Arab Israeli Conflict Palestinians = one of the groups of people known as Arabs Palestinians = Most followers of Islam (called Muslims) Israeli = Mostly Jews who moved to Israel in 20 th Century Palestine – former name of land where Israel was created Country of Israel – existed as Kingdom of Israel 2000 years ago but taken oven by Roman empire – no more Kingdom of Israel after Romans took over Country of Israel – reappeared in 1948 after UN granted Jews and Palestinians separate lands in Palestine – Palestinians did not agree
Arab-Israeli Conflict Israelis and Palestinians both have strong connections to the land Israelis – land given to them as descendants of Abraham (through Isaac) Palestinians – also descendants of Abraham (through Ismael) & feel entitled to the land as the Jews Palestinians promised West Bank and Gaza as their homeland Obstacle to Peace – Israel continues to build Jewish villages in West Bank meaning less land for Palestinians. Villages walled off Obstacle to Peace – Jerusalem holy city for Jews, Christians, & Muslims but under strict Israeli control
ARAB – ISRAELI CONFLICT Palestinian control – some control in West Bank by Palestinian Authority – developed from Palestinian Liberation Organization (once a terrorist group started by Yassir Arafat. Israeili leader – Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli main goal – safety & security for their people Palestinian control – some control in Gaza Strip by Hamas (considered a terrorist group) Israelis maintain ultimate control of West Bank & Gaza Strip U.S. – very strong supporter of Israel (over $3 billion last year) U.S. support of Israel – sympathy for Jews & their history; U.S. support of Israel re-affirms events from Old Testament
ISIS / ISIL ISIS – Islamic State in Iraq and Syria ISIL – Islamic State in the Levant (region of Syria and Iraq ISIS – Sunni Islamic terrorist group started in Iraq because Shia government of Iraq targeted Sunnis After U.S. takeover of Iraq, new Iraqi government had Sunnis and Shias as part of government Shia government of Iraq targeted Sunnis after U.S. forces left in 2011 Sunni targeting led to Sunni protests – led to much Sunni hatred of Shia government – led to Sunnis joining Al Qaida – ISIS forerunner
ISIS / ISIL Syria Civil War started 2011 as demonstrators wanted more rights from Shia dictator Bashar Assad Assad responded to demonstrators with military force causing demonstrators to abandon non-violent protests Fighting increases, as other armed groups join in including Al Qaida Al Qaida morphs into ISIS, a new terrorist group. ISIS starts taking over areas in Syria and Iraq Russia on side of Bashar Assad U.S. troops in Syria & Iraq fighting ISIS
HUMAN RIGHTS Comes from Universal Declaration of Human Rights – document passed by United Nations 1947 stating everyone entitled to 30 rights Rights include freedom from slavery, torture, discrimination. Also includes fair trial, freedom of worship, travel, speech, employment, marriage, education, health, relaxation, et. al. Major downside: no enforcement of UDHR – up to individual countries to follow or not. Globalization has led to more sweatshop conditions in poor countries
ENVIRONMENT Earth has cyclical pattern of warming and cooling due to orbital variations Climate Change – either warming or cooling of the earth Most scientists (97%) believe that current warming phase is not due to orbital variations but due to human activity – increased greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) due to burning oil, coal, et. al. U.S. decreasing greenhouse gases, but China & India increasing
ENVIRONMENT Effects of global warming – rising sea levels placing communities at risk of flooding. Many countries too poor to move everyone. Effects of global warming – increased acidification of oceans due to rising temperatures – some sea life unable to survive at higher temps Effects of global warming – more extremes in weather conditions Effects of global warming – northern migration of tropical diseases Many Republicans believe climate change due to orbital variations – oil companies (not wanting changes in our energy habits) generally donate to Republican campaigns – climate change efforts may cost companies jobs and money