INTRODUC TION “Grandma, when will my dinner be ready?!?” Oh hi. Didn’t see you coming. My name is Nootau. It means fire. I am in the creek tribe. Our tribe is named like that because of the terrain in our habitat. We speak the Muskogee language. My family and I live in the southeast region.
JOURNAL ENTRY #1: HOUSING Many people think that all Indians lived in teepees, well they are wrong. We live in little houses with thatched roofs made of dried grass with plaster walls or huts. Our houses are usually arranged around a village square. Our towns were sometimes divided by color; red towns were dedicated to war and/or ceremonies. The white towns were dedicated to peace.
JOURNAL ENTY # 1: CLOTHING Well, do you want to know about our clothes? We wear clothing depending on our gender. My mom wears skirts made of deerskin or woven fiber. My dad, the chief's brother gives us materials to make shirts for hot weather, and both my parents wear cloaks in cooler weather. We also wear moccasins.
JOURNAL ENTY # 1 : FOOD “DARLING YOUR DINNER IS READY !!!!!!!!!” Finally. My dinner is ready, I am eating my vegegatables, no, that is not the word, wegetebles, no, vegetables, that is the word. The word veggies is easier. We farm at home, while the men hunt animals for our midday feast. Creek women do most of the farming, harvesting crops of corn, beans, and squash. Creek men did most of the hunting, shooting deer, wild turkeys, and fishing in the rivers and along the coast. Our dishes include cornbread, soups, and stews cooked on stone hearths.
ENTRY # 1 TRIBE CHARACTERISTICS Our tribe is very nice I’d say. We are one of the tribes in the five civilized tribes the others are Cherokee, Choctaw, Seminole and Chickasaw. We are frequently fighting the Cherokee and Choctaw, oh no here comes the tribe bully/meanie from our neighboring tribe, the Seminoles. He is known for crushing our weapons, and for hitting others with sticks.
JOURNAL ENTRY #2 TERRAIN We live in a place satisfactory for planting What we need to plant, because we live in a place that Is full of swampland and creeks, and that means the ground is full of nutrients and it is also full of heat. We can also use the jungles that grow here to hide from danger, prey, or unwanted attention while we are traveling or hunting. P.S. a hunting tip from my father is never to touch a plant that has 3 pointed leaves and is red as if it were rusted.
JOURNAL ENTRY # 2: ECOSYSTEM Yaaaaaaawwwn!!! Hi what are you doing this early in the morning? Well I have to do my chores now, I can tell you about the ecosystem along the way to the garden. We live in a swampy hot place with lots and lots of jungles, we sometimes have to wear leggings to protect us from sharp grass. T tomorrow I am learning to hunt with a simple bow, then I will learn to make fire to cook the great snake Yaaaaaaawwwn!!! Hi what are you doing this early in the morning? Well I have to do my chores now, I can tell you about the ecosystem along the way to the garden. We live in a swampy hot place with lots and lots of jungles, we sometimes have to wear leggings to protect us from sharp grass. T tomorrow I am learning to hunt with a simple bow, then I will learn to make fire to cook the great snake.
JOURNAL ENTRY #2 PLANTS AND ANIMALS Hi. it is my turn to try hunt the great snake it is a python. I will see a lot of plants and creatures that are great for eating. We eat corn beans and squash so we make food out of it we also eat deer, wild turkeys, and fish that the men find. I am supposed to practice hunting by slaughtering the python. Wait, there it is the big sna – ouch, poison ivy! Slash! I cut that bad plant. Hey! There is a little blue thing on the ground, and it has a button, I am going to push it. Flash! AAAAHHH! It caught on fire! But I can use it to make the fire to make dinner! Flash! Sling! Whoosh! Thwap! SPLATTER!!! I shot an arrow that I lit on fire and it hit its destination and snake guts splattered me. I call my new weapon the fire maker.
JOURNAL ENTRY #3:WEATHER AND SURVIVAL We have a lot of rainfall around here. Hurricanes also come here. But I have not experienced one yet and I do not know how it works. And it is very humid here too.
FUTURE PLANS I plan to learn better hunting skills and to tell the tribe Bully’s parents about what he is doing, if they don’t care then I’ll confront him while wearing a mask. He needs to know what it is like to have a black eye and a broken arm for a change. I also want to be a better help to my parents and I want to learn how a hurricane works.
I think I could have done a little more if I had more time and I had not much trouble finding resources. Thanks to Mr. Barber, I had a great website that helped me a lot. Next time I will dedicate more time to this and less time to talking.
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