Energy Opportunities on Pig Farms Presentation By: Paddy Phelan (Manager CKEA) Date: 12 th April 2016
Contents Energy Use on Pig Farms Energy Use on Pig Farms Case Study – Tybroughney, Co. Kilkenny Case Study – Tybroughney, Co. Kilkenny Phase Phase Phase Phase Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Renewable Energy Available Funding Available Funding Conclusion Conclusion
Life Cycle Analysis - Energy Fig. 1. System boundaries of the production chain of Austrian pork. Thomas Winkler, Kerstin Schopf, Ralf Aschemann, Wilfried Winiwarter From farm to fork – A life cycle assessment of fresh Austrian pork Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 116, 2016, 80–89
Energy Efficiency Have you had an energy audit done for your farm? How closely is energy use monitored on your farm? Energy on pig farms is mainly used for: heating the farrowing and first stage weaner houses, ventilation systems and fans, lighting throughout the buildings, feed delivery and mixing, power-washing, and manure pumps to mix and agitate slurry tanks.
Energy Efficiency Potential Heating Boiler/Heating System Efficiency Insulation of heated buildings – improvement & repair Lighting Replacement of old lighting with new LECFL or LED Ventilation Fans, fan controls, fan efficiency and correct sizing/setup. Pumps, motors & Mixers Manure pumping Feed systems Power washing Machinery & Transport Tractor diesel Transporting livestock, feed, slurry etc
Best Practice Energy Use on Pig Farms Reference – Carbon Trust UK - Energy Use in Pig Farms
Case Study – Tybroughney Client – Robert Dowley CKEA Engineers – Elizabeth Cosgrave & Jane Wickham
Annual Energy Usage Annual Cost (€) (incl. taxes & charges) Kerosene Consumption (L)* Electrical Energy Consumption (kWh) €/nit (incl. taxes & charges) Electricity€48, ,920€0.175/kWh Kerosene€13,00014,772-€0.88/L €61,500 Audit completed April 2014 – (Energy prices may rise or fall.) RESULTS 2014 Project post monitoring period.
Day / Night Units
This pie-chart was developed indicating the big users of electrical energy.
Energy Audits Recommendations
Better Energy Communities 2014 – Energy Upgrades Project actions:Energy audit, installation and commissioning of lighting and motor upgrades Finance source:Internal Additional funding:SEAI BEC 2014 programme Grant amount€1,953 (30%) grant. Total project cost:€6,510 Annual savings€1,426 Simple payback time:3.2 years with grant aid of 30% Resulting Savings 2014 Works
Better Energy Communities 2015 – Energy Upgrades Project actions:Installation and commissioning of heat pump Finance source:Internal Additional funding:SEAI BEC 2015 programme Grant amount€11,444 (25%) Total project cost:€39,000 Annual savings to be verified 2016€4,867 Simple payback time:5.6 years Monitoring & Verification to be completed by CKEA
Renewable Energy Potential Anaerobic Digestion Marginal investment – REFIT III - €15/MWh – Small uptake Pig slurry low energy content compared to grass/maize. EU countries better incentivised support programs (e.g. Germany)
Renewable Energy Photovoltaic Panels No current Supports for export or Spill to grid (expected 2017) Electrical base load dictates sizing. EU countries better incentivised support programs (e.g. Germany) Costs falling – CKEA example below. Roof Top Most suited to demand side option. Land Based Gold rush > acre applications to grid since Grid connection and planning uncertain.
Renewable Energy DescriptionAnalysis 250kWp- Project cost without SEAI grant €270,554 SEAI grant amount€53,080 (Incl Electrical Enabling Works) Total project cost with SEAI grant€217,474 Annual electrical savings209,130kWh Annual cost savings per 13.18c/kWh (year 1) PV Case Study 2016 O Shea Brothers Piltown, Co Kilkenny Vegetable Producers
Renewable Energy Heat Pump – Hybrid Solution CASE STUDY – ST PATRICKS, KILKENNY Project Actions 100mm pumped cavity wall Insulation. 300mm attic Insulation. Upgraded all lighting to LED’s. Replaced oil boiler with Hybrid Heat Pump system = 16kW heat pump, 2 x 30kW condensing oil boiler and a 1,000 litre buffer tank and monitoring system
Renewable Energy St Patricks Heat Pump – 2014 Heat Pump Installation
Future Higher Efficiency of production Distributed generation. Generation using micro technology in next 15 years. Self sufficient for electricity – battery technology Incentives for Bio Energy – turning bi-products to Energy. Bio Gas Biomass Reduced Transport Costs Electric/Hybrid trucks All dependant on national policy and strategy to de carbonise the economy.
Available Funding GLAS New grant scheme for GLAS registered farmers Conservation of traditional farm buildings (EE measures TBC) Up to 75% capped between €4,000 and €25,000 The application of deadline is the 6 th May 2016 TAMS II Energy efficient upgrades available for Pig and Poultry farmers 40% funding available on investments of up to €80,000 Including biomass boilers, solar panels, heat recovery systems, lighting upgrades and insulation Applications are open now BEC 2017 EE & RES Up to 50% funding (30% commercial) Expected deadline January 2017
Conclusion Have you had an energy audit done for your farm? How closely is energy use monitored on your farm? Pig farmers need to know their energy usage? An energy audit is worth doing? Identify if savings can be made by Investing in new heating technologies, Changing to new light fittings, Checking fans and controller settings on the farm. Keep up to date on technology and international trends in energy.
Thank You Paddy Phelan - Manager Carlow Kilkenny Energy Agency Follow CKEA on Like Us on Facebook “Carlow Kilkenny Energy Agency”