Upgrade from 2013 to SDL Web 8 Road Map for Up-gradation
INTRODUCTION We will see in forthcoming slides on the current solution in place for the customer, what are future needs and changes for them in 2016 and hence what steps are envisaged to be taken to keep them successful. We will find answers to : WHAT was in place for Customer currently? WHY Customer will change its Infrastructure in future? HOW we (vendor) can help to meet the expectations? WHERE are the key challenges and risks?
WHAT is in place for Customer? 1.1 Current Solution Designing for customer SDL Tridion 2013 SP1, provides scaled out environment with common Microsoft platform utilizing the standard.NET frameworks. 1.2 Salient Features: Based on Tridion - an enterprise-level WCMS supplied by SDL. Used exclusively by large, global organizations to handle vast amounts of information and activity. External connections Appropriate Firewall settings in place.
WHAT is in place for Customer? 1.3 Technical Details : TCM GUI Websites running on.NET 4.0 (and above) Interacting with the DD4T Delivery Libraries Websites running on Java platform Core service to interact with CM from CD Broker query to fetch data from broker (dynamic content) Smart target for branding and promoting promotional content More data needs to be put according to your customer to make the case strong
WHY Customer will change its Infrastructure? 2.1 WHICH CMS as a way forward ? Ability to anticipate – As Vendor and M&S partners, we (vendor) could anticipate that they would evaluate if Web 8 is the best CMS to enable them remain competitive in Hence it was essential to compare with other CMS available in market vis a vis Tridion (Web 8) to be best prepared for such analysis. Duty to advise - R&D conducted on technical and functional aspects confirmed that Web 8 is a feature rich, robust and user friendly CMS which will cater to customer’s needs in case they went for a version upgrade.
WHY Customer will change its Infrastructure? 2.2 WHY SDL Web 8? SDL Web is comprised of four solution areas to create an optimized online experience and help with marketing, IT, and business Web Content Management (SDL Tridion) Experience Optimization (SDL Smart Target and Mobile) Digital Media Management (SDL Media Manager) Localization (Translation Manager Connector)
WHY Customer will change its Infrastructure? NEW FEATURES IN Web 8: One Place for all and Stepping up All required modules are pushed in a single SDL Web Accelerate time-to-market content using Blueprinting with adjustable hierarchy positioning Instant Site Wizard automatically creates publication, add mappings, etc. and the site is ready to publish. Cloud & Deployment Extended support for cloud and dynamic server Native support for cloud databases Topology Manager - the objective is to simplify and provide predefined delivery server topologies Cost involved Carry out upgrades much faster and simple Cloud DB Support, such as Microsoft SQL Server on Azure
HOW we (vendor) can help to meet the expectations? By collaborating with Customer, we (vendor) can help in incorporating one POC by migrating any of the existing website to SDL Web 8 from And then with actual upgrade and sites migrations. Customer needs to provide SDL Web 8 installers and license (developer / single server version) Environment / Infrastructure for the POC (Detailed plan is mentioned below) 3.1 Infrastructure Scoping Server infrastructure for SDL Web 8 up-gradation from 2013 needs to be set up keeping in mind TA’s Development server architecture. Three server have been pointed out with required environment specifications for this POC. Content Manager Server, Content Delivery Server, Database Server are three different servers. **Please create Detailed server scoping
HOW we (vendor) can help to meet the expectations? 3.2 Activity Detailing Tridion Web 8 Setup needs to be incorporated in the following servers: 1.Content Manager Server Set up Installing new CM modules for Web 8 Migrating modules from 2013 to Web 8 (wherever required) New configuration related changes for Web 8 Smart Target migration (if required) 2.Content Delivery Server Set up (In this case this will be the presentation server as well) Installing new CD modules for Web 8 Migrating modules from 2013 to Web8 (wherever required) New configuration related changes for Web 8 3.Database Server Set up and Migration with customer’s existing data CM and CD Databases (Broker) Migration Applications specific Data Set up and Configuration changes (if required) Fred Hopper Database setup. **Please create Detailed Setup Steps and Plan.
HOW we (vendor) can help to meet the expectations? 3.3 Testing and Validations Initial Test Case Definitions and validations: Each test case will have to pass (Detailed test cases will be put in an excel) SL NoTest CasesModuleStatusOwner 1TCM accessibility and features of GUICM Functionality 2Different CMS features functionalityCM Functionality 3Normal /Dynamic PublishingCM/CD functionality 4New Extensions testingExtension modules 5Promotions Creation (Smart Target)CM/CD functionality 6 ingCM/CD functionality 7Templating functionality (PT/CT/TBBs)CM/CD functionality 8New Changes/Implementations TestingCM/CD functionality 9Improvement TestingCM/CD functionality 10Port connectivity across serversPort Configurations 11Websites Accessibility and StylingDelivery and application 12Site’s functionality (includes registration /login/ static and dynamic content) Application
HOW we (vendor) can help to meet the expectations? 4.1 Timelines and Milestones (for POC) ModulesPlanned TimeMilestonesResponsibleRemarks Server Set upInfra ReadyNew Servers with Web 8 Specs Database Set up (Migration of Data) Database ReadyData Migration in Database Server CM Set up (Installation /Configuration / Testing) CM Ready CD Set up (Installation/ Configuration/ Testing) CD ReadyNew implementations requirement if any CM Migration (New changes/Implementation ) CM Ready and functional Current Templates/TBBs feasibility CD Migration (New changes/Implementation) CD Ready and functional DD4T Templating feasibility with existing code set up Presentation Server Setup (Configurations/ websites set up ) Presentation Server Ready and functional Overall TestingTesting as per defined test cases Bug Fixing and RetestRetesting and Fixing Total Time PlannedPOC Completed
WHERE are the key challenges and risks? 5.1 Challenges in SDL Web 8 (OnComponentSavePre and OnPagePublish), ChallengesMitigation PlanRemarks Web 8 module installation and set up User guide for Web 8 upgrade/installationNeeds SDL’s help for any issues with setup Database MigrationDatabase scripts for migration will be usedMight require DB expert help for any unforeseen issues Content Migration from current system Re-writing of codes if required with DD4T integration Current user control based Templating needs to be migrated with MVC architecture using DD4T libraries Reusability of Page and component views Extensions feature rewriting (if required) Upgrade challenges with regards to any extensions or API calls, and for Content Broker queries Rewriting of existing code with Web 8 supported design wherever required
Conclusions and Lessons Learned Conclusions Server architecture and Tridion setup plan is based on client’s Development server architecture. Initial Scope and timeline has been defined for this upgrade, may vary at real time experience. This will help to identify actual timelines for full fledged upgrade. Improvement suggestions after successful POC. Resources with SDL Web 8 Upgrade experience. Lessons Learned Successful execution of POC leads to experience for full migration of all customer sites to SDL Web 8 Key areas and requirements for Web 8 Setup and migration. Different challenges and fixes of the same during upgrade POC.
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