80,000+ individual/ personal eFolio owners Web-based content manager to create an online portfolio Owners provide mostly free-form content to populate their sites Limited use of “Toolkit Questionnaires” for competencies & online forms 2
PROS Powerful system for creating and maintaining an “online showcase” for others to visit Extensive tools for personalizing the public- facing portfolio, via images, custom HTML, and a library of “skins” to apply to the site. CONS Difficult, parallel tool for competencies and online forms Not designed for personal content management Aging interface “Too free-form” for some applications, markets, and partner systems Inability to “connect” portfolios for searches, information sharing, grouping, etc. 4
1. Powerful tools to manage & organize content (forms, records and artifacts) related to education, employment, skills, activities and other relevant information 2. Balanced combination of “bottom-up” (or “freestyle”) and “top-down” (or “form-based”) content entry 3. Intuitive, flexible system to selectively present content to online visitors, using public and/or private online site(s) 4. Collaboration and search tools to work across portfolios, making legacy boundaries transparent 5. Improved, contemporary infrastructure featuring better performance, easier expandability, and modularity of interfaces and systems 5
6 Your eFolio Search Results Summary Reports Student ProfileWorker Profile eFolio Search Portal Basic & Advanced Search Controls Public Site or Blog Private Online Resume eFolio Repository
eFolio owners will select a “profile”, which will flavor the user experience appropriately Examples of profiles: Student Worker Educator Profiles will provide: Customized online help Faster access to appropriate forms and features Site templates & placeholder content specific to the goals of the profile Owners can change their profile as they evolve from “student” to “worker” or “educator”, without losing content or starting over. 7 Your eFolio Student ProfileWorker Profile
An owner’s chosen profile will flavor their user experience. Example: “Adding New Content” Default list of content types specific to profile Clicking “more” shows complete list 8
Users add content to their eFolio using a variety of methods: Voluntarily entering content, using templates or typing “free-form” Uploading electronic files & artifacts (images, video, PDF, MS Office, etc.) Completing online forms & questionnaires from the system’s “Forms Library”, such as Skills Assessments or industry-specific competency reports 9 Your eFolio
Importing Content eFolio’s modular architecture will allow for easier integration with 3 rd party systems and industry standards for importing & exporting content. Planned modules/providers include: ▪ Public RSS feeds ▪ YouTube ▪ IMS Portfolio Packet ▪ IMS SSC-SCORM ▪ LodeStar ▪ HRXML ▪ School transcript systems 10 Your eFolio
Once entered, a user can publish their content in a variety of methods: A public site An interactive blog A private, topic-specific site or online resume An RSS news feed A “digital life plan” site 11 Your eFolio Public Site or Blog Private Online Resume
Each eFolio contributes to the growing repository of student & worker details The system will provide a search portal where sponsors can perform basic and advanced searches by name, geographic location, free-form content, specific responses to online forms, and more Additionally, the system will produce automated “summary reports” of usage metrics, visitor traffic, and more 12 Search Results Summary Reports eFolio Search Portal Basic & Advanced Search Controls eFolio Repository
13 eFolio Content Hosted Views Default eFolio site for general visitors Public site or Blog on a specific topic Private eFolio site for a potential employer or teacher (login required) Published Content Published Content Course-specific site, showcasing content contributed from multiple student’s eFolios RSS Feed of blog content to other sites Searchable Content eFolio content contributes to system-wide searches by MnSCU, schools, employers, & other trusted partners. Content Export: IMS Portfolio Packet, etc. Content Export: IMS Portfolio Packet, etc. A “Digital Life Story”: a time-specific collection of artifacts & reflections
14 Personal eFolios Program Portfolios Institution Portfolio As legacy boundaries between portfolios become transparent, the system will allow summary reports to be passed along to other Portfolio systems Programs, courses or departments will be able to summarize, or “roll up”, information from affiliated personal eFolios Institutions will, in turn, be able to summarize program data All reports will be dynamic, and up-to-date based on the most granular content of the individual owner’s eFolio
Based on current/upcoming Microsoft technologies: Windows Server, SQL Server, IIS, and Visual Studio 2008 AJAX-based administrative interface, Windows Communication Framework Full “provider-based” model Third-party integration becomes more streamlined: creating modular providers for each partner application is vastly improved versus complex or specialized data integration efforts Opens up content sharing INTO eFolio ▪ Learning Management Systems (LMS) ▪ Job banks ▪ Other portfolio systems Allows content FROM the eFolio to contribute to ▪ Educational portals ▪ RSS feeds ▪ Other portfolio systems 15
Core Features: Manage and organize content ▪ Forms-based content entry ▪ Free-form content entry ▪ Image and File uploads Create & maintain web sites Account management Content import & export Beginner Features: Placeholder site content (OR structure) Step-by-step prompted tour of the administration tool “Fall off a log” easy, intuitive, convenient, and encourages repeated & frequent use Advanced Features: Multiple sites from single repository of content Custom page layout/formatting within a site Management of large amounts of content, files, images, and other artifacts “Collector”: powerful, query-based content tool for sites Other features: Messaging & feedback Grouping and shared-site contributions Third-party integrations 16
Live previews of changes Drag-and-drop editing and management Gently encourage owners to complete forms for their content whenever possible (instead of “Basic” or “Section Introductions”…) Maintain full customization for portfolio owners to uniquely express themselves Never frustrate the owner Simple, clear, informed entry for new owners Powerful, intuitive controls for returning owners 17
Owners will use “filters” to browse their content by topic, source, filetype, etc. Additionally, owners can “tag”, or apply custom keywords, to any content they add for even more powerful filtering 18
Type-specific fields are nested in “Items” Related artifacts (images, video, documents, etc) are uploaded to each applicable entry Reflections limited to one multi-line field 19
F0rms are completed and saved to your content collection Owners are encouraged to link & relate content where possible Multiple reflections are supported and “date stamped” automatically 20
Owners will use a new, “WYSIWYG”- style editor to construct their eFolio Owners will be able to create multiple sites for specific purposes. Each site can be public or private, have it’s own navigation and design, and more. 21
Help is context sensitive, but other topics are still “browse-able” Help topics can link to other resources, such as external web pages, samples, tutorials, etc. 22
A. Owners may elect not to create a public eFolio, requiring searches to “inquire” via the in-game messaging component for access to a private view B. eFolio owners may choose not to be “contacted” directly by C. Finally, some eFolios owner’s may only be made available via a workforce center or other controlling group; these “private” users can only be contacted by inquiring through that proxy agency. Content from these owner’s portfolios still contribute to demographic reports Summary reports will also be available, reflecting non- identifiable demographic details without violation of each owner’s privacy or security. 24 A. B. C.