US History I : Unit I Review Game GO BIG OR GO HOME!! Native Americans PeopleSettlement Life ?
Native Americans only believed that humans & animals had spiritual natures False
How did the 1 st Americans get here, over 30,000 years ago? They probably migraged here on foot over the Bering Strait, which was frozen during an Ice Age. (i.e. they walked!)
Who was the leader of the Aztecs, who was eventually brought to ruin because of Hernan Cortez. Montezuma
Native Americans had better weapons then the European explorers & colonists False
Daily Double!! Huron/Algonquin This Native American Group had an alliance with the French.
This European country settled in what today is known as Mexico, California, Florida, Central & South America. (see the map on page 32 for help) Spain
This Colony had an economy based on small farms, lumbering, fishing & shipbuilding. (New England / Middle / Southern) New England
True or False: Tobacco was a cash crop for settlers that lived in the Southern Colony True
“If anyone would not work, neither should he eat.” Which man said this, and in doing so helped to save Jamestown? Captain John Smith
Settlers from this European country bought the island of Manhattan for $24 dollars worth of trinkets. The Netherlands / Dutch
This Native American is know for his/her communication efforts between the English & Native American tribes. Pocahontas
Daily Double This persons travels in the late 1400’s helped create an exchange of people, foods and germs between Europe & the Americas Christopher Columbus
List 1 reason why Spanish Explorers came to the New World 1) Some came in search of wealth ( $$$ ) 2) Some came to convert Native Americans to Christianity
This group of people brought Christianity to the New World. Missionaries
This person established Quebec for France. Samuel de Champlain
The French considered the Huron tribe their “________ _______”. Business Partners
List 1 of the diseases or germs that the European explorers brought with them to the Americas Measles / Flu / Small Pox
True or False: The Dutch had an alliance with the Cherokee Indians. False: Iroquois
True or False: Spanish settlers in North America used mostly slaves to work on missions. False: They used Native Americans
How many years (on average) did an indentured servant have to work for a master?. 3-6 years
FINAL QUESTION Life in the Colonies QUESTION: Describe details of what life was like in the city versus life on the farm? ANSWER: Life in the City: Life on the Farm: