Principles of Mechanical Ventilation Mazen Kherallah, MD, FCCP
Oxygenation Parameters Alveolar P O2 Arterial P O2 Tension-based indices –P (A-a)o2 –P aO2 /P AO2 –P aO2 /F iO2 Respiratory index Pulmonary Shunt
Distribution of Normal Ventilation-Perfusion Ratios
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Alveolar - arterial Oxygen Tension Difference P (A-a)o2 PAo2 = Fio2 (PB-P H2O ) - Pa co2 /R = (Fio2 713) - (Pa co2 /0.8) at sea level = (Pa co2 /0.8) at sea level on room air A-a Gradient = PAo2 - PaO2 Normal Value: 5-25 mmHg
Oxygenation Status Monitoring A-a Gradient Increased: –Decreased Fio2 –V/Q mismatch –Shunting process –Diffusion abnormalities Decreased –Hyperventilation –Increased Fio2
Pa O2 /PA O2 Remains stable when FiO2 changes Can be used to determined FiO2 needed for desired PO2 –FiO2 needed=[(desired PaO2)/(PaO2/PAO2)+Paco2]/(PB-47) Value of less than 0.75 indicates pulmonary dysfunction due to V/Q abnormality, shunt or diffusion abnormality
Pa O2 /FI O2 Oxygenation index Value of less than 200 is associated with severe shunt in patients with acute respiratory failure Easy to calculate
Respiratory Index P(A-a) O2 /PaO2 Normal value 0.1 Values higher than 0.1 indicate respiratory abnormality Better indicator of oxygenation dysfuntion
Pulmonary Shunt Q S /Q T = (CcO2-CaO2)/(CcO2-CvO2) Q S /Q T = (CcO2-CaO2)/(3.5+ CcO2-CaO2) when pulmonary catheter is not in place
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Oxygen Delivery Do2 = CI Ca O2 CaO2 = SaO2 1.36 Hgb + ( PaO2) CI = CO/ BSA Normal Value: mL/min
Oxygenation Dissociation Curve
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Oxygen Consumption Vo2=CI (CaO2-CvO2) CaO2 = SaO2 1.36 Hgb + ( PaO2) CvO2 = SvO2 1.36 Hgb + ( PvO2) Normal Value: mL/min
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Oxygen Extraction O2 ext = Vo2 / Do2 Normal value: 27%
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Relationship between Vo2 and Do2
Oxygenation Status Monitoring Oxygen Transport Variables
Anatomic and Capillary Shunts
Dead Space
Ventilation-Perfusion Inequality Acute Exacerbation of COPD
Ventilation-Perfusion Inequality Asthma
Ventilation-Perfusion Inequality Pulmonary Embolism
Shunting Process ARDS
The Effect of Increasing Ventilation- Perfusion Inequality on Arterial Po2 and Pco2
The effect of changing the inspired oxygen concentration on arterial Po2 for lung’s shunts of 10 to 50%
Assessment of Hypoxia
Ventilation Status Monitoring Tidal Volume: Vt Minute ventilation: Vm Respiration Rate: RR CO2 production: Vco2 Dead Space: V DS /V T
Dead Space Ventilation V D /V T =(Pa CO2 -PE CO2 )/Pa CO2 Normal is PEco2 is measured by collecting condensate from the water trap on the expiratory limb of the ventilator circuit and the measure PCO2 using blood gas analyzer
Causes of Increased Dead Space Ventilation Pulmonary embolism pulmonary hypoperfusion positive pressure ventilation High rate-low tidal volume ventilation
Arterial CO2 Pa CO2 = V CO /V E.(1-Vd/Vt)
High Minute Ventilation Increased CO2 production –Sepsis –Fever –Thyrotoxicosis –High carbohydrate feeding Increased ventilation: –Agitation –Pain –Central hyperventilation –Increased dead space
Low Minute Ventilation Decreased CO2 production –Hypothermia –Hypothyroidism –Severe sedation –Low carbohydrate feeding –Paralysis Decreased ventilation: –Sedation –Central hypoventilation –Decreased dead space
Airway Pressure Waveform
Pulmonary Mechanics Peak pressure Plateau pressure I E Airway Resistance
Mean Airway Pressure Paw= (PIP-PEEP).(T I /T T )+PEEP.(T E /T T )
Methods to Increase Mean Airway Pressure Increase in tidal volume Increase in respiratory frequency Reduction in T E Decrease in respiratory flow rate: increase in T I Addition of end-inspiratory pause Addition of PEEP
Equation of Motion
Work of Breathing Mechanical work is performed when a force moves its point of application through a distance In the case of three dimensional fluid system, work is done when a pressure (P) changes the volume (V) of the system W = P.V: {PIP-(0.5). (Pplat)/100}.v T 0.5 J/L
Static Pressure-volume curve in ARDS
Ventilatory System
Control Variables during Inspiration
Phase Variables
Modes of Ventilation
Breath Type during Mechanical Ventilation
Pressure Waveforms
Flow, Pressure, and Volume Waveforms with Constant Flow, Volume Ventilation
Flow, Pressure, and Volume Waveforms with Decelerating Ramp Flow, Volume Ventilation
Waveforms for Decelerating and Accelerating Ramp Flows
Full and Partial Decelerating Ramp Flow with Volume Ventilation
Flow, Pressure, and Volume Waveforms with Pressure Ventilation
Full and Modified Sine-flow Waveforms during Volume Ventilation
Flow, Pressure, and Volume Waveforms with Pressure Support Ventilation
Active Inspiration during Positive Pressure Ventilation
Airway Flow Waveform during Mechanical Ventilation
Airway Volume Waveform during Mechanical Ventilation
Flow-Volume and Pressure-Volume loops with COPD
Changes in Flow-Volume and Pressure- Volume loops with Bronchodilators
Pressure-Volume Loop Work Performed to Trigger the Ventilator
Pressure-Volume Loop Lung/Chest Wall Compliance
Dynamic Pressure-Volume LOOP Restrictive Work
Inspiratory Work of Breathing
Pressure-Volume Loop Deflection Points
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Volume-Cycled Control Mode Ventilation
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Assist-Control Ventilation
Indications: – for patients who are awake, moderately sedated or paralyzed and able to initiates ventilation –increase metabolic demands: infection, burns, multisystem organ failure –Respiratory muscle strengthening and weaning Limitations: –patient-ventilator dysynchrony –ventilator assisted hyperventilation in agitated patients with increased inspiratory drive –auto-PEEP in COPD patients
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Pressure Waveform for SIMV
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Indications: –patients with minimal spontaneous respiratory efforts –respiratory muscle conditioning –ventilator weaning Limitations: –patient-ventilator dysynchrony especially in agitated patients –nonphysiologic way of respiratory muscle conditioning
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Pressure Support Ventilation
Indications: –weaning –more physiologic conditioning of respiratory muscles: low pressure-high volume load –improved patient- ventilator dysynchrony Limitations:
Modes of Mechanical Ventilation Inverse Ratio Ventilation
Normal Lung Mechanics and Gas Exchange
Severe Airflow Obstruction
Acute on Chronic Respiratory Failure
Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure