Supervisory board Board of directors Workplace representation and restructuring Restructuring
IG Metall Supervisory board Germany: ThyssenKrupp 2009 Supervisory board Central works council comité central d'entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat Central works council comité central d'entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat Central works council comité central d'entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat Central works council comité central d'entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat Central works council comité central d'entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat
-3000 Supervisory board Central works council comité central d’entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat The proposals from management to cut costs Supervisory board Central works council comité central d’entreprise Gesamtbetriebsrat
Germany: Board level reps,Trade unions, Works Councils and workforce Steering Committee Supervisory board Supervisory boards Supervisory board
Supervisory boards works council comité d’entreprise Betriebsrat Outcome: the ”Essener Declaration” -3000
France: PSA Closure Flexibility = Redundancies
CCE France: trade unions, works councils & workforce
PSA – the outcome Up to € Closure Flexibility
-45 Bootle factory UK Mayr Melhof Closure = -145 Bootle factory
Demonstration share holders assembly UK: the trade union = UNITE Complaint
Agreement OK UK: the outcome Closure = -145 Bootle factory
Italy: Electrolux 2008 Closure Scandicci 470 jobs Susegana
Italy: The trade unions and the RSU
Consultation Period extended To 4 months Scandicci plant Sold to Energia Futura 370 jobs Outplacement 60 workers Italy: Electrolux and the outcome
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