Perkins 2015-16 End of Year Evaluation Halifax Community College.


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Presentation transcript:

Perkins End of Year Evaluation Halifax Community College

Perkins funding made a difference at our college by: Gave HCC an opportunity to expand programs that would not have been as successful in its expansion without Perkins dollars Gave HCC an opportunity to work more closely with the high schools in preparing a pipeline of prepared students This year’s focused approach and inclusivity across all program areas has created more awareness of Perkins and understanding of its purpose and goals Programs created several new certificates and CCPs Interest created for structured pathways

Our college’s best practice using Perkins funds is: Departmental meetings about Perkins and ensuring that all CTE departments are included—broadened the awareness Involving the math and science departments which provide foundational courses for all CTE programs to better understand CTE Providing math and science support for our secondary partners by our faculty and students

Our College Perkins Team: NameTitle Phone Deryl Davis FulmerVice President of Academic Affairs/CAO Michael EarlSchool Chair for Health and Human Services and CTE programs Calvin StansburySchool Chair for Transfer Programs, Business and Education edu

1. We strengthened the academic, career and technical skills of our students by: Offering more certificates and diplomas which increased graduation this year in our CTEs to a record awarding of credentials of completion (566 CTE completions in 2016 from 404 in 2015) Incorporated CRC in many of the CTE programs that had never been done before, giving students even more credentials (business, manufacturing, STEM areas) We hired staff in our continuing education areas to teach and be the lead faculty in 2 CTE areas. This model is working well and students are succeeding. Licensure pass rates improved. Up-to-date equipment, faculty training, and more certifications

STEM Advanced Manufacturing Day April 12, 2016

2. We linked career and technical education at the secondary level with career and technical education at the postsecondary level: Developed several pathways with an emphasis on health sciences and advanced manufacturing, each pathway includes a WBL. During the advanced manufacturing Day we held an employer engagement session facilitated by our Small Business Center director Recognized that math has to be a focus. Summer meeting is being planned to begin addressing this issue. Sent faculty and students into one school district to help facilitate math and science classes (no Perkins dollars used); part of secondary and post-secondary collaborations. Advanced Manufacturing Pre-College Saturday Academy –98 parents and students attended and CTE faculty volunteered

3. We provided students with strong experience in, and understanding of all aspects of an industry by: WBL required in some of our programs like CIS, Human Services Technology, Paralegal, Early Childhood (practicum), etc. Interview Days- A collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce Field trips to see the industry, i.e., cosmetology visited different salons Staff and faculty visited several companies to gain a better knowledge of workplace expectations and the kind of skills needed Visit by Weldon Steel to work on enhancing skills to improve employability for students and meet the local workforce need

4. We developed, improved, or expanded the use of technology in career and technical education by: Distance education coordinator provides: Blackboard training for faculty; Provided training for the CE faculty who was new to curriculum; Supports our students Advanced Manufacturing faculty received new equipment to modernize programs. They received training on how to use the technology associated with new equipment so that students will learn the state-of-the-art. Placed several courses on line in business, medical coding, math, welding (beginning course and use of virtual welder, etc.) to increase interest Partnering with one company to develop pathways from high school to community college to apprenticeship. High School CTE directors will be given a tour and discussions, along with HCC, this summer

5. We provided professional development by: Faculty attended training or trained locally by vendors for the various new equipment purchased through Golden Leaf, Duke Energy and Perkins, i.e, Certified Welding Inspector, Computer Instruction Association conference, National Electrical Codes workshop, Family Domestic Law, Julia Hamilton provided faculty and staff Perkins training, etc. Staff and faculty visited advanced manufacturing companies Departmental meetings dedicated to Perkins discussions across all CTE programs. Will begin training on PBL and Contextualized Learning as pedagogy in Fall to improve success in math and other areas that affect CTE

6. We developed and implemented evaluations of our career and technical education programs by: Through program review process we evaluated how well our programs are doing. We evaluated 5 programs this year, of which 4 were CTE. In that evaluation, we discovered the need for increased certificates and a focus on performance. Our special populations were not evaluated as we should have, but will be added henceforth into the process and we will undergo some assessment process changes to gather appropriate data. Regular assessments of licensure pass rates continue as an evaluative tool Distance Learning data and course feedback data collected each semester

7. We Initiated, improved, expanded, and modernized quality career and technical education programs, including relevant technology by: Enhanced the health sciences by adding in the Therapeutic and Diagnostic program. We had to be creative so a staff/faculty from CE was assigned to run the program. She has all qualifications to oversee this program in the academics and has consistently earned 100% graduation rates over the years including this one. Enhanced BLET by assigning a CE staff/faculty to take over the program….making as many programs as possible campus wide and utilizing the extraordinary skills of the faculty is resulting in some excellent results—< 50% pass rate to 88% Student assigned to teach the Roanoke Electric staff about solar. He won the academic excellence award as one of the Great 58

8. We provided services and activities that are of sufficient size, scope, and quality to be effective as evidenced by: Increased the graduation and completion rates by 40% in our CTE areas, from 404 in 2015 to 566 in 2016 Enrollment data showed a decrease in overall enrollment but a reduction in number of students who drop out each year by more than 50% and a financial aid retention of 89% vs. 87% the year before. Majority of students are CTE (75%) 1094 total enrollment for Sp2016 All courses in curriculum programs of study aligned with state approvals and curriculum standards

9. We provided activities to prepare special populations students who are enrolled in CTE courses by: Paid childcare expenses for CTE students Provided special orientation sessions for students in nursing, dental and medical laboratory technology (3 male students graduated). Both men and women in MLT and 2 men in Nursing CTE students visiting the Solar Farm and helping to track energy. CTE students working on live projects in automotive, in graphic design and through clinical experiences. Faculty have been seeking and securing better cites for their experiences.

Saturday Pre-College Academy

Closing Thoughts Been a tough year and a year of learning. In trying to change things to be more accountable, we also had to begin making changes. The focusing in on major concerns, such as math will be quite helpful as we move forward to improve success in CTE and meeting Perkins goals and objectives Provided secondary students an opportunity to engage with employers and faculty during Advanced Manufacturing and STEM Career Awareness Day. Expand the Pre-College Saturday Academies Collaborate with faculties at K-12 and at the College in more areas than math to enhance participation and success