Vocabulary sound pitch volume vibration compression sound wave
Vocabulary Sound is made up of vibrations in our surroundings that we can hear. The speed with which sound waves move determines the pitch of the sound. The loudness of a sound is called volume. A vibration is the back and forth movement of an object. A compression is an area where air particles are pushed together. A sound wave is an alternating area of high and low air pressure that transmits energy through a medium, such as a solid, liquid, or gas.
Writing Prompt: States of Matter
Matter can change from one state of matter to another when thermal energy and pressure are added to it. All matter changes from one state to another with different amounts of heat and pressure. When matter is in its solid state, it has definite shape and definite volume. The only thing matter can do in this state is vibrate. When enough heat and pressure are added, a solid can change to a liquid through a process called melting. Matter changes into a liquid. In a liquid state, matter does not have definite shape, but it does have definite volume. Add enough heat and pressure again, and you change a liquid into a gas. The process is called boiling. Remember that as more heat is added, the atoms in matter move faster and spread apart more.
Writing Prompt: States of Matter Matter also changes when take away heat and pressure from it. Except now the molecules in matter move closer together and move slower. When enough heat and pressure are removed from matter, it can change from a gas back to a liquid in a process called condensation. Take away more heat and pressure from liquid and it can change back to a solid through a process called freezing. Matter exists as different states at different temperatures and pressures.
Vocal Chords
Sound Energy Key Points Sound moves as waves. Sound is created when matter vibrates. Sound is created when you strike, pluck, tap, objects. Sound can not move without matter. Sound is described as having pitch and volume. Sound travels fastest through solids because the molecules are tightly packed together. Sound travels the slowest through the air. Sound can not travel through space Sound is detected by your ear. Some animals can hear lower and higher pitch sounds than humans can.
Sound Moves as Waves
It travels in all directions like a ripple in a pond.
Sound Moves as Waves It travels in all directions like a ripple in a pond.
Sound Travels at Different Speeds Through Different States of Matter
Sound Travels Through Liquids
Sound Travels Through Gases Slowest
Sound Barrier What is the Sound Barrier? When airplanes go faster than the speed of sound (also called Mach 1, it's called breaking the sound barrier. An airplane must fly through the air at a speed of 700 miles per hour (322 meters per second) in order to break the sound barrier. Most airplanes don't go this fast, but some fighter jets do. When they pass through the speed of sound, the airplane sheds water drops that have condensed on the plane creating a cool looking white halo (see the picture above). When planes break the sound barrier they also create something called a sonic boom. This is a loud noise like an explosion that is generated from a number of sound waves that are forced together as the plane is now traveling faster than sound.
Sound Can’t Travel Through Space!
Pitch and Volume
Pitch of Sound Humans can hear sounds at frequencies from about 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, though we hear sounds best from 1,000 Hz to 5,000 Hz, where human speech is centered.
Detection of Sound
Blue Man Group Drumbone
Sound Video