Maksim Bashashin, Dmitry Kekelidze, Vladimir Korenkov, Alexandr Philippov, Yuri Potrebenikov, Sergey Kuniaev, Grigory Trubnikov
2 NICA - megaproject Project NICA/MPD is a part of the JINR Roadmap for is described in the JINR 7-years Program Project NICA/MPD, a modern accelerator facility, will support world-leading programs in long base line relativistic nuclear physics and particle spin physics, radiobiology, applied research and education One of the most important directions The main goal of the project is a study of hot and dense strongly interacting matter in heavy ion (up to Au) Project NICA Large and complex Implemen- tation period > 5 years > $ 250 million Big amount of participants and stakeholders
Ensuring the monitoring of project progress Goal 3 To create and implement specialized Information System (PMIS) for project management of NICA project implementation Single WBS (subprojects, works) Areas of responsibility Planning, accounting, control (plan-fact analysis)
Tasks 4 1.Carry out a preliminary analysis of the peculiarities of project management at JINR (to identify the main external and internal constraints). 2.Look at the CERN experience in this field. To analyze the possibility of adapting the APT EVM (CERN) system for the tasks of JINR. 3.Prepare a set of functional requirements for the PMIS. 4.Carry out the works on the development and implementation of PMIS at JINR
International standards in project management 5 PMBOK® (Project Management Body of Knowledge) Project Management Institute ICB (International Competence Baseline) International Project Management Association (IPMA) PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2) Developed in the UK in the late 1990s P2M (A Guidebook of Project and Program Management for Enterprise Innovation) Project Management Association of Japan (PMAJ)
PMBOK® 6 5 process groups 9 knowledge areas 42 processes of PM
What do we have to pay attention for during the PMIS creation? 7 1.Peculiarities of project life cycle model. 2.Triple constraint (resources – time – scope). 3.Factors within and out enterprise: a)Organizational culture, structures and processes; b)The internal fiscal rules and policies; c)Existing corporate information systems; d)The political climate and market situation; e)Organizational communications; f)Experience of using the project management information systems in the organization. 4.We need to choose and use only those processes which are appropriate for NICA project, to change (adopt) the processes for our project
«High level» peculiarities : 1. Project life cycle and work breakdown structure (WBS) 8 Life cycle Waterfall model WBS based on the project deliverables (material objects) Subprojects (large capitalized objects) Big constituent elements Minor structural elements Work Units (WU)
«High level» peculiarities : 2. Annual budgeting and planning at JINR 9 Key constraints (resources - time - scope) They should be reviewed every year JINR uses rules of «budget organization» (like government organization) «Annual window» for planning
«High level» peculiarities : 3. Existing business processes at JINR 10 accounting and management accounting (accounting, PFD, economists in the laboratories); procurement management (existence of procurement formal procedures in the organization, special department for this services); planning and control of budget execution (Finance Committee, composed of delegates from member states); communication management
«High level» peculiarities : 4. Existing corporate information systems
AIS in years 12 The systems supported the following workflows : accounting and management accounting (1S UPP, ADB2); budget planning and control (BHT, ADB2, PTP); HR (HRT, ISS, 1S UPP); the activities of scientific personnel (PIN); forming of analytical reports, analysis of financial and economic activity/results (ISS, ADB2, 1S UPP)
Collaboration with CERN 13 Official collaboration with CERN, the exchange of experience in the field of EMIS. Transfer of functional modules of APT EVM information system to JINR for further use in the management of the project NICA
LHC project before APT EVM LHC Project - Problem! Budget excess 18% Project team: “Don’t be able to keep within the allowed budget” Term excess
CERN after APT EVM plantation 15 APT EVM It was decided to develop a specialized project management system (APT EVM) as part of the CERN AIS. After After APT EVM plantation manage: Identified amount of weaknesses, in particular those related to decomposition and planning of the LHC project; Organize control out of spending; Minimize of expenditure excess in compare with planned targets
JINR APT EVM goals 16 What functionality could be implemented in the PMIS for NICA Formation of the detailed requirements for the PMIS NICA and taking into account the NICA features What is interesting/useful for us? APT EVM opportunities identify which could be useful in the NICA project management What is inside of the APT EVM? APT EVM system functional analyzing
The APT EVM startup required 17 bring the project structure for a single form and requirements, i.e., determine the restrictions on the nesting level of WBS (not more than 4 levels deep), a minimum set of WU (works) characteristics; prepare a description of the organizational structure (OBS); budget code description (in CERN like terminology); JINR user list (administrators, project managers, sub-managers and work packages); produce functional revision JINR ADB2 for cost unloading information (works payment) regarding the APT EVM elements; make the changes to the APT EVM functionality, in order for system able to perceive the cost data from an external system
The scheme of work in the APT EVM (JINR)
The pilot project findings 20 1 The EVM method should be used as the basis for the PMIS 1 The EVM method should be used as the basis for the PMIS To account for the features of the JINR method requires certain improvements 2 APT EVM can be used as a "back- end" module for a EVM indicators calculation and charting 2 APT EVM can be used as a "back- end" module for a EVM indicators calculation and charting This will significantly reduce the development time and commissioning PMIS 3 APT EVM cannot be used as a basic module (as front-end system)
Why APT EVM is not a "front-end"? 21 structural redundancy of functional elements, not user-friendly interface; serious differences between the principles of building the structure of the budget, for example, the absence of such a thing as an article of the budget at JINR; the system does not take into account the key feature of the JINR - annual box planning, replanning within one year, no detailed plans before the end of the project; the assignment of values of spending funds on the level of work packages and not on the level of the work itself; Russian user interface absence
Functional requirements 22 Group of the priority requirements WBS and WU В качестве одного из основных способов отображения проекта использовать иерархическую структуру работ (WBS) проекта, а также пакеты работ (WU) на самом нижнем уровне WBS. Links between WU, Milestones Разработка расписания проекта с обязательным определением: a.Логической зависимости между пакетами работ (WU) типа «finish-to-start», «start-to- start» и «start-to-finish»; b.Контрольных точек проекта (milestones), свидетельствующих о достижении значимых результатов проекта или выполнении ключевых этапов работ. Baselines На этапе выполнения работ в случае корректировки планов использовать «версионность планов» (Baselines). В конкретный момент времени активным может быть только один вариант Baseline, остальные могут быть использованы для отслеживания ретроспективы и сравнения. EVM, reports Для отслеживания хода выполнения работ и осуществления процесса контроля стоимости проекта использовать метод освоенного объёма (EVM). Отчеты по методу EVM в разрезе элементов WBS. Отчеты накопительным итогом (с начала проекта по текущий момент). Reporting with one-year window Отчет план-факт анализ финансовых затрат по проекту NICA с окном в 1 год (в связи с годовым планированием в ОИЯИ). Access rights for each WBS and WU Разграничение прав доступа для работы с ИС для: ответственных за отдельные элементы WBS и WU; руководителей проекта, руководителей подпроектов; администраторов системы
Functional requirements 23 Group of the remaining requirements 7 Responsible for WBS«Закреплять» ответственность за определенным сотрудником на каждом из уровней WBS 8 WU features Для каждого элемента WU определять как минимум следующий набор характеристик: a.Ответственный за выполнение WU; b.Плановая и фактическая дата начала и окончания работы; c.Финансовые показатели: плановые затраты, фактические затраты, освоенный объем; d.Наличие результатов (deliverables), т.е. будет ли получен результат по окончании выполнения работы. 9 Gantt chart Графическое представление расписания проекта в виде диаграммы Gantt с отображением зависимости между WU или WBS. 10 Editing WBS/WU through WEB На этапе построения первоначального плана или формирования новой Baseline иметь возможность делать это через WEB-интерфейс. 11 Versions (variants) of plans На этапе разработки плана проекта иметь возможность подготовки нескольких вариантов плана для различных вариантов развития событий (например, для различных вариантов финансирования работ по NICA). 12 Tracking plans using Gantt charts Для отслеживания календарного хода выполнения работ и достижения контрольных точек проекта использовать визуальное сравнение (Gantt) текущей ситуации с активным Baseline (с планом). 13 Status reportsОтчет по статусу выполнения работ. Отслеживание сдвига календарных сроков. 14 WEB access to EVWEB доступ для сотрудников, ответственных за элементы WU, для ввода информации об освоенном объеме. 15 notifications Уведомления по эл. почте сотрудников, ответственных за элементы WU, для ввода информации о ходе выполнения работ (EV и др.) 16 WEB access to reportsWEB доступ к отчетам. 17 Integration with other information systems Возможность интеграции ИС с финансово-учетной системой ADB2 или 1С 8.2 для получения информации о фактически оплаченных счетах по проекту NICA. 18 Critical path Расчет критического пути проекта для определения перечня тех WU, от которых зависит продолжительность выполнения всего проекта. what if What ifФункционал «что если?». В рамках процесса управления рисками для оценки влияния негативных событий на проект, а также подготовки различных вариантов корректировки планов, необходимо иметь возможность «посмотреть» как изменится проект (сроки выполнения, финансовые затраты) в случае изменения отдельных характеристик проекта (например, задержки выполнения определенных работ, изменение зависимости между работами, сокращении финансирования)
The constraints for PMIS 24 during the development of PMIS to use the platform and software modules, which are already used at JINR; for the development and implementation of PMIS should be involved in our own human resources; minimize the financial resources in the PMIS development. Additional criteria : access to the source code of information system; a sufficient number of qualified specialists at the moment; the ability to quickly find and train new programmers to replace; the architectural and functional ability to modify (adopt) the information system to the peculiarities of the JINR; elimination of the dependence on external suppliers in the modification of the information system to the peculiarities of the JINR
Different variants of PMIS development 25 VariantDescription № Short name I EVM +Proj. Using the APT EVM system + development of additional functionality for MS Project Profesional integration (import / export data into MS Project and loading them back into EVM). II ADB2 + APT EVM + Proj. Using 3 systems as one complex: ADB2 + APT EVM + integration with Microsoft Project Professional (upload data to MS Project and loading them back into ADB2). ADB2 is used as a front-end system, APT EVM is used back-end system (as an internal software module for charts and reports creation). III 1S typical solution Purchase of standard (third-party) solution (module) based on 1S 8 platform. As a rule, all of the proposed solutions on the market have the ability to import / export data in Microsoft Project Professional. IV 1S custom solution + Proj. The development of a new independent module based on 1S 8 platform. The solution (module) must have functionality for import/export data in Microsoft Project Professional. Has been chosen II variant
Agile methods of the development and implementation the PMIS for NICA 26 the ADB2 and APT EVM development have been doing simultaneously (ADB2 at JINR, APT EVM at CERN); new functional changes, were added to ADB2 iteratively; at the end of each iteration, users received a new functionality with which they could use immediately; due to the large number of short iterations we could get quickly feedback from key users; this approach helped us to take into account their needs and wishes and didn't waste our time and didn't develop a "dead" functionality
The resulting scheme of work in PMIS
The PMIS development strategy 28 It was decided to divide the system into two parts: 1.The high-level block of project management (monitoring system) – manage of large project elements where the lower level work can have a duration of up to one year. This block work is implemented functional of ADB2 and APT EVM modules. 2.The operational management – for detailed calendar and resource planning of the short works. This block is implemented by MS Project Prof
What basic functionality is implemented in PMIS? 29 WBS structure management and WU binding to the responsible persons; Project works planning and replanning; Versions of project plans (baselines);
What basic functionality is implemented in PMIS? 30 Work progress tracing in terms of AC (actual payments) and EV (earned value or % performance); Notification system users by (for current progress report of the works); Reports (some figures and etc.) according to the EVM procedure (PV, AC, EV);
What basic functionality is implemented in PMIS? 31 The project Financial Statements taking into account the "annual frame", the features of the JINR budget and payment schedules for project work; User access rights;
What basic functionality is implemented in PMIS? 32 WEB interface
Plans to the end of increase the functionality of the operational management block of project management of PMIS (ADB2 and MS Project Prof integration); add a new types of charts, including reflecting the progress of works forecast and for operational monitoring (the progress of work) in the framework of the whole project and within "annual window "; give users the ability to select alternative PV-profiles (the different types of curves for the plan of works implementation)
Thank you!