association of India Government Bodies/ Boards Indian Council for Agriculture Research (ICAR) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) National Horticultural Board (NHB) Small Farmers Agri Business Consortium (SFAC), Spices Board of India National Committee on Plasticulture Applications in India (NCPAH) Tea Board of India, Coffee Board of India Coconut Development Board Agriculture Produce Export Development Authority ( APEDA) 7 Major Industry Associations & 10 Government Bodies | All sub sectors represented | Large & small; MNC & Indian Companies
SUPPORTING BODIES (2/2) Farmers Association All India Vegetable Growers Association Confederation of Indian Horticulture UPASI (United Planters Association of Southern India), All India Grape growers Association Commodity Exchanges National Collateral Management Services Ltd (NCMSL) National Commodity Derivatives & Exchange (NCDEX) Training Institutions International Horticulture Innovation and Training Centre Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology Indian Institute of Plantation Management
INDUSTRY CONNECT Stakeholders : All major Govt Bodies, Farmer Associations, Training Institutions, Industry (Seed, Pesticides, Fertilizer, Irrigation, Farm Machinery, Agri Logistics, Warehousing and Commodity Exchanges) First Level Engagement through:Occupational Mapping, Functional Mapping of Job Roles, Development of National Occupational Standards & QPs and in Future Building a robust LMIS Second Level Engagement through: Six Skill Advisory Boards on a) Pre-harvest b) Crop Production c) Agri Supply Chain d) Dairy e) Poultry and f) Fishery Third Level Engagement through: Sourcing Industry Experts for ‘Train the Trainer’ Programs and Sourcing assessors from the industry Fourth Level Engagement through : Promotion and development of Centre of Excellence and Alignment of Agri-skilling with their CSR Certificate acceptance through : Increased emphasis on Placement linked Job Roles viz. Micro irrigation Technician, Green House Fitter, Artificial Insemination Technician are being promoted Model Training Centers are being set up with the help of Industry ASCI is reaching out to Industries for advocating the significance of the NSQF aligned certificates
TRENDS IN AGRICULTURE WORK FORCE IN INDIA 263 million people (54.6%) are engaged in the agriculture sector and over half of them are now agricultural labourers (Census, 2011) Total Agricultural Workers expected to decline to 190 million (2022) (expected decline of 33%). (IAMR, 2013) In Agriculture sector about 18.5% of the workers were skilled in (IAMR), of which Less than 0.5 per cent have formal technical education 6
FOCUS NEEDED Declining Aggregate workforce being misconstrued with “No Demand” Wrong Perception of being an Unskilled vocation Agriculture is & will remain the largest employer High Value Agriculture nearly 3/4 th of Agri GDP Massive expansion of Jobs in Horticulture, Dairy, Fishery, Poultry, Floriculture and Post Harvest supply chain. Need to upgrade Skills of Farmers, Wage workers & Entrepreneurs Serious Gap in Understanding the Skills in Agriculture
EMERGING AGRICULTURE Huge demand led growth in several sectors. Rapidly emerging new job segments - Dairy, Poultry, Meat, Fisheries, Horticulture, - Farm Mechanization, Micro Irrigation etc - Protected Cultivation ( Green House, Hydroponics etc), Plant Tissue Culture - Bamboo, Honey, Medicinal & Herbal, Organic etc - Agri Warehousing, Cold Chain, Logistics & Supply Chain - Commodity & Financial Markets - Digital & Agriculture Technology, Weather Forecasting - New requirements in Seeds, Pesticides, Fertilizers etc - Alternate energy (Solar, Biomass etc) - Great Opportunity to Skill Youth for employment in High demand Jobs & Self Employment
FOCUS SEGMENTS – ILLUSTRATIVE LIST Crop Management - Food Grain CerealsPulsesOilseeds Crop Management - Cash Crops SugarcaneJuteCotton Plantation Crops Crop Management - High Value Agriculture Horticulture Protected Cultivation Precision Farming Agri Information Management Market Information Risk Management Financial Inclusion Allied Agriculture Activities Dairy Farming PoultryFisheries Inputs Industry (Seeds / fertilizers/Pesticide) and Farm Machinery Seeds Fertilizers Pesticides Farm Machinery Agri Extension Agri Practices Other Industry Related to Agriculture Agri Warehousing Cold ChainAgri Retail Self Employment – Skills Self and Wage Employment - Skills
KEY ACHIEVEMENTS 60 Qualification Packs developed. Another 95 in process. 185 Training Partners affiliated 1,73,164 Trainees enrolled 27 States & 3 UTs covered 637 Trainers trained under ‘Train the Trainer’ Programs 487 Assessors empanelled 11 Languages used for Assessments
PARTNERSHIPS & ACTIVITIES INTERNATIONAL LANTRA, United Kingdom. German Agri Business Alliance AgriFood Skills, Australia. Canadian Agriculture Human Resource Council NATIONAL Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna (PMKVY) of MSDE, GOI National Skill Certification and Reward Scheme ( STAR) of Ministry of Finance, GOI STATES HIMACHAL PRADESH : Introduction of Agriculture in 145 schools PUNJAB : Introduction of Agriculture in 95 schools HARYANA : Introduction of Agriculture in 48 Schools CHHATTISGARH : Introduction of Agriculture in 20 Schools UTTAR PRADESH : Uttar Pradesh Skill Development Mission (UPSDM) KERALA : Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) University and University Grants Commission Independent University Programs. PAU and GADVASU Community Colleges (Diploma and Advanced Diploma) in 31 Colleges B. Voc Courses in 18 Colleges Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Pilot Project on RPL for National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)
WAY FORWARD 4 Centres of Excellence (COE) in collaboration with German Agri Business Alliance in areas of Crop Production, & Value Chain Integration, Farm Mechanisation Cattle Breeding & Milk Production, Procurement Marketing of Poultry and Egg Production. 2 COE in collaboration with Govt. of Punjab in Low Cost Farm Mechanization and Dairy. Collaboration with all State Skill Missions for Agri Skilling ( Initiated with UP, Jharkhand) Program focused on Wage Employment and Modern Job Roles in collaboration with Govt. and Industry. High level courses in emerging areas of agriculture for college students & professionals Engagement with Agriculture universities Benchmarking Indian Standards with the UK, Canadian and New Zealand Standards to create Transatlantic Standardsnfor employment and Immigration opportunities.
ADVOCACY Synergistic working : 1. State Governments Partnerships : Punjab, Kerala, Odisha and HP. Would be expanding this partnership across all Centres. 2. State Presence : 1 st outstation office in Mohali already established. 2 nd and 3 rd office being set up at Guahati and Bangalore by February. 4 th and 5 th office proposed to be set up in Hyderabad and Pune by May 3. Proposal submission to other states for collaboration on Agri-skilling front 4. Central Govt. Departments: Department of Agriculture of Agriculture & Cooperation, (DAC) DAHDF, ICAR, Ministry of Rural Development. Example: Standards development for PARAVETS for DAHDF and ACABC Entrepreneur for DAC Awareness building through Regular Participation in seminars & conferences viz. recent CLFMA annual seminar, IDA conference and Advantage Jharkhand Participation in exhibitions viz. CII Agro Tech, CSR SHOW NGO EXPO, ICA Expo, Focus Group discussion along with Skill Advisory Board meetings proposed at different locations in February & March Industry Collaborations and representations: ASCI has entered into MoU with 210 organizations in different segments and now propose to make / enroll more as SSC members without any charge with special membership benefits ASCI representation in Qualification Registration Committee and ASAP Kerala Govt Business Advisory Committee
TRAININGS UNDER PRADHAN MANTRI KAUSHAL VIKAS YOJNA (PMKVY) ….. 1 Solar Pump TechnicianMicro Irrigation Technician
TRAININGS UNDER PRADHAN MANTRI KAUSHAL VIKAS YOJNA (PMKVY) ….. 2 Animal Health Worker Floriculturist Open Cultivation