Wir schaffen Wissen – heute für morgen PSI, March 2013 Paul Scherrer Institut PSI / DESY / KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs „ Longitudinal Phase Space Characterization at the SwissFEL Test Injector “ G.L.Orlandi
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, Overview Instrumentations: BC-SR (BC-SR) Monitor and Transverse Deflecting Structure SITF 250MeV SwissFEL Injector Test Facility (SITF) Experimental Results SwissFEL OutLook Summary
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, Bunch-Compressor (BC) in the 250MeV SITF Bunch-Compression (BC) Design Considerations: flexible vacuum structure covering continuously the required horizontal dispersion of the beam 0.0 mm (bending angle 0 5 deg). BC YAG-Screen Monitor: Design Considerations and Purposes Monitor the Beam Profile in the BC for BC bending angle 0 5 deg. Beam Finder for the initial setting of the beam orbit in BC. Calibration of the SR monitor together with BPM position read-out. BC-Diagnostics in the 250MeV SITF
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, BC SR Monitor Purposes at SITF and SwissFEL: Monitor ( Non-Invasive ) continuously the beam profile during bunch-compression operations within the OFF crest RF phase interval Measure beam energy spread (cross-check spectrometer arm measurements) Monitor on-line the beam profile under routine FEL operations to measure variations of beam energy/energy spread or emittance Monitor interface with feed-back system (real-time analysis and feed-back) BC-SR Monitor at the 250MeV SITF BC SR-Monitor: Design Considerations SR Light Acceptance within +/- 1deg around the nominal BC bending angle (4.1 deg, dispersion=331.5 mm). SR Monitor Field-of-View > 10 x 3 rd Dipole). SR Monitor sensitivity <10 pC.
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, Technical Realization-BC 250 MeV SITF Technical drawings, courtesy L. Schulz,P. Heimgartner
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 250MeV SITF- BC Diagnostics Specifications BC-SITF Nominal bending angle 4.07 deg Mechanical bending angle range 0 5.0 deg Operational bending angle 3.0 5.0 deg Horizontal mm Nominal Beam Energy250 MeV Beam Size (rms) at 3 rd 4.07 deg5.6 mm Field of View (in-vacuum mirror length=68 mm)68 mm Projected pixel size (BC-YAG Screen) 115 m Projected pixel size (BC-SR Monitor) 40 m Relative Energy Spread Resolution (BC-YAG Screen) 3.5*10^-4 Relative Energy Spread Resolution (BC-SR Monitor) 1.2*10^-4 Lens focal length (SR Monitor)300 mm Lens diameter (SR Monitor)107 mm Camera (PCO.EDGE) pixel size (SR Monitor) 6.5 x 6.5 m^2 Camera Resolutionhor x ver = 2560x2160 Camera Frame Rate100 Hz Separation in-vacuum mirror edge and beam central orbit36 mm
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, S-Band TDC-250MeV SITF S-band -cell /2 Standing-Wave RF structure resonant to the -mode TM 110 Structure Length: about 0.45 m long (flange-to-flange) Max input RF Power 5MW, max Integrated Deflecting Voltage 4.89 MV, repetition rate 10/100Hz (Standard/Maximum) TDC Purposes: Absolute Bunch-Length Measurements and Instrumentation Calibration Slice Emittance and Slice Energy Spread Measurements
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, S-Band-TDC-Resolution Matched TDC: y =40 F10D1-DSCR-80: -270 deg betatron phase advance Expected TDC (V 0 =4.9MV) : z (RMS)= 4 m = 14 ( n =0.5 mm mrad) z (RMS)= 3 m = 9 ( n =0.2 mm mrad) Expected TDC (V 0 =4.9MV) : z (RMS)= 5 m = 16 ( n =0.5 mm mrad) z (RMS)= 3 m = 10 ( n =0.2 mm mrad) Courtesy E.Prat Courtesy R. Ischebeck
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, quadrupole BPM+screen screen 250MeV SITF Overview BC-YAG Screen Monitor BC-SR MonitorTDCHE Spectrometer X-Band
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, Bunch-Compression Operations at 250MeV-SITF -9 deg OFF RF Crest -6 deg OFF RF Crest -3 deg OFF RF Crest ON RF Crest 3 deg OFF RF Crest 6 deg OFF RF Crest Measurement of the beam Energy-Time distribution at the High Energy spectrometer with S-Band TDS. Beam energy 200 MeV, 180 pC, Flat-Top laser
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 9 deg OFF RF Crest 12 deg OFF RF Crest 15 deg OFF RF Crest 18 deg OFF RF Crest 21 deg OFF RF Crest 24 deg OFF RF Crest Measurement of the beam Energy-Time distribution at the High Energy spectrometer with S-Band TDS. Beam energy 200 MeV, 180 pC, Flat-Top laser Bunch-Compression Operations at 250MeV-SITF
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 27 deg OFF RF Crest 30 deg OFF RF Crest 33 deg OFF RF Crest 36 deg OFF RF Crest 39 deg OFF RF Crest 42 deg OFF RF Crest Measurement of the beam Energy-Time distribution at the High Energy spectrometer with S-Band TDS. Beam energy 200 MeV, 180 pC, Flat-Top laser Bunch-Compression Operations at 250MeV-SITF
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 250 MeV SITF-Bunch-Compression operations: Energy-Spread and Bunch-Length Characterization 44 deg OFF RF Crest Bunch-length measured at screen-80 with -270 deg betatron phase advance from TDC No X-band linearizer, Beam energy 200 MeV, 180 pC, Flat-Top laser Numerical simulations, thanks to S.Bettoni
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 12 pC, SR Monitor images, deg OFF RF Crest 250 MeV SITF- Energy-Spread Measurements 200 MeV, 180 pC 230 MeV, 12 pC 200 MeV, 180 pC Numerical simulations, thanks to S.Bettoni
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, SR Monitor: Scaling Test for Low Charge Operations (250MeV SITF) x (mm,RMS)=(5.387+/-0.063)mm y (mm,RMS)=(0.447+/-0.006)mm No Neutral Density Filter IN Beam Energy = 200 MeV, Beam Charge = 171 pC OFF RF crest = 44 deg image analysis, 10% noise-cut x (mm,RMS)=(5.344+/-0.048)mm y (mm,RMS)=(0.460+/-0.005)mm 10% Neutral Density Filter IN image analysis, 20% noise-cut Noise-Cut analysis tool, thanks to B.Beutner
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, 110 pC, 230 MeV, No Neutral Density Filter, Sigma_X=(0.308+/-0.005) mm Sigma_Y=(0.331+/-0.001) mm 110 pC, 230 MeV, 10% Neutral Density Filter IN, Sigma_X=(0.326+/-0.004) mm Sigma_Y=(0.350+/-0.006) mm 110 pC, 230 MeV, 1% filter IN, Sigma_X=(0.212+/-0.002) mm Sigma_Y=(0.794+/-0.124) mm NB: between this measurement and previous ones the ebeam was steered and focused. The light spot is almost at the edge of the in-vacuum out-coupling mirror SR Monitor: Scaling Test for Low Charge Operations (250MeV SITF)
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, V-SR Monitor LH, 0.130GeV X-UV-SR Monitor V-SR Monitor BC1, GeV x (mm)= deg BC2, GeV x (mm)= deg z (10 pC, rms) = 334 m z (200 pC, rms) = 871 m z (10 pC, rms) = 66.8 m z (200 pC, rms) = 87.1 m z (10 pC, rms) = 1.0 m z (200 pC, rms) = 5.1 m z (200 pC, rms) = 4.8 m, (BW) z (10 pC, rms) = 0.2 m, (as) X-UV-SR Monitor COLL, GeV Aramis Athos SwissFEL SR Monitors SR-Monitors BC1 & BC2 (Technical Design ready to be frozen): SR detection in the visible (cMOS camera +UV-IR filter nm) measure the relative beam energy spread (resolution <10^-4) SR-Monitors COLLIMATOR and Athos Beam Line (Conceptual Design under development): SR X-ray or UV detection Measure the beam emittance (COLL) or the beam energy spread (ATHOS)
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, SwissFEL TDC (Reference CDR, April 2012) S-band TDS, z=84.5 m, Ebeam=330 MeV C-band TDS, z=413.6 m Ebeam=5.856 GeV
PSI/DESY/KIT Mini-Workshop on Longitudinal Diagnostics for FELs – Energy-Spread PSI, March 2013Gian Luca Orlandi, SUMMARY BC 250 MeV SITF experimental outcomes and outlook: Design Requirements achieved Reference for the Design of SwissFEL BC1 and BC2 Bunch-Compression operations with X-band linearizer coming soon Upgrade of BC SR Monitor as on-line and machine feed-back device in view of SwissFEL S-Band TDC, reliable and routine instrument for machine commissioning and operations